#jjk scenario


[crave you] nanami



Your eyes were glued to your coworker; face stone serious and fingers diligently typing away.

Frowning, you push your head onto your outstretched arms. He had you in an iron grip and he didn’t even know it. You put so much effort into making him take notice of you; changing your makeup and hair almost every week, making sure your clothes advantaged your body in the absolute best way possible.

Everyone noticed. Everyone complimented and threw clever flirts your way. Everyone wanted to talk to you, find out your opinion, everyone wanted you to take notice of them.

Everyone but him.

“Do you have last week’s report?” His voice made shivers run down your spine, yet the feeling was bittersweet, the lack of a name at the end of his request making tears well up in the corners of your eyes.

You blinked and lifted your head “Yeah,” you replied curtly “Give me a minute.”

Letting out a sigh, the blonde leaned back in his chair for a moment. You stared, bathing your eyes in the absolute sight of him, the laboured groan that followed making your very core tighten.

Inhaling, you bit down on your lip as you looked through files “Here it is,” your fingers brushed against his as you passed the folder. He seemed to pause for a moment, making your breath practically disappear, before nodding and giving a small thank you.

Leaning forward once more, you wanted to scream; why can’t you want me?

“That hairclip,”

his voice moved through your stupor.

“is really practical.”

It was a simple compliment (if you could call that a compliment), but it made your heart ready to burst.

And a few weeks later, when inevitably asked about the consistency of that specific hairclip in your outfits, you who changed constantly, you shrugged “It’s just…practical.” you almost sighed out, glancing at your coworker; his face stone serious, fingers diligently typing away.
