#john wick oneshot



The Taste of Your Tongue

Pairing: John Wick X Reader

Word count: 2.2 K

Summary:Two years after John breaks up with you, somehow you manage to move on. But in a mysterious party, that ghost from your past comes back again for a very specific reason.

{John Wick Masterlist}

{Keanu Reeves Masterlist}


You are somehow enjoying the party. The beautiful hotel hall, wonderfully decorated, is eternalized in the pictures you took with your phone. Your friends and family keep you occupied, walking around, all smiles and laughter.

Youwere somehow enjoying the party.

Because the moment you spotted him, across the place, everything changed.

John Wick is an old flame. Well, not that old. It’s been only two years since he broke up with you, and a year after you found Duncan, your boyfriend. But John was never truly gone. Not from your head and not from your heart. It didn’t help that he’s close to your father, close enough to be invited today. And it surely doesn’t help that you kept in touch with the man.

The texts never stopped, even though you haven’t met face to face since you went separate ways.

And you never thought you’d feel this way seeing him again. Like your heart was pulled off your chest. Like the gravity is too much for you to bear.

John nods at you, a small, quick smile on his lips before he looks down, then focusing his attention back at the man he’s talking to.

It takes all your strength not to go there. Not to jump on his arms. Not to cry, or yell. You didn’t think you were still in love with John Wick. But now you know you are.

“(Y/N)!” Angela, your childhood friend gets your attention. Trying to get yourself back together, you look at her, faking a smile. “I need to talk to you.” Pulling you away from the others, she has a smile so bright on her lips you feel a little embarrassed not to return it.

“What is it? You look like you just won a million dollars.”

“Well, I was suspicious given the proportion of this party but now I know.” Holding both your hands, she tilts her head to where Duncan is. “And I was right. He’s going to propose.”

Your fake, small smile drops as you feel your body going cold. “What?” You mumble, suddenly feeling people’s eyes on you.

“(Y/N), honey, are you alright?” Angela asks, eyes scanning your face. “You’re pale. Aren’t you happy?”

Taking a deep breath, you force the smile back. “Yes, of course I am.” Nodding to her, you look at where John was. But he’s gone. “I’m just surprised.”

“As would anyone be!” She happily adds. “I’m so happy for you.” Angela pulls you into a hug, which you weakly return.

“An, I’ll talk to some people. Talk to you soon, alright?” You’re quick to excuse yourself, keeping the smile on.

“Sure. Bye, honey.”

“Bye.” You mutter, turning your back at her and searching for the closet exit.

The party hall is surrounded by an amazing garden, and you’re thankful for the chilly night air because it’s keeping everyone inside. And you need to be alone right now.

Marrying Duncan never crossed your mind. Part of you knows you shouldn’t even be dating him. He’s a good man, but you don’t love him. Well, you do, but not as someone you want to be with romantically. This went too far and it’s your fault. Maybe you should just go with it, marry him and…

Your train of thought is cut short when you see a figure at a distance, leaning against the wall. You recognize him immediately, and your heart is what makes your legs move. Towards him, of course.

Holding your dress off the way with one hand, you use the other to balance yourself on the stone steps. You’re still a bit too far when he turns around, quickly finding you. You’re hidden from the party down here, with the french chateau brick wall on one side and the tall shrubs on the other. And you couldn’t be more thankful for the privacy.

“John.” You mutter when you’re close enough. He’s dressed to impress, as always, in a dark vest, hair pushed back. Many things go through your head, but nothing feels like the right thing to say. “Are you here for a target?” It’s what comes out.

“No. I’m out. Permanently this time.” He answers in a low voice, giving you a quick look. “You’re absolutely stunning.”

Blushing, you give your dark blue dress a look. “Thanks…”

“I’m here because your father invited me.” He adds, and you look up at him again. John and your father are old friends, so it makes sense. “To your proposal party.”

“So you know.”

“Yes, I do.” He mutters. “And you should be in there. With your boyfriend and not out here with your ex.”

“I don't–” Some voices reach you, and you look over your shoulder.

“Someone is coming.”

“Yeah.” Looking around, you find to see the stone bridge a couple of feet away, towering over you. Taking John’s hand, you start pulling him. “Come.” Moving as fast as you can in your high heels, you rush under the bridge, it’s not too wide, but it’s enough to hide. You go further in until complete darkness surrounds both of you. You’re still catching your breath when your phone starts vibrating, and you take it from the hidden pocket of your dress, quickly checking who’s calling because blocking the screen so the light won’t give out your position.

“It’s Angela.” You whisper, and then you see when she walks past you under the bridge, alongside Janice, another friend of yours.

“They’re looking for you.”

“Sometimes I forget you have a very good hearing.” You mutter, wondering if he can hear your heart because it has never beaten so fast. Not since the last time you saw him. “I was going to break up with Duncan.” The words come out, you’re not sure why. Maybe you just need him to know. “I’ve been meaning to for a couple of weeks.”


“Because it’s not fair to be with someone when your heart belongs to another man.” There it is. You swore you’d never open up to John again. That you wouldn’t confess your feeling to someone who may not love you anymore. But he affects you in ways you don’t understand.

John moves in the dark, and you step back, trapped against the cold wall and his body. “I came here for a specific reason.”

