


Youknow I think that Kitty might be the one who first understands that Joan needs help too

That Joan can get so wrapped up in her instinct to help others and her need to appear strong and then Sherlock left and, at the time, he was her only support (her friends seemed to disappear), so she never got to tell anyone how shewas feeling. Because Sherlock didn’t recognize anything beyond that she was leaving and now everything will be okay again because he’s back.

But Kitty sees the signs.

Sfdgkjah women helping each other and getting through incredibly tough times and this season seeming to point towards there being a strong bond between Kitty and Joan (every episode so far has ended with a scene pertaining to the both of them) is everything to me






So torn on the Kitty developments.

On the one hand, this makes the Joan/Kitty dynamic far more interesting, and just generally better.  Because if they’d been in conflict forever… ugh.

On the other hand, this is sort of feeling a little bit like Sherlock 2.0, with the addiction plotlne, and Joan acting as support/companion.

IDK.  Maybe I’m just being picky. It’s better, but I’m still not sure.  Just because this show cannot just keep introducing a run of characters with addiction issues…

Nope, I’m with you on this. I’m glad that they aren’t going to keep Joan and Kitty in competition forever (even if the competition was one-sided), as this opens up a lot more possibilities. On the other hand, however, as thrilled as I am that Joan is going to get to help mentor Kitty, Joan deserves to be more than just everyone’s support system.

idk, a lot will depend on how they write this as the season continues.

Yeah, now that you mention it, I think that is the issue.  Joan can’t just be everyone’s support system.

But even beyond that, I’m just going to need a different story.

And the three-way dynamic is a bit weird.

I disagree. You’re forgetting that being a sober companion was a choice that Joan made for herself. She wanted to do something that she loved, to help people. I personally love this new Joan/Kitty dynamic, primarily because I feel that Joan can help Kitty, truly help her.

Joan has always seemed like the type who wants to help people and if you look at everything she has done, her choice of professions, it all comes down to one thing - helping people. Whether it was by being a doctor, a sober companion or by putting bad guys away. Helping people is the essence of her character. But, what I particularly love is that she helps people help themselves, she doesn’t form unhealthy codependent relationships with the people she helps.

i don’t think anyone is saying it’s out of character for joan to want to support kitty so much as that shouldn’t be the only role she ever plays when she gets to be in a prominent, ongoing relationship on the show. she is driven to help others, just as sherlock is driven to solve puzzles. but sherlock is 800 million other things apart from just a detective, and all of those combine to make him a three-dimensional person rather than a character there to perform a certain task to service the narrative. joan helps people and investigates crimes. and is flawless. that’s not how people work.


Elementary has ended its first two episodes with shots of Watson. Shots of Joan Watson after she’s had conversations with Kitty.
I have a lot of feelings about this fact.

beanarie: interesting how joan lived in that room for something like two years with almost nothing a


interesting how joan lived in that room for something like two years with almost nothing apart from a lamp, a bed, and a chair. she listened to music through headphones. she always wanted her own space. she never felt right imposing herself on someone else’s.

kitty’s there less than a month and she’s like fuck yeah loud music, painting a shitload of furniture red. the world will KNOW that i was here.

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I am really rooting for Kitty. I like how she plays off of Watson and Sherlock.

I am really rooting for Kitty. I like how she plays off of Watson and Sherlock.

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I ship Joan/Kitty so much; they have such great chemistry together.

I ship Joan/Kitty so much; they have such great chemistry together.

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I am so happy with the writers deciding that the Kitty and Joan relationship is leading to a real fr

I am so happy with the writers deciding that the Kitty and Joan relationship is leading to a real friendship.


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