
It is JONNIT WEEK! And that finally kicked me ot doing a peice I’ve had in mind for a LONG time, so

It is JONNIT WEEK! And that finally kicked me ot doing a peice I’ve had in mind for a LONG time, so here ya go!
I felt like the “identiy” theme for this day fit the vibes on this best
Jonnit Kellser is wonderful and I love him

[ID: Jonnit Kessler, a Black fifteen year old with a golden third eye on his forehead, from the waist up. He’s wearing a white vest with a purple sleeveless jacket on top, a red bandana around his neck, and he’s holding the kursaigama in his hand with a determined expression on his face. Behind him, in luminous golden lines, facing away, is the outline of his future self. He is wearing a tricorn hat and jacket, hair tied back, also holding the kursarigama. The background is the ocean meeting blue sky.]

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