#jem carstairs x tessa gray











I was tagged by @dancewithyoutoday thank you!! I’m honored

rules: tag 9 ppl you want to get to know better

top 3 ships:

Gallavich and Gallavich again from Shameless. Gallavich x3. Those two have the best chemistry in the world. Period. But ok Klainefrom Glee. Even if I don’t ship them like I used to, Kurt’s one of my favorite character ever and he will always be my baby. Cazzie from Atypical, I was so happy with those girls, gimme more.

last movie:

Aladdin live action. It was all I needed.

currently reading:

I’m reading El Jardín de al lado by José Donoso, I bought it from my neighbor in a yard sale and it has been helped me a lot during this quarantine. But like, literally in this right moment I’m re-reading this lovely Gallavich fanfic “None the wiser”by Loftec because it always makes my heart feel better.

food im craving:

I don’t feel like eating too much right now, my appetite closes every time i’m nervous and well, you know, hard times for the world. BUT maybe some homemade pizza could help ?

Now I wanna know this about you I tag @lovelyklaine @milkymickeyway@loftec@imikhailo@fabreagab@babygoldfish921@gallavich-and-millagher@mickeys-upset@tryintosurvive

Awww! I feel special

Rules: tag nine people you want to get to know better.

Top three ships: Gallavich, Larry, and any combination of pairings between the members of 5 Seconds of Summer.

Last movie: my dad and I started watching the movie called like father. We didn’t finish it.

Currently reading: Ten of Swordsbyforthewidowsinparadise on Ao3. They are one of the people I follow on here but I have the memory of a dead guppy so I have no idea what their tumbler handle is. If you know who they are, tag them for me.

Food I’m craving: chicken nuggets covered in teriyaki sauce. I had that for lunch and dinner and they are so good I want more.

Now I want to know more about you. - @gallavichthings@gallavich-af@grumblesandmumbles@ao3feed-gallavich@cameronmonaghanclan@fuck-me-for-giving-a-shit@hotestshit@heylilmilky@its-a-queer-thing@littlespooneven@nostalgic90s

Thank you @babygoldfish921 for the tag!

Rules: tag nine people you want to get to know better.

Top three ships: Gallavich (duh), Valeska (Jerome and Jeremiah, maybe it’s twinleska? Not really sure), Reddie (From IT, Ritchie and Eddie)

Currently reading: Well, I ordered two books and I’m waiting for them to come in the mail. But my last read was “One For Sorrow”

Food I’m craving: Tacos, greasy beef (or shrimp) tacos with lots of hot sauce and sour cream XD

Now I want to know more about you. @jamisjustanothermanic@datolya@cannibalgh0st@twinleska@decomposedgod@naydoesntlike-liars 

Thankies  @nostalgic90s for the tag-!!! 

Rules: tag nine people you want to get to know better.

Top three ships: (Oh man this is a hard one!!!) Riddlebird/Nygmobblepot (Yes the same characters but I like to think Riddlebird is their villain ship name) Batjokes (Uhh..many versions of Batjokes…!!) oh and I’ve fallen back to Drarry..!!! but I have many ships..!!!

Currently reading: oof.. I just finished all the Harry Potter books and it was a ride…!!! Now after finals I can catch up on fanfictions and maybe I also can read Curse Child!!

Food I’m craving: Ahh…Dim Sum!!!!  

tagging:@empressgreyofphoenix@cannibananabalism@jinxofthedesert@i-swear-its-just-me@glittergummy @gh0stshrimp  (only do this if u wanna for fun ^-^)

oh damn thanks for tagging me

top three ships:

batjokes(all forms of it), geraskier, harrisco(i’m talking about the flash, the wells’ and cisco seem to just have something happening) nygmobblepot because i can add a fourth ship if i want to

currently reading:

the hobbit

food i’m craving:

the sweet taste of freedom from my school work

(i also want pot-stickers)


@thescarypaper@imhereforthefluff@star-trek-is-my-lifesource@xx-rayne-or-shine-xx@i-ll-be-the-moon love ya @thelakehasabottom@give-roger-his-maracas-back

that’s it

thanks for tagging me

top three ships: (ahh this is hard!)

okay… avalance (i just fricking love them so much), deckerstar, mckirk, and spirk. (because my shipping heart just cant choose.)

