#jo rambles


The way I did not know tumblr now has an FYP and I was wondering why I didn’t recognise anyone…

My initial reaction was one of sadness and mild devastation (because they are my comfort boys) but after watching the whole dinner, seeing their sincerity, telling us before anyone else and knowing that they will continue Run! BTS with a view to eventually reunite for Chapter 2 as fully-fleshed out individuals with renewed enthusiasm, I am very happy and excited for the future. Phew, that was a long sentence.

I could cry that my latest fic is still A Lycan Dignity. What’s frustrating is I have so many things mid-way done or nearly done that if I could just have a few weeks of motivation and decent health/mood, I’d have so many new releases. work is the worst drain on these things. Thank fuck I only have 3 weeks left.

hyunjin has a bellybutton piercing hyunjin has a bellybutton piercing hyunjin has a bellybutton piercing hyunjin has a bellybutton piercing hyunj- [screams into a pillow]
