#jihope hopemin


“Jimins dad is his Jimin”

I’ve seen a lot of posts wherein if a person does the bare minimum for Jimin y’all shout out, “xyz is Jimins jimin”. Nah mate, no body will ever quite do enough for him as he has and continues to do for everyone else and those are just the facts.

The ONLY, O N L Y, person who this can be said about is his father; Jimins father who in a highly conservative society like Korea, let his Male kid learn ballet and get a whole degree in Morden dancing, something even non conservative societies would frown upon. Jimins father who wanted him to be a lawyer but happily accepted his sons interests and drove him to his auditions instead. Jimins father who no matter which country Jimin is in, never fails to send his kid a bouquet on his birthday till date. Jimins father who calls Jimin after concerts and asks him if he has eaten enough and shouts out “I love you” and “fighting” before ending the call. Jimins father who in a society like Korea is open minded enough to have Jimin try make up on his dad. Jimins father who used to take Jimin for hiking on weekends after working his job all week just cause Minnie wanted to see the mountains. Jimins dad who proudly goes to Jimins old school to donate money for the Morden dance department. Jimins father who as said by Jimins neighbors is “a man of value and irrevocable kindness.”

Jimins father who raised Jimin to be a man of values. A loving, caring sweetheart who has never done anyone any wrong. A boy who at the heights of success bows ever so politely to rookie groups. A boy who literally had the shortest training period in kpop and by his sheer dedication and hard work became the standard for other idols. A boy who has never said shit about anyone or gotten in any scandals from his own doing, the ONE time the media framed him it was cause of a gifted T-shirt lmao. Papa parks Son is literally the #1 idol for a year now and has no real scandals whatsoever tainting his image; a drama free sophisticated legend who focused on his work while paying dust to everything else. A boy who gets hated on daily for no fucking reasons but has never been anything but respectful and kind. Jimin who donates a huge amount of money every year to his hometown. Jimin who literally questioned the very existence of masculinity; in his words “what the heck is men”. This is who papa Park raised and God knows he did a fabulous job. They say kids are the reflection of their parents, well damn, papa Park must be a wholeass angel then to have raised Park Jimin.

So, in conclusion, Jimins father is Jimins Jimin, for anyone else to even come close is a long ways to go. Stan Papa Park, a whole legend.
