#jon pertwee

nkp1981: Jon Pertwee goofing around between scenes of ‘Doctor Who Season 8′, 1971Oh Jon


Jon Pertwee goofing around between scenes of ‘Doctor Who Season 8′, 1971

Oh Jon

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I had an idea.

So I’ve thought before that it would be unbelieably awesome if the BBC had Sean Pertwee do anything as the Third Doctor - like a special, or even a short clip, literally anything - but then I thought of something even better…

What if we got Sadie Miller involved on this (if you didn’t know, she’s doing some audio adventures as Sarah Jane) and got the two of them to do some scenes from any of the season 11 serials. Or even make some original content. I would literally accept anything.

Like think about it, guys! They’re about the right ages, they’re both involved in acting, we’ve seen Sean dress up as the Doctor before. What if this happened??

If anyone has any thoughts on this, I’m hopefully going to Chicago TARDIS this year, and Sadie is one of the guests (as of this posting). Would it be crazy to mention this? Please add to this, reblog it, signal boost it, or just like it. If it gains momentum, I may bring whatever opinions I collect to Chicago.

Allons-y Whovians!

Post Chicago TARDIS update:

I asked Sadie Miller at one of her panels this weekend and she said that yes, she would totally be interested in doing something with Sean Pertwee if he would do it.
