#jonah marais imagine



Summary: The reader goes to a football game to support Jonah, her best friend, and he surprises her by asking her to prom.


Warnings:One cuss word

Word Count:633

It’s really short but I just wrote it as a drabble based off this picture because I have so many feels.


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  • So much PDA, always holding your hand or wrapping his arms around you to show the world that you’re his
  • he loves showing you off because he still can’t believe you’re his girl
  • so much cuddling
    • whenever he comes back from tour he’s especially cuddly needy, he’ll wrap his arms around you tighter when you try to get up from bed because he just wants to keep you in his arms
  • forehead kisses/nose kisses/ top of head kisses/ so many kisses because he’s super affectionate 
  • Making fun of eachother’s heights because he’s so tall and you’re not
    • the perk of being short is you can just jump on his back and make him carry you around, and since he’s the sweetest boy he’ll just go with it
  • 2 AM trips to your favorite fast food place
    • also late night drives, music up all the way, windows down, the world seems silent and it’s just the two of you
  • small romantic gestures 
    • he’ll remember you saying you like something you see in a store and he’ll surprise you with it months later
    • singing to you when you’re sick and making you soup
  • Being stopped by fans whenever you’re with him, but they want pictures with you as well because everyone ships you two