#jeno x male reader


summary: jeno normally has a very soft and nonthreatening aura, but when it comes to someone hurting you, he becomes intimidating and protective
pairing: lee jeno x male reader
word count:2106
to do

“You look very nice today.” Jeno kisses your temple as he passes.

You look down. You’re wearing an old shirt of Jeno’s  that most likely originated as someone else’s and a pair of sweatpants that have definitely seen better days. Jeno glances over as you examine yourself.

“Thank you?” You question.

He grabs his things from your kitchen table. He slides his phone into his pocket and walks back over to you. His hands snake around your waist. He kisses the side of your neck gently. You stand up straighter, no longer leaning against the counter and helplessly waiting for your coffee to finish brewing.

“It’s not about your clothes, it’s you.”

He definitely needs to leave in the next few minutes to be on time but part of you, a tiny non-thinking part, wants him to be late so you can stay this way for a while. Both of you go quiet. The sound of coffee dripping into your cup is the only thing you can heart until Jeno checks his watch. You lean your head back. One of Jeno’s hands moves up. It inches up to your chest and he taps an unknown rhythm on your skin. He kisses your jaw, then your shoulder, before pulling away.

He rubs your arm and takes a second to watch you. “I love you.”

You smile. It’s wonderful.

Jeno is sure he’s never seen anything better.

“I love you too.”

As he opens your front door and you pour your first cup of coffee, he smiles at you. There’s something in his eyes you can’t quite decipher. The only word that comes to mind is fondness. “And you do look exceptionally good today.”

You hop on a bar stool. You lean over, trying to flag down the bartender. You attempt to call for the man but the blaring music in the background drowns out your words. Just as the bartender begins to turn towards you, someone to your left pushes you to the side. You stumble off the stool. You don’t fall fully to the ground but stumble for a second before you can recover. He saddles up on the stool you were sitting on and waves his card around. 

Before you’re fully recovered from the half-fall, Jeno appears by your side. His face is pulled into contorted concern. He’s holding your arm gently and glancing around for the cause.

“Did he push you?” He asks.

You’re sure he already knows the answer. Especially when, after he makes sure you’re okay, he taps on the man’s shoulder. The man blows him off. Jeno grabs his shoulder and the man tries to shrug it off, continuing to wave his hand at the bartender. You can see Jeno roll his shoulders back. He tilts his head slightly. Even behind him, you’re growing worried for the sitting man.

He grabs the man’s shoulder much harder and pulls the man to face him.

“What?” The man snaps. He comes face-to-face with Jeno. “What do you want?”

“Apologize to my husband.” Jeno states.

The word at the end makes your eyes go wide. It knocks the wind out of you much worse than the fall did.

The man looks over Jeno’s shoulder. He rolls his eyes and turns back around. “He was in my way.”

You can hear Jeno scoff. He grabs the man once more. He lifts the man off the seat. “Apologize. Now.”

“Or what?” The man stands around the same height as Jeno. Maybe an inch or so taller.

He glares at Jeno but Jeno’s posture doesn’t change. Jeno turns slightly, keeping his face directed towards the man but directing him in your direction.

“You don’t want to know how much I would do for him. Apologize, or I drag you outside.”

Something in Jeno’s face must convince the man he doesn’t want to pursue that argument. He rolls his eyes again. 

“You’re not even worth it.” He holds his hands up, still pretending to be strong in this scenario, despite him backing away from you and Jeno. “Sorry.”

He over pronounces the two-syllable word and finally walks away. You look to Jeno, slightly concerned for him but more confused about the situation. Jeno rolls his eyes. He looks towards you and smiles, a complete opposite impression of the person he was before.

“What was that?” You ask.

“He pushed you.” Jeno answers. It seems simple to him when is anything but simple to you. He pulls the stool closer to him and points to it. “come on, you wanted to order?”

You look at him. You still have semi-wide eyes. You repeat. “What was that?”
He was being rude.” He pats the stool and leans over the bar. “I  knew you weren’t going to say anything, so I did.”

You jump unto the stool. His hand rests on your thigh. He raises his other hand slightly, holding two fingers up. The bartender walks towards you immediately. You put your order in and Jeno orders another drink. He looks at you with something between a smirk and a smile.

The bartender begins to walk away. You feel weirdly nervous in Jeno’s stare. He can tell you’re thinking of something. You don’t want to share but both of you are aware that with just a few more seconds of Jeno looking at you, every thought you’ve ever had will be spilled to the floor. Sure enough, you’re opening your mouth to repeat the wondering statement bouncing and repeating in your head.

“You called me your husband.”

Jeno doesn’t act like it’s as big of a deal as you feel it is. He shrugs his shoulders. “It feels stronger to say when I stick up for you. I want you to be, anyway. Maybe I wanted to start getting used to saying it.”

