#jessica randy


I’ve watched the seventh episode of “Banana Fish”. Our team arrives at LA and go to visit Max’s ex-wife – Jessica - and his son. She almost shoots him (but she’s actually very cool and a journalist), but then lets them all in and Max can give his son a birthday present. Then they visit an address they were going to investigate and rescue a young long-haired Chinese guy, who claims to be the son of the owner of the house and that the scientist they are searching for is his uncle who’s been missing for a long time and that his father’s missing now too. (Spoilers!) Ash hacks the computer in the house and they finally find out that “Banana Fish” is not a person, but the name of the drug, but then the real twist happens: Shorter gets a message that Chinese mafia is in this mess too now and so he’s to stay out of it or follow the orders. He doesn’t do any of it, of course, and finds out that the boy they’ve saved is - Lee Yut-Lung - the youngest son of the boss of the Chinese mafia. At first, Shorter agrees to follow his orders, but then, after Yut-Lung observed how everybody in team treats Eiji – and especially how Ash cares for him, he orders Shorter to kidnap his and Shorter revolts, gives a passionate speech about how his parents taught him to respect the Lee family and how he always believed that they were different, but now he sees that it’s not true and Lees are no better than Galzine. The episode ends with mafia attacking Jessica’s house.
