#josie packard

Josie Packard’s death in “Episode 23” (“The Condemned Woman”) is never

Josie Packard’s death in “Episode 23” (“The Condemned Woman”) is never elaborated upon throughout the serie’s final episodes. After her death, Cooper sees a vision of BOB and Josie’s face becomes morphed into a bedside dresser knob in The Great Northern.

BOB’s appearance seems unrelated to her death, however, Frank Silva revealed at the 1993 Twin Peaks Festival that BOB had taken Josie to The Black Lodge. A scene, featuring Josie sticking her head through The Red Room’s curtains, was filmed but not included in “Episode 29” (“Beyond Life and Death”). In “Episode 27” (“The Path to the Black Lodge”), Pete Martell murmurs “Josie, I can see your face” near the fireplace in The Great Northern’s lobby, suggesting Josie’s soul might be trapped in the wood of the hotel.

One theory suggests half of Josie’s soul (her body) is in The Black Lodge and the other (her face) is trapped in The Great Northern. As her body is only seen in The Black Lodge and her face in the hotel, it is implied she is caught “between two worlds”–sound familiar?

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A symbol of dominance or just a clever shot?

A symbol of dominance or just a clever shot?

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Hank Jennings’ domino originally contains the number six, seperated into two parts (three). Ch

Hank Jennings’ domino originally contains the number six, seperated into two parts (three). Chris Mulkey explained at the 1999 Twin Peaks Festival that the number three represented “magic” and doubling it represented “mysticism.”

However, Josie Packard is often seen being intimidated by the domino therefore it could hold a deeper, more personal meaning. Another theory suggests it is the number of people Hank has killed.

Partway through season two, the number on the domino changes three times. This isn’t on purpose, it’s one of the few errors in Twin Peaks. The original domino was lost and replaced, hoping no one would notice!

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