


Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x Female reader

Word Count: 3,557

Rating: There’s only like one or two instances of language, everything else is very tame. 

Summary: Accompanying your friend to a speed dating event wasn’t ever supposed to result in you meeting someone that you actually liked, especially after the way your last relationship ended. There’s no way it’s that easy, right? 

Author’s note:

Here I am again like a clown, writing a character that I have no business writing because I got bored. IDK exactly where this is going yet, but we’re gonna get there together. There ARE some plot spoilers for TUWOMT that will factor in in later parts of this, but this intro is relatively spoiler free. 



“What are you looking for in a guy?” Blinking quickly in an attempt to refocus your attention, you stared at the man across from you. I didn’t even realize time was up with the last guy. “Stability? Lots of attention? A good job?”

“Someone original.” Forcing a smile, you gestured with one hand. “Someone that’ll catch me off guard, but in a good way.” Which isn’t going to be you, Kevin. 

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I want to go to Guantanamera and eat empanadas with Javi!
