#jt and copper seem to have



I knew watching one episode of Sanditon without context wasn’t going to be good for me. but my mom wanted company, and I’m a good buddy.

fromdirt in the doing:

There are many reasons why Jet loves to fight, and the satisfaction of seeing his opponent reel away from him in stunned shock is only one of them.

Copper doesn’t understand this, though he tries. Jet can’t decide whether he appreciates this or not. One the one hand, it’s generous of his brother to put so much effort in reinstating their former bond, and from Jet’s fragmented childhood memories, very accurate to character. On the other hand, the further Copper delves into reasons and motivations, the more Jet is forced to think about them.

“You don’t ever have to tell me more than you’re comfortable with,” Copper reiterates. He’s sitting cross-legged on Jet’s couch, elbows on knees, chin on closed fists.

Jet slumps to the side a little, sliding his hands down his legs. “I’m uncomfortable with telling you anything.”

A hand touches his hair. Jet doesn’t turn around, just sits very still on the ground in front of Copper, letting him thread through the strands far too gently for someone of his roughness.

“Do I scare you?” Copper sounds mostly amused, with a trace of apprehension.

Jet isn’t sure if he subconsciously tries to attune himself to Copper’s nuances or if he just never lost the ability during their time apart. Perhaps twins can’t lose what other siblings might. Copper has insisted that they’ll get back everything they missed out on. Jet knows there’s nothing to recover, and despite his fearlessness in every other area, where his brother is concerned, Jet finds himself easily disturbed.

If Copper asks him any question, seriously, with eyes that will search out the answer in silence if not in spoken words, Jet will feel compelled to answer.
