#john watson is a bit not good



What If I’m Not (Fic Continued …)

In confessing to Sherlock why he’s not o.k., John thinks he will push away the one person he loves and cares about most …

For how could such a confession not?

But what if Sherlock had no idea what John was going through … until now? And knowing … he takes his time, gently … slowly … to show John that he is listening … ? And that he’s been here waiting … the whole time …


(CorrespondenceFix it Fic)

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Harry called me. Last week. Did I tell you?

             Well, she texted, and I called her … 

They’re doing well. Her and Clara. 

Absolute shit brother for not having kept in touch with her. To be honest, I’d given their relationship up for a lost cause … knowing the Watson history. Guess that speaks volumes about me?

She asked about you.  How you were doing. Before she asked about Mary, and how I’m coping … 

Probably knew I wasn’t about to answer. I needed another shot in my glass for that. Something stronger than hotel conference room coffee. And you know what I kept thinking? I was so happy for her … so proud! And yet, all I said was ‘good for you’ … 

                                 Good for you.

Like she’d won high marks on a test? Or adopted a puppy.


