#jjk blurbs


“ow!”itadori hisses, when you pressed the wet towelette on his bruised abdomen. “sorry” you mumbled cooly, carefully maneuvering around his stab wound from yuta.

“you promised you’d do it lightly!” you glared at your upperclassman, recalling his promise to you that he may or may not have to “kill” your lover as an order from the higher-ups of the jujutsu world but he’d try to more or less keep damage (to itadori) to a minimal.

“i tried! but he was also on to me and i just had to do what i had to do” yuta raises his hands up in defense, “he threw a car at me too by the way”

“but you didn’t have to stab him deep, TWICE” you grumbled, dropping the towelette before throwing yourself to itadori, who instantly wraps his arms around you.

“can you please not die on us and scare me, again?” you say, relishing in his warmth after being separated for a while. you feel his body vibrate as he lets out a chuckle, “i’ll try not to”

“did you and gojo have sex?”

you spat out your coffee at the sudden question. megumi eyes you weirdly before tilting his head to the side, waiting for your answer

“did me and gojo have what?!” you repeat, wiping your mouth with your sleeve. making sure you heard the kid with spiky hair in front of you correctly

“sex”megumi says bluntly with a hint of curiousity

you get up from your seat and kneeled in front of the young boy, your hands cupping his chubby cheeks. “where did you hear that from, hm?” you ask him. surely, it had to be from his class or something at his age but you’re not sure if yourself if you’re ready to give this 7 year old boy the birds and the bees talk yet

“i heard it from gojo today. he was talking on the phone with someone and he said you and him had sex last night” megumi shares, recalling the conversation he overheard at the kitchen when he was on his way to get some snacks

you could’ve sworn a vein popped at your forehead the very moment gojo’s name was mentioned.

“oh.. so you got that from gojo huh…” you laughed awkwardly, unable to look at the kid in front of you in the eye

“so what’s sex—”

“oh wow would you look at the time, megumi-chan! it’s nap time!” you change the subject before he could even ask further. thankfully megumi was a gifted kid and could understand things that he isn’t really supposed to understand at his age. so he drops the subject and complies to you what you just said

megumi pouts and wiggles his way out of your grasp before going to his room to obediently take a nap

gojo was never gonna hear the end of this
