#jonadio idol au


let me love, let me love you



words: 9k and counting

chapters: 3 of 4

tags: established jonadio, soft jonadio, emotionally vulnerable jonadio

(smut tags for chapter 1: a hot & heavy makeout session, frottage/dry humping, getting interrupted whoops)

(smut tags for chapter 2: a makeout session, soft kissing, nipple play, first-time handjobs, mutual handjob(?), even more soft kissing)

(smut tags for chapter 3: brief discussion of kinks, first-time blowjobs (ft. dio getting a little too overconfident), marking + marking kink, a bit of praise kink, implied strength kink, light dom/sub, jd being soft boyfriends)

(smut tags for chapter 4:TBA)

summary: Now that Jonathan and Dio are dating, they can’t seem to keep their hands off each other, clingy and affectionate and constantly annoying all their friends. But in terms of being more… intimate with each other, they prefer to take things slowly.

a/n: basically just the smut parts in the main story (because i wanted to keep the main fic still mostly a chatfic and these smut parts can get pretty long….)

Keep reading on ao3

kpop idol jonadio’s concert photos (part 3) — choreo change for “depths of the pale darkness” (aka mv3): before vs after

(+ just the flats because i spent so long shading the leather harnesses only to realize once i was done that the dang lighting covered up most of it jasklda)

they’re supposed to be doing a bodywave in this part of the song, and in the modified choreo (purple) they do it w their backs against each other, but in the original choreo (red) jona’s pressed up against dio’s back which kinda simulates……. a certain motion ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

(you can find the full fic here: ao3/twitter/imgur) + (masterlist)


wanted to draw idol jd in the minimum amt of clothing they’d wear around their apartment and ofc i had to include the staple boyfriend shirt too (and ofc copious amts of dio tiddy)

kpop idol jonadio couple photos — christmas date

they bought gifts for each other on christmas, each with a star motif because that’s kind of their duo’s symbol

(+ with a version where jona isn’t wearing the necklace dio gave him because it was covering his cleavage and i’m quite proud of how that exposed part of his neck+chest came out so pls behold it thx)

(you can find the full fic here: ao3/twitter/imgur) + (masterlist)

kpop idol jonadio couple photos — “movie” date

they watched the last episode of “phantom blood bon voyage” together in jona’s apartment~ but dio was pretty tired that day, so he ended up falling asleep against jona in the middle of it

(you can find the full fic here: ao3/twitter/imgur) + (masterlist)

kpop idol jonadio couple photos — first date (inside)

they couldn’t have a proper first date outside, so they had one indoors! featuring homemade dessert (courtesy of dio) + #ootd mirror selfie

jona posted the first pic to his public twitter, and jona and dio posted the rest to their respective private twitters

(you can find the full fic here: ao3/twitter/imgur) + (masterlist)

“today is our first day ”

their very first selca together as a couple! taken the morning after they got together~

(you can find the full fic here: ao3/twitter/imgur) + (masterlist)

the many faces of idol dio, especially around jona
