#jill roord



Jill Roord and Lynn Wilms in Helden Magazine

Jill Roord during Arsenal Women v Lewes FC | February 23, 2020 © James Boyes/Flickr

Jill Roord during Arsenal Women v Lewes FC| February 23, 2020
© James Boyes/Flickr

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Arsenal Women to wear 424 suits for the first time in the Conti Cup Final today

transfer talk

request: from the lovely@cneasai,i hope it lives up to your dreams

prompt: jill roord finally admits she has feelings for you when inform her that you are considering transferring clubs

word count: 1.9k

a/n: i said i couldn’t upload until next week but wrote this between breaks of doing my uni work, it will likely be the last thing i have time to write until my unit is finished at the end of next week though


“Are you really thinking about moving to Madrid?” Sophie asks you excitedly, the two of you sitting in the backyard of your villa in Ibiza that you are at with your other Wolfsburg teammates Jill, Lynn and Lena. 

“There’s a high possibility, I’m going to meet with the club before national camp starts” you explain, a small smile tugging at your lips at the excitement that your former teammate has about you possibly playing together again. 

“What are you two talking about?” Lena practically stumbles into the backyard, basically still asleep. Herself and the two Dutch members of your holiday group, clearly not being early risers, leaving around an hour or so each morning for you and Sophie to just hang out together. 

“(Y/N) is considering transferring to Real Madrid next season” Sophie infroms Lena, the excitement still present in her voice, not even allowing you to tell her yourself. 

“How are you going to tell Jill?” is Lena’s immediate response. 

“Why does it matter how I tell Jill?” you look at Lena, wondering what she is worried about. 

“Because she likes you” Lena states in a duh tone.

Rumours had spread among the team towards the beginning of the season when Jill transferred to the club that she had some type of small crush on you ever since the 2019 World Cup.

You had yourself had a crush on Jill for the same amount of time so you were hopeful that being able to play together would be the catalyst that allowed something to happen between the two of you but she has only been strictly friendly towards the entire season leaving you assuming that the rumours that were spread were in fact false. 

“I like her too, she’s a great friend but I don’t see why that affects how I tell her” you shrug. 

A look is shared between Sophie and Lena, the two of them wondering if you are having a laugh or if you are seriously just daft. 

“No shelikes you” Lena states, being sure to use a different tone for the word like to emphasise her point. 

“Well by her behaviour this season I would never have guessed. I have been flirting with her since she transferred, I asked her out to countless dinners, I offered myself up as a tour guide and completely helped her settle in to the city and team. Through all that she was only ever friendly so I settled for friendship and now no offence but I will tell her the news in the exact same way that I would tell any of my other friends” you explain, a strained frustration present in your voice. There is also a stream of tears down your cheeks at the end of your explanation. 

Instead of waiting around for a response from either of the girls you leave the backyard, making your way through the house. 

You are stopped only when you bump into someone, hoping with every piece of your being that it isn’t Jill. You slowly look up, being met with the sight of Lynn looking at you in confusion, but all you feel is relief, a sigh escaping your lips. 

“Good morning Lynn! I’m going for a walk, can you tell the others? Thanks” you state and before she is even able to greet you back you are out the front door of your villa, left alone to roam the streets of Ibiza. 

Meanwhile Jill makes her way into the backyard, her usual cheeriness replaced by a silent stature, something clearly playing at her mind. 

“Morning Jilly, excited for another day in paradise?” Sophie asks, herself and Lena deciding that you just need some time to yourself and that they shouldn’t be weird about the conversation you had with them just a few minutes prior. 

“Sure” Jill shrugs, pulling her legs up onto the chair she has sat at, she wraps her arms around them and leans her head on her knees. 

Sophie and Lena share a look, the two of them having a silent conversation about the fact that it seems rather obvious that Jill heard the conversation that you shared with them. 

“Hey Jill” Lena speaks cautiously while attempting to get Jill’s attention. Jill looks up at Lena, a silent confirmation that she can continue what she was going to say. “Did you happen to hear a conversation that occurred with (Y/N) maybe 10 minutes ago?” 

“The window in my bedroom is open” is Jill’s response, as she points to the window that is wide open and the closest to the group’s outdoor patio furniture. 

“So what are you going to do about it?” Sophie now asks, obviously referring to the conversation that Jill overheard. 

“What am I supposed to do? She obviously doesn’t like me anymore and she is going to move to Real Madrid. I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear anything and continue being her friend” Jill responds, not understanding what they expect her to do when it seems clear that you were tired of waiting for her and the transfer to Madrid is all but confirmed. 

“You are so stupid Jilly, do you like her?” Lena asks, an expectant stare on her face. 

