#john green

katieperk: My final project for my information graphics class: a timeline of milestones from John Gr


My final project for my information graphics class: a timeline of milestones from John Green’s (fishingboatproceeds) past 10 years. I want to do one for Hank soon!

The preview image looked like “10 Fears of John Green” to me. I immediately began compiling the following list:
  1. Heights
  2. Squirrels
  3. Toothache
  4. Hugs from strangers
  5. Unicorns
  6. Strawberry Hill
  7. Imagining people simply
  8. Running out of pizza
  9. Unsigned pre-order copies of TFiOS
  10. Punishments
PS: The actual “10 Years of John Green” graphic is great!
Post link

This is an exploration of the YouTube statistics of videos by the Vlogbrothers (Hank and John Green), covering Views, Likes per View, Likes per Dislike, Comments per View, and Outliers.

Check out http://www.jutze.com/?p=1634 for the corresponding blog post (which is mostly the script I used for the video along with the plots and the Statado-file).

The raw data were kindly provided by http://kitchensink108.tumblr.com/post/116952693022 <- this post also explains in detail which videos were excluded (mainly those longer than 4 minutes).

#vlogbrothers    #john green    #hank green    #statistics    #youtube    #nerdfighters    #nerdfightaria    