#jimmy and jey uso


Jimmy & Jey Uso are currently the best tag team, and I would dare say the most compelling act in WWE. Their promos have improved dramatically and they have made the Smackdown Tag Championship important – far more important than the red brand championships. Their match with The New Day was exciting, action-packed, and without a doubt the best match on the Battleground pay-per-view.

Many people are critical of the championship going to The New Day, but I am sure those belts will return to the “Uso Penitentiary” before the feud is over. Both teams are the best on Smackdown Live so I don’t see any other team (especially, now that American Alpha has disbanded) coming along to challenge the champs. In other words, I see these two squads trading victories over the next month or so. The title loss will NOT take anything away from Jimmy & Jey Uso; their championship rematch is around the bend.

Also, on the other side of the ring, I don’t know what the long-term plan for The New Day may be, but this was the match where Xavier Woods stood out as a bonafide superstar. We finally got to see Woods do something more than playing the trombone and tell jokes. He’s always been impressive since his TNA debut, but this was the first time he showed similar promise in WWE. I’ve been waiting for New Day to evolve as individuals; I believe this match is the start of so much more.

I can’t wait to see what these five men do next. The rap battle exceeded expectations; the match at Battleground stole the show; whatever they do next will continue to make waves. This is WWE’s best tag team rivalry since Edge & Christian were battling the Dudleyz and the Hardyz.