“Of course I like her, how couldn’t I? She’s literally the most incredible person I’ve ever met” 

“So you win her over, obviously. Make her feel like the offer from Real Madrid isn’t even worth her time” 

You aren’t surprised when your friends allow you the space you clearly needed. You had hoped that Jill would at least message you to see why you aren’t with them today as she was the only one you hadn’t seen before you left but you expect that the others told her that you need time away and that she respected that. 

Your first contact with anyone from the group comes around mid-afternoon when Sophie calls you. 

“Hey Soph, what’s up?” 

“Would you want to go to dinner with me, just us two?” she asks. 

“Um you do know that I left all upset this morning because I like Jill right? So if you are asking me on a date I’m going to have to politely decline” you explain, confusion in your tone as all week she had been talking about the goalkeeper that she plays with in Madrid that she is crushing on. 

“No not like that (Y/N/N), I want to talk to you about your transfer to Madrid some more and I thought it would be nice to just talk one on one” she states, a loud laughter coming from her at the idea of you two ever going on a date. 

“Okay that sounds nice actually. Where should I meet you?” 

“We can go to the restaurant you’ve been wanting to try” she suggests, causing a smile to pull at your lips seeing as everyone had been refusing to go there with you all week. 

“That sounds perfect. What time are we meeting?” 

“Seven o'clock, don’t be late” Sophie speaks quickly, immediately hanging up the phone once she is done. 

You arrive at the restaurant 5 minutes before the time Sophie stated, wanting to be early rather than late. 

“Hi, do you have a reservation?” the hostess asks politely. 

“I assume I do, it will either be under Sophie or (Y/N), just for two people” you explain, feeling a small bit of anxiety as she scans her list. 

“Yep all good! Just follow me” she states after a minute of looking. She begins leading you through the restaurant to a semi-secluded area that is in the corner of their outdoor patio overlooking the beach. You look at the table that she has stopped at noting the extremely romantic set up. “The other member of your party hasn’t arrived yet but feel free to browse the menu” 

“Um I’m sorry but are you sure this is the right table? I’m meant to be meeting my friend and all this is very romantic” you gesture at the tealight candles and rose petals that liter the table. 

“It’s the right table” you hear a voice that does not belong to the hostess, in fact you know exactly who it belongs to, you look up meeting the eyes of your best friend. 

“Jill? What are you doing here?” 

“Taking you out to dinner to return the favour of all those dinners you took me on this year” she answers with a cheekily smile. 

“You heard the conversation with Sophie and Lena this morning didn’t you?” you ask, semi-embarrassed that she heard you speaking about what you had assumed was your unrequited crush on her. 

“I did, and I think we should talk about it” 

You give her a look, urging her to speak first as clearly she already knows your thoughts on the matter. 

“(Y/N) I like you a lot, I know you have heard the rumours about me having a crush on you at the 2019 World Cup and they were very much true. I was so excited to move to Wolfsburg and have the opportunity to play alongside you, and when you did all those kind things to help me settle in I assumed they were just kind gestures and I didn’t want to confuse that for you having feelings for me too. Every single time we hung out in that way I so badly wanted to hope that you were actually flirting and that the dinners and time alone meant something but I didn’t because in my mind there is no way that someone like you could be interested in me. Honestly you should have seen national team camps, the entire time I would just be teased for speaking about you or messaging you but I wouldn’t want it any other way because I liked you a lot and I still do. So while I would be extremely proud of you if you moved to Real Madrid, I do have to ask if there is any way that we could sort out this situation and I could potentially sway you to stay at Wolfsburg” 

“Jill” you speak in a breathy tone, almost melting at her words. 


“You are such an idiot” a look of hurt crosses Jill’s face, a feeling of pure rejection settling in her heart. You notice immediately, “such an idiot because we could have already been together by now and I probably wouldn’t have even looked at Real Madrid’s offer” 

“Am I too late then?” 

“I would say you are just in time” a smile tugs at your lips as Jill’s face softens, relief overcoming her as she knows she still has a chance with you.  

“So how heavily were you considering Real Madrid’s offer? I don’t want to stop you from furthering your career” you can tell the sentiment is hard for her to get out, the dread that you are extremely interested in their offer and that you may still leave even though the feelings between you are now out in the open. 

“Not very heavily, I have a lot of good things going for me in Wolfsburg” you admit, the two of you now sitting staring at each other with goofy grins on your faces. 

nedwnt: Jill Roord during training at the KNVB Campus on June 13, 2022 in Zeist, The Netherlands. (Pnedwnt: Jill Roord during training at the KNVB Campus on June 13, 2022 in Zeist, The Netherlands. (P


Jill Roord during training at the KNVB Campus on June 13, 2022 in Zeist, The Netherlands. (Photos by Rene Nijhuis/BSR Agency/Getty Images)

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