currently reading:

nothing much but soon im going to start reading the fanfics “Oh God Not Again!” By Sarah1281 on fanfiction.net and “Switch” by Ceres_Libera on Ao3

food im craving:

pizza. Cheesy pizza. So much fricking pizza.

tagging:@bangtanbambi@pistachoz@parafron123@sunni-808@wizzypiehigh9@mayasigma@fablesrose (if you dont want to do it or have done it before than its fine! Its just for fun anyway)

aaw thanks for tagging me!!

top three ships: ineffable husbands (they are so cute, my heart can’t take it), whoffle, bellarke (on the book bc in the show im all clexa), peraltiago (i needed to mention my bbys)

currently reading: ok so this is definitely hard bc i have this weird habit of reading more than one book at the time, so rn im reading ‘call me by your name’ and rereading ‘aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe’

food im craving: SUSHI, I MISS IT SO MUCH seriously if i could, i would eat it daily

tagging:@plxstic-rose@kisstherainwriting@nyeddleblog@the-timeless-doctor@mca-attack21 (and anyone else who wants to do this)

Thanks for tagging me hon, sorry an actual eternity has passed

top three ships: Ack, I change these every time. Right now, Harlivy, Doctor/Master, aaaaaaand Crowley/Aziraphale

(shout out to Fuffy and Chansaw)

currently reading: Masks of Conquest by Gauri Viswanathan and Bridget Jones’s Diary by Helen Fielding, both from my exam readings. My reading lists are… a little all over the place tbh

food i’m craving: update since the last time I responded to this tag game: I GOT THAT BURGER!! My burger place opened up for takeout!! I ate a burger in my car and cried!! 

So right now I am craving chocolate pudding, which I never eat or buy and have no reason to crave

tagging:@alysswit1325@aufish79 @annabel-lee-the-timelord@dodie-y3llow,@megth3dinosaur, and anyone else who wants to do it!

;~; thank you for tagging me!! i’m honoured and humbled just like always TwT

Top Three Ships:

aaaaah, okay. different answers this time because i started rewatching/playing things again!! yeehaw!! so, in no particular order: britta perry/annie edison from Community (i just like the opposites attract trope), sable/tom nook from Animal Crossing, and harlivy. always harlivy.

not to copy you but shout out to chansaw!!!

Currently Reading:

A Series of Unfortunate Events books 1,2,3,12, & 13 by Lemony Snicket, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbotsky, Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta, and Towards Zero by Agatha Christie. asoue and perks are for an english essay, and shout out to jess for lending me looking for alibrandi. i love it and owe you this entertainment

Food I’m Craving:

hey 1. Rain, are you alright?? also congrats on that burger!! 2. i do be craving lasagne though oh my god. wow. also strawberry milk tea with strawberry popping pearls


@maisymousebabey@maniic-pixie-dream-girl@pessimisticlatte@theboredbookworm@hrd-tmes@misfitgirlwrites@imgaydontshoot@hayadora and anyone who wants to do it

awww, bri, baby, thank you so much for tagging meeee!!! ❤️ you are an absolute angel ❤️

Top Three Ships:

god, catradora and harlivy becoming canon absolutely destroyed me so imma have to put my girls on the list! and i’m currently really feeling james carstairs and tessa gray because i started reading the dark artifices series again and they’d just so cute!! no offence to will, i love will herondale but jessa, jessa, man

Last Movie:

i’ve been watching the princess and the frog on repeat with guardians of the galaxy interspersed between each rewatch so i’m not sure if that counts

Currently Reading:

where do i start? the dark artifices series by cassandra clare for one! i’m also reading a bunch of edgar allan poe’s works for an english assignment (i love poe!!!) which is awesome. my to be read list is miles long and i keep cycling through books i’ve already read. so i’m reading throne of glass (sarah j maas), windwitch (susan dennard), the cruel prince (holly black), cinder (marissa meyer), and the seeress of kell (david eddings)

Food I’m Craving:

bri, you’re making me want lasagna and that’s a crime. but i’m really craving nachos with jalapeños and some lemonade right now; i just want something fizzy and something spiiiiicy!


@mochegato@camelliaflwr@aussie-lesbian@severalverysmallmangoesinabasket@katieykat513@itwasmydog and anyone else who is following me who wants to join in!
