#jet seems tired in his thoughts



dirt in the doing has reached 12K and I’m afraid the moon is going to start to wane. let’s stay full a while longer, please?

Jet has just enough room in his apartment for one other person to stay over, and that’s stretching it, because all he really has is a bed that technically fits two people.

When Hawk stayed over during that first week of their extremely strained acquaintanceship, Jet had made him sleep on the couch. The second night, Hawk rolled off and made such a big deal out of the bruises that Jet gave in and let him sleep on the bed. That is, Jet just about shoved a spoon through Hawk’s eyeball, complained about it to Moss like an idiot, and was soft-glared into allowing the second occupant.

Then there’d been the whole nightmare debacle, the somewhat unwilling confession, and the turmoil that had sat in Jet’s guts for the entire rest of the week while he came to the realization that he was an asshole, was not sorry about it, but was at least willing to not hate Hawk anymore.

Jet has just enough room in his apartment for a second person, and maybe a third if someone else wants to chance the couch, but he doesn’t think he could withstand knowing that three people are sharing his place. If Copper is sleeping over, that leaves no emotional space for anyone else.

Even, or perhaps especially, if for some reason there’s an exhausted Rune standing in front of him at eleven o’clock at night, and Copper is indeed already asleep on Jet’s bed.

“It’s late,” is what comes out of Jet’s mouth. Apparently his filters flee the scene the second Rune is there.

“Yeah,” she says, angrily. Angrily? Jet does not have the energy to spar with an angry Rune.
