#jinyoung fiction


Pairing:Park Jinyoung x female reader

Genre:fluff / friends to lovers


Word count: 1905

A set of arms slipped around Jinyoung’s sides, making his eyes widen as he looked down to watch hands link together over his waist. He blinked, registering the warmth of the body connected to said arms now snuggling into his back, a nose pressing into the nape of his neck, nuzzling softly.

This had to be a dream.

“I just need a moment,” a mumble came from somewhere embedded in his shoulder blade, and yet he knew it was your voice that accompanied your hands around him now.

This suddenly was a delicious dream. One he didn’t want to ever wake up from.

“How long is a moment?” he asked, attempting and failing to sound teasing in his question. His voice sounded hoarse, too strained. Jinyoung was relieved that at least his body had lost its rigidness immediately, relaxing into your hold on him. He tried to look back outside at the birthday party you both had been invited to, but he was struggling to stop his senses from slipping to you.

You tightened your grip. “Well, it’s longer than a minute.”

“Is that so?”

“Mhmmm,” you hummed, turning your head, so your cheek rested against his back. “A moment is rather immeasurable at times.”

“And you need this moment to remain immeasurable?”


“Any particular reason that you need this moment pressed into my back, Y/N?”

You sighed. Or maybe you breathed him in. He couldn’t quite tell. Jinyoung felt giddy, on the edge of something big. Something life-changing. He just hoped that when he took the fall, you remained beside him for it.

Or at least, still nestled into his back in comfort.

“Well, don’t tell the birthday boy, but between you both, your back looks more inviting than Mark’s.”

Jinyoung’s mood dampened. He didn’t want to be a better option. He wanted to be the only one you’d turn to.

“Huh,” he said, hoping his disappointment wasn’t as tangible as it felt. “Guess the gym has helped with that.”

“Maybe I should join the gym,” you commented mindlessly, and Jinyoung clamped his eyes shut, trying to stop the flashes of you working out from cementing into his brain. He couldn’t let the idea exist for more than a second. Otherwise, he’d be convincing you to join, and no doubt getting injured by being completely distracted whenever he saw you.


“So you can return the back hug favour!”

“Do you need a good, strong back for such a hug?” he mused, and you squeezed his middle a little.

“I don’t have a flimsy one.”

“Let me see,” he asked, whirling around in your embrace, stopping when your gaze collided with his. His eyes widened a second time, a thumb coming up to caress the now dried skin under your red eyes. “What’s wrong?”


“This doesn’t look like nothing to me.” He gestured with his free hand to your expression, the evidence of previous tears. Your hold remained firm around his middle. You weren’t ready to let go, that much was certain. “Tell me what happened.”

“I’m going home,” you whispered, and Jinyoung frowned. When he didn’t verbally reply, you let your focus fall to the arm he had placed around you, encouraging you to stay with him. “I don’t think I’m cut out for the city, you know? Well, maybe you don’t know because you’ve lived here a whole lot longer than me and I—”

“You and I both know that’s not true. You love the city, Y/N,” he cut in, trying to hide the ugly panic swirling in his chest. He didn’t want this to turn into a nightmare. Not when the dream of having you this close had felt so good.

You barked out a bitter laugh. “Yeah. I guess the city doesn’t like me then. I lost my job. You know, the one I was really excited to get a few months ago? I can’t believe that I ever was. And to be fair, I didn’t lose it on my own merit. Rather, I just couldn’t deal with Dean’s constant undermining of me anymore. I went to HR about his misconduct, and guess who the company sided with?”

“They chose him,” he answered darkly, his hand fisting the back of your shirt, so he didn’t fly off and use it elsewhere. Preferably in your ex-colleague’s face.

“Without that job, I can’t afford the city,” you whispered. “I have some savings, but not a lot, and my rent has increased, as has the price of living. So, I rang my Mum earlier and asked if I could move home. Of course, she said yes, she’s my Mum. But I feel like I failed.”

Jinyoung pulled you into him then, your head tucked in against his chest as he cradled you in comfort. He hated the disappointment in your eyes, the way you felt like you had done something wrong. The world was being cruel to one of the few people he knew that was honest, hard-working, and too selfless for their own good. He wanted to scoop you up and protect you forever, but he knew that you were far too stubborn to rely on him for anything more than this hug.

And yet…

“Move in with me,” he announced, and your head shot up from his chest, your eyes round with his statement. He nodded once, determined that he could change this play of fate. That he could keep you here a little longer. He didn’t want you to leave. Not now. Not when he was so close to soaring with the feelings he held within his chest.

