

jeronicas can y’all hear my screams of happiness yasssss


veronica: “no one has power over me, not my father, and definitely not you”

now jug and v have a show where PP gets in his head - and he might need help getting out




Watch “jughead + veronica scenes (6x15) (2/2)” on YouTube


Watch “jughead + veronica scenes (6x15) (½)” on YouTube


Veronica’s powers are controlled by her emotions. What if Jughead goes into her mind and finds a way to calm her down? In a moment where she experiences intense fear or sadness that she cannot control? Omg

That would be a good way to make them closer quicker



parallels ✨

i missed them so much

Yaay someone else caught it!


Jeronica scheming should have been a thing since s2 this is so fucking good.

“Tell him about what?” Veronica is so hot pls I may cry 


No but Jeronica finally working together is so fucking refreshing like it’s the best part of this episode, not even from a Jeronica stans standpoint like their dynamic is just so fun and exciting whenever they’re on screen it makes me want to sob

Jughead didn’t even flinch when Veronica told him she put a hit out on her father teehee

Same here.


“Here’s an unexpected bonus from working with Veronica: I started writing again.” okay can it finally be canon now that Veronica is one of his muses


“Forsythe?” I’m literally going to implode that’s so hot

His real name like EUGENE AND RAPUNZEL another them!! Ahh


no but this Jeronica magic show gives off such married couple working together vibes??? I can’t explain it but anyways I’m living for it



No but Veronica will usually always give herself the most money bc duh she’s a businesswoman, but she’s willing to go fifty fifty with Jughead I’m  

I knew she would~ I was smiling at that


JUGHEAD HAVING WRITER’S BLOCK AND VERONICA TEXTING HIM TO MEET UP…….. THIS IS STRAIGHT FROM A FUCKING FANFIC?!!??! HELLO!?!!? I’m sorry for the woman I’m going to become during this ep when we get more Jeronica scenes. Actually, no I’m not sorry we deserve this.

Right there with you~



Jughead consoling Veronica about her powers like we thought❌

Jughead consoling Veronica about her awful ex ✅


Not what I expected at all but I LOVE that we got this!

There’s more Jeronica next week too so it’s possible we’ll get at least one more scene where they confide in each other. Maybe about their powers? A long overdue conversation about what Archie and Betty did to them? (extremely unlikely with these writers though obviously) OR like this episode, something else we have never really thought of before.


I don’t know what else to say except


Some good fucking food!


These Jeronica interactions- i am LIVING


actually i think riverdale should end with jeronica endgame completely out of left field i think that’s the best possible outcome

Here we are, yet again- still have yet to watch the entire season 4 but as if drawn in by some supernatural force to suddenly check the Jeronica tag again I just happened to find out that on the same day I chose to do this- An episode with them interacting was airing…So, it would appear I read into that with the force haha!
 Joking aside, I quickly caught up from episode 09 (where I left off) to watch this gem of an episode-

What a ride that was, I was torn between laughing at retacon writing that the CW is notorious for at this point, to being irritated with the turning of the storyline and then to being intrigued with it once more, only to go HOW MANY BONES ARE YOU GOING TO THROW THEM to 6x14 which was an episode dedicated to throwing I’m hoping, simply dog bones to the most aggravating ships~ I don’t need to name them, we all know what I’m talking about.

There were tiny hints of my OTP, as they are officially my OTP on the level of Handon & Jonerys because these are the only three that I’ve gone out of my way to understand their scenes by sitting through what I can only call “War of the Writers” until I got to their scenes…

This episode, was like coming up for air from the bloodbath left behind from the previous episodes on what characters should do and mean. I now, appreciate Jabitha as it is officially a healthy relationship, but I still don’t ship them because they just do not compare to the parallel twinflame soulmate thing that was once again confirmed in this new episode, and all the minuscule crumbs they tossed at us over the course of this season…Though to be fair my random “Jeronica canon” nightmares haven’t been helping any. For the record, I can’t see it happening with the core 4 members being switched so much that I often wondered if Camilia was busy with a new project because she was barely on screen and was isolated from the other members of the ‘Core Four’, in a way do I dare say it? I will, replaced?

Mm, I thought that at first, but as I continued watching in THIS episode I understood what happened and V’s story was halted by getting involved with R who was every bit the amount of bad for her (Just not on the level of A, no one can top A) and, I nodded my head at the picture these writers did whether on purpose or from someone getting the most say in the writer’s room via a choke hold and saying “THIS IS THE WAY” It was brilliant.

A crooked relationship that ended with self-realization, that is so rare on TV and I’m incredibly grateful that at least someone did it.

Jeronica, were every bit of the team as AB are. Proving they are the other side of the coin to the Light & Dark AB, JV would be the Dark & Light side. I loved when V told J about what happened, how he didn’t judge her- he LISTENED something no one else has ever done for her just as she’s LISTENED to him from albeit completely different situations, but still woes of his mind and dilemmas. The look that goes between them, was more than romance or friends it’s this deep mental understanding that they convey without even needing to say anything because though they are polar opposites to one another they are a literal yin&yang of each other too. That is what I got from this episode now excuse me while I go wallow in knowing there’s no way they’re ever going to be together in the way things are-

Friends though, yeah. They can be each other’s Guardian Angels.

