#john winchesters a plus parenting



for@profoundnet​‘s 100 word challenge.
     Never let them see you sweat.

     The gospels of John Winchester, and rule number 24,601 playing on repeat in Dean’s head, telling him how he should act and who he should be. First problem: he doesn’t want to be that man anymore, wants to be his own. His own, and maybe Cas’s too. 

     Second problem: he can’t tell if it’s sweat or if they are tears falling down his cheeks. He is nestled beneath Cas, and they’ve taken to lazily rutting against each other, both spent at day’s end. Lips tenderly seek out lips, almost desperate as if to say please don’t go . If ‘never let them see you sweat’ means never to be vulnerable, he’d thrown that one out the window the second he’d laid eyes on the love of his life.