This gets your attention, and you raise your head, looking at him in the dark. Your eyes are getting used to it, but still, you can only see a silhouette. “W-what reason?”

“I had to let you go because I had a very dangerous job. A Marker I had to fulfill. But now… Now I’m free. And when I your father told me about this party…” He sighs, and you have to control yourself not to touch him. “I had to try. To know if there’s anything left of what we had because when we talk, even though the phone I feel–”

“I still remember the taste of your tongue.” You burst out, taking a deep breath and closing your eyes, bringing back to your memory all the kisses you shared. “It’s burned in my brain, John.”

“(Y/N)…” He mutters, and you feel a warm, big hand around your waist, pulling you close until you collapse against his chest. “I don’t want to ruin a perfectly good relationship. So if you’re happy with Duncan, I’ll leave. I’ll disappear.”

“No, please, John… I told you, I was planning on ending things. I never thought Duncan would do this.”

“I just need to be sure, (Y/N).” He pulls away, a finger under your chin to make you look up at him. “I love you, and I want you. But I won’t make a move until what you have with him is over.”

“Then take me away from this stupid party, John.” You beg, hands finding the collar of his suit and holding him, pulling him to you. Thanks to your high heels, you’re closer to his lips, and you can feel his breath. “Take me away. I’ll fix it, I’ll fix everything. I want you too.”

Without saying anything else, John takes your hand, brings it to his lips, and places a soft kiss on your knuckles. Then, he starts moving, and you’re more than happy to follow.

John takes you through the garden, out of the view from those inside the hotel. The darkness is your protection today because you know people are desperately trying to find you since your phone won’t stop vibrating. When you get to his car, you quickly get into the passenger seat, and soon enough you’re leaving the hotel.

You missed John’s car, as you missed everything about him. The ride to his place is long, almost four hours. But the distance works in your favor. You want to leave everything behind, and you surely don’t want to be followed. The whole drive, you exchange glances, and it feels like neither of you believes this is real.

It’s very late when you get to his place, and you accept his clothes before taking a warm shower. You remember the last time you crashed here, but it feels like a lifetime ago. You love how baggy his clothes are on you, and you love the smell.

But you don’t have time to enjoy it, you have calls to make. So seated on the living room’s couch, you speak with far too many people, apologizing over and over again.

An hour later you finally put the phone down, a hand on your forehead as you calm down after upsetting so many people. You see John coming from the kitchen with a mug. He sits next to you, handing you the hot cocoa.

“I was wondering where you were.”

“Wanted to give you some time.” He says as you take a sip. “Did you speak to him?”

“No. But mother said he’s mad. That he doesn’t want to see me again. Never.” Looking down at the light blue mug, you let it warm up your hands. “He’ll go back to London.”

“And how do you feel about it?”

Shrugging your shoulders, you sigh. “Sad for hurting him. But… Good that it’s over. Does it make a bad person?”

“Sometimes we have to think about ourselves first.”

“Yeah…” Taking another sip from the hot cocoa, you put the mug on the coffee table before snuggling close to John, your head on his chest. You were a bit anxious about it, but you relax when you feel his arms around you. “I missed you so much, John.”

“I missed you too. I couldn’t keep you off my mind.”

“Me neither, John… But…” Taking a deep breath, you close your eyes for a while, focusing on the sound of his heartbeats. “What do we do now? What are we doing? Dating, or…”

“I have a better idea.” He whispers, and you feel him moving a little. When you open your eyes, you see him taking a small, square box from his pocket.

You’re about to ask what it is when he opens it, and your jaw drops. It’s a ring. A beautiful, stunning ring. “W-what.m..” You mutter, sitting up straight and looking at John. “How do you have a ring with you?”

“You never read your old messages. But if you did…” With his free hand, John softly caresses your cheek. And God, how you missed his touch, always so delicate and gentle, leaving a trail of fire on your skin. “You’d see that when you’re sleepy, or when you texted me in the middle of the night, you often say you love me. That you miss me and wanted to get back together. So I took the risk and bought this. Hoping I’d had the chance to give it to you.”

You can’t help but smile, tears threatening to roll down. “John, I… I don’t even know what to say.”

“You can say yes. And then we’d never be apart again.”

Biting your lip, the tears finally roll down as you nod. “Yes, Jardani.” You mutter, smiling. “Yes.”

John smiles too, taking your hand and sliding the ring on your finger before pulling you to his lap. And then, finally, after so damn long, he kisses you.

You’re overwhelmed at first, as if all your senses are gone for a moment, and there’s nothing else in the world but his lips. And he tastes the same. It doesn’t take much until you react, arms around his neck, hands on his hair as you part your lips, letting him deepen the kiss. You can’t ever do that again. You can’t go through long periods without kissing John. It’s like a matter of life and death to kiss him, touch him, be around him. This is love in its most natural way. Genuine and unbreakable.

When you’re forced to pull apart to breathe, you can’t stop smiling. This isn’t how you thought your night would end, but it’s so much better than any plans you could’ve ever made. “I love you, Jardani Jovonovich. And thanks again for teaching me how to pronounce that.”

“I’ll never let you go again.”

“Sounds perfect to me.”