You sit in the chair with a tight expression. Thousands of thoughts are running through your head. Jeno smiles to himself as the bartender returns with your beverages. Jeno notices you’re still frozen in place.

“You know, a lesser person would be offended you’ve been frozen by me wanting to be your husband, but I’m going to choose that you’re in shock.”

He bumps your shoulder and waits for you to join him walking back to the other boys. You sit back down at your seat and Jeno places your drink in front of you. The others are recounting different stories to each other, laughing and talking louder than the music playing. Jeno stands beside you and gently picks up your hand. He looks at you with a soft expression, one completely devoid of the anger he had seconds ago, and joins in adding details to the winding stories being told.


Jeno comes home to a lit house. The ceiling lights are off but every other light in your shared house is on. LED lights by the TV, changed lamp bulbs, fairy lights stringing through the hallway and spread as far as possible through the house all emit a light-blue light. Confusion overwhelms him as he kicks his shoes off. He’s walking closer to the couch when a noise is heard. It’s a thumping noise. Similar to something hitting the wall. The noise makes him slightly more worried about the house he came home to. That is, until he sees you down the hallway. He can see cords hanging form your ears. Headphones shake and move along with you as you dance-walk down the hallway. He begins to wonder why you wouldn’t play the music through a speaker but given how scared you are of your next-door neighbor, the thought dissipates quickly. You’re using your phone as a microphone. He doesn’t make himself known. You move backwards down the hallway, accidently bumping into the wall one more time. You turn around dramatically, lip-synching your heart out. You jump when you see Jeno, eyes widening for a split second before calming yourself down. You giggle and his heart swells two times the size. You hesitate for a second before continuing to move closer to him. You jump on the coffee table, carefully stepping around the clutter collecting on top of it.

You point to him and begin to sing out loud. Jeno is tired. His shoulders were drooping down just moments earlier, but seeing his long-time boyfriend and love of his life dancing around their shared apartment makes him wake up. Your smile is bright and effortless as you dance around the coffee table/stage. You jump onto the couch, almost falling onto the cushions. You reach up and caress his face gently. You serenade him with a song that is definitely not a love song. He leans up, brushing your noses together. You kiss his lips quickly before pulling away. You point towards the sky and jump around. He can’t help but join you, moving around the couch. He stands on the couch next to you, dancing along with a song he can’t hear.

You very clumsily place one of your earbuds in his ears. It takes him a second to recognize the song but he joins in on singing soon. You dance around a bit more carefully not that you’re attached to someone but your big smile is just as clear. He pulls your phone out of your hand. He scrolls through to find a song. He seems to find one he likes and steps off the couch. He turns to you, wrapping his arm around your waist and lifting you off the couch. He walks you backwards. You hold his shoulders as the song begins.

A very soft, slow song begins to play through your headphones. Jeno’s looking at you with so much adoration. His eyes twinkle like he’s looking at the most beautiful sight on the planet. You’re reveling in the look, though you’re not sure you deserve the honor. Jeno’s hands slip down to hold your waist. He pulls you to his chest. He dips his head to lean next to yours, humming along with the song. The low noise rattles against your heart. You press one of your hands against his chest, the other traveling under his shirt. He rocks you back and forth along with the tune. You dance for a while. The song shifts into another slow-dance song. That fades into another. You stay close together, swaying to the beat, for a long, long time. Soon Jeno is pressing light kisses to your neck. Your eyes drift closed, the beautiful image of your future husband looking at you with wonderful eyes permanently ingrained in your mind.

Feather-light kisses are placed across your throat and face. You lean your head up further and further, wanting him to kiss you more. He smiles against your skin. You can feel your face heat up against his lips. Finally, he begins to kiss your face. You subconsciously move closer to him. He barely pulls away from between each kiss but even that small break to look at your angelic face is more than welcome. He kisses your lips last. He’s sure the noise that passes through your lips, something near a content human, wasn’t intentional by you, but he enjoys it.

You savor the moment for a while before opening your eyes. The same appreciative look in his eyes.

“I wish I could spend every day like this.” He mumbles.

He almost has yearning in his eyes. Though, you aren’t sure why he would long for you when you are in front of him and will never leave or want to. You smile is peaceful. Tender and genuine. Jeno can truly see you want to be here with him. He’s always known you feel as strongly towards him as he does to you but something about the moment and the gentleness in your face makes him appreciate it more than he would on a regular day. He holds your face and leans down. Your foreheads are pressed together for a moment before he finally begins to speak.

“This isn’t me asking you to marry me, I have a plan for that,” He hums. Your eyes begin to widen as he speaks. “But, this is me putting it out into the universe that I am going to marry you in the future.”

You smile and lean up looking him deep into his eyes. “You’re not even going to ask my opinion about it?”

“Don’t play with my feelings.” He smiles and pushes past the space, kissing you softly. “You don’t want to wake up to my face every day?”

You tsk and nod. “That is a really good incentive to marry you, not going to lie.”