But his feelings took a nosedive when you started to laugh.

“Are you serious?!” you chortled, your lips spreading into a smile laced with amusement. “You and me, living together?”

“I can’t see why it’s such a laughable option,” he mumbled, and you grinned before resting your forehead against his chest.

“We’d kill each other. I’m chaotic, whilst you have everything in your house organised and in a set routine.”

“My house has more than one bedroom. You can leave your room as messy as it suits you so long as you leave the door shut.”

“We don’t even like the same foods half the time.”

“So we’ll make compromises and cook for ourselves where necessary.”

You lifted your head but darted your gaze away before he could catch it. “I still can’t live with you.”

“Why not now? I lived in a dorm with six other guys when I was in college. If I can survive that, then—”

“I couldn’t cope seeing you bring home other women,” you said softly, barely louder than a whisper. “Instead of me.”

Had he heard you right? Dazed, Jinyoung thought over the sentence, trying to ensure he hadn’t just conjured the words out of your mouth to please his desire for you.

You took the lapse of focus to your advantage, slipping away from his embrace, the sudden coldness to his body alerting him of you running away. He managed to reach you before you got to the door, his arms now sliding around your waist, tugging you back into him. You stiffened momentarily.

“What are you doing?”

“I need a moment,” he stated gruffly, securing his grip around you. “A really long one.”

“How long is that?” you wondered quietly, the air surrounding you both now charged.

This was the moment he stepped off the edge, praying that you fell with him.

“So long that it lasts forever.”


“You don’t have to worry about any women coming over. Not when you’re there. Not when I have you.”

He felt your deep inhale and waited for you to release it, to say something. Anything.

“You have me?” you echoed, and Jinyoung buried his face into the side of your neck, pursing his lips into the soft skin just below your ear.

He didn’t answer verbally, allowing his body holding you to voice what it had wanted to for so long. How right you felt in his arms. How eager he had been to go from being a friend of a friend to one of your closest friends. How many nights he had spent in your company like tonight and found it impossible not to touch you, even if he had to tease you to get the chance.

If there was anyone he’d fall for, it was you.

“You have me,” you said once more, without the question in your tone. Turning around, you looked at him, eyes full of wonder. Sparkling with hope and unspoken confessions. “You’ve always had me.”

“I have?” Jinyoung asked, swallowing slowly. “Why plan to leave me then?”

“I didn’t want to believe that I was lucky enough to have you,” you told him, reaching up to cup his jaw in your hand. “It felt too much like a dream.”

“We’re awake right now. There’s no need to dream it when we can have it.”

You couldn’t bite back a snort. Jinyoung groaned loudly when you slapped a hand onto his chest, shaking with laughter. Eventually, you looked up at him. “That was so cheesy.”

“It sounded better in my head,” he lamented, sighing heavily.

“I don’t want to leave you or the city,” you stated once sober from your amusement, the hand still on his chest now scorching through his shirt. “You promise you won’t kick me out until I find a new job, at least?”

“Why am I kicking you out? Did you not connect my words? I always want you in my life, Y/N.”

You beamed at him but then twisted your lips. “I mean, I want that too, but I also know that sometimes I can really grate on your nerves. And your nagging is…”

“Is what?” he ventured when it was clear you weren’t prepared to finish the sentence.

Your lips twitched. “Brutal.”

“You know what’s brutal?” he asked, scooping you up in his arms again, trapping both your hands against his chest. “Having to hear you consider leaving me. You owe me for the heartache I just endured.”

“It’s not like I inflicted it without reason, Park Jinyoung!”

“You owe me,” he insisted, and you rolled your eyes.


He nodded, tapping a finger to his cheek. “Kiss it better.”

“Your heart isn’t up there, you idiot,” you said before ducking your head and placing a kiss over his chest. Jinyoung stilled, his grip on you loosening. He started to fall over the ledge you had sent him off, his heart rate kicking up a notch.

But you didn’t let him fall alone too far, your hands sliding up to cup his face, angling it and pressing your lips to his softly. Before he could respond, you pulled away. “There. Better?”

“Not even close,” he murmured before capturing your mouth in his, deepening the kiss by parting your mouth. You didn’t hesitate to meet his demands, the hunger he felt was pouring out of you too. His hands tangled in your hair, holding you to him, ensuring that you knew how much he wanted you, cherished you before he lifted away to take in steadying breaths.

You were stunned momentarily before you smiled. “I’m really glad I didn’t go and get a back hug from Mark now. I doubt it would have ended like this.”

Jinyoung choked on his own amusement. “For many reasons, I’m glad you didn’t either.”


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