#jona sees

boudhabar: INAISCE

Mind & Molecules in Syzygy by Jona Sees 

A field orbits an axis that contains a gateway. 

While the austere EŸN VAS wardrobe exists outside the field, the shoes stop short of the edge, and inside the field material considerations are absent. 

The nucleus unifies surrounding elements of mind and matter with the question of its interior constitution. 

Viewers may remain comfortably outside the field or enter into this plane where the known holograms can fade as new ones take shape. 


あまねく物質は質量を忘れ 沓底は地平線に留まり EŸN VASは上天に生ずる 

境に並ぶ心意と身躯は融解し 一つの意思をもって中核へと還る         

安住の地にて心像と対峙し像を保する あるいは 越境の果てに心像は再設され新たな像が結ばれる Translated by Ryo Miyamoto 

Soundtrack by : Meitei from kwaidan

#jona sees    #eyn vas    #冥丁    #meitei    #fashion    #artifacts    #trunk show    #wabisabi    #侘寂    