
My January haul! I was planning to save up for make up but one night, I was so stressed from work an

My January haul! I was planning to save up for make up but one night, I was so stressed from work and I walked in National Bookstore. I went out with a heavy plastic in my right hand full of school supplies. I’m not regretting it though.

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planner spread for January 25 - January 29, 2016

planner spread for January 25 - January 29, 2016

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Life Lately,♡ pizza run at SNR // my beautiful princess pandora ring // flower shopping // treated mLife Lately,♡ pizza run at SNR // my beautiful princess pandora ring // flower shopping // treated mLife Lately,♡ pizza run at SNR // my beautiful princess pandora ring // flower shopping // treated mLife Lately,♡ pizza run at SNR // my beautiful princess pandora ring // flower shopping // treated mLife Lately,♡ pizza run at SNR // my beautiful princess pandora ring // flower shopping // treated mLife Lately,♡ pizza run at SNR // my beautiful princess pandora ring // flower shopping // treated mLife Lately,♡ pizza run at SNR // my beautiful princess pandora ring // flower shopping // treated mLife Lately,♡ pizza run at SNR // my beautiful princess pandora ring // flower shopping // treated mLife Lately,♡ pizza run at SNR // my beautiful princess pandora ring // flower shopping // treated m

Life Lately,

pizza run at SNR //my beautiful princess pandora ring //flower shopping // treated my family to dinner at Brique // cakes and coffee at 10 Dove street //cafe interiors on point // maki madness at Yakimix  // Mangnum chocs 

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♡ The Parisian Dreamer’s planner ~ January 1 to 6,2016 ♡

♡ The Parisian Dreamer’s planner ~ January 1 to 6,2016 ♡

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What’s inside my planner ~ first two weeks of January 2016!And since we are already at it, I’d like What’s inside my planner ~ first two weeks of January 2016!And since we are already at it, I’d like

What’s inside my planner ~ first two weeks of January 2016!

And since we are already at it, I’d like to give a tip or two on how I go about my planner:

♡ time boxes ~ I have work 8:30 to 5:30 everyday and I make boxes for each hour so I could shade them off as each hour passes by! That way, I feel like the day is dwindling down to an end. It’s one of the best methods of coping up with long days of work ever and I honestly feel so refreshed every time I get to shade off a box. it gives me a quite a feeling of productivity (yeah yeah, false sense it may be but it definitely inspires me to work more because it kind of makes me feel like hey I actually have accomplished something already!)

♡ break off each task to really tiny bits ~ I usually try to be as specific as I could be so I could have more chances of shading off a box! Believe me, this is such a fun way to motivate yourself to work more.

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Level 10 Life is a method of setting up your goals! First, you make ten (10) general goals/categorie

Level 10 Life is a method of setting up your goals! First, you make ten (10) general goals/categories then further subdivide it to 10 specific goals under each category.

For example, one general goal of mine is to slim down. I, then, further made more specific subgoals under that category: (1) lose 5 pounds, (2) lose 10 pounds, and the list continues until # 10! :)

It’s pretty simple, really! Maybe the only thing that I had a hard time was doing the circle chart! Haha I can’t wait to start accomplishing the little, subgoals until the whole circle chart gets colored!

Let’s all try it together! I think it would be fun!

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Here is what’s inside my DIY planner! The only thing I bought is the notebook, trust me. Anyways, I’Here is what’s inside my DIY planner! The only thing I bought is the notebook, trust me. Anyways, I’Here is what’s inside my DIY planner! The only thing I bought is the notebook, trust me. Anyways, I’Here is what’s inside my DIY planner! The only thing I bought is the notebook, trust me. Anyways, I’

Here is what’s inside my DIY planner! The only thing I bought is the notebook, trust me. Anyways, I’m going to describe below a little about each section so you might have some idea with what to do with yours too! Having DIY planners are so much fun because there’s literally no limit to what you can and want to put inside!

♡ Cover ~ At first, I tried looking for a nice quote over pinterest but most of them are either too common or too mushy. I wanted something that’s motivating and also a little specific! Believe me when I say that I actually thought of my cover just casually and wrote it all under five minutes! If you want to read as to why and what my cover quote actually means, read it in my previous post here.

♡ Level 10 Life ~ This is the section that took me so long to finish because I just fail at making the perfect circle! But it’s also very rewarding after seeing that I was able to make a decent one and I’m excited to complete a goal! If you want me to discuss on how to go about it, let me know!

♡ Weekly spread ~ Ofc! I think this is quite self-explanatory. But this is also where I place my weekly goals and tracker. I will be showing to you my filled-up week page soon!

♡ Month at a glance ~ Just a start-up page for each month where I place important schedules / dates to remember as well as my goals for the month.

And that’s about it!I hope you enjoyed this post. Also, I’d love to read all your messages so ask away! Ciao!

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“MAKE A WISH LIST!”Hey everyone! Presenting you to my planner for 2016! *YEY* Since I could not find


Hey everyone! Presenting you to my planner for 2016! *YEY* Since I could not find one that I like, I decided to make my own. Yes, you heard that right! Well, of course, I bought a blank notebook… but I was the one who did the cover (quote, lettering) and also designed the very content inside! I’m planning to show what’s inside (I did a loootttt of lists, btw) in a separate post. I actually am so proud of myself for coming up with the witty tagline (don’t care what you say, I think it’s witty!) because it speaks so much to me without being too serious! I am a very big list nerd and making lists makes me more productive! So this year, I want to not just make a wish but I also want to make lists (of to-dos) that would push me to work on and for my dreams! Anyways, that’s it! Let me know how you find it by dropping some messages! I promise we are going to spend a lot of time together this year as I got so many plans for this blog! Love you all! Ciao! x

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