#jtk smut rec



sex on fire | jake kiszka

summary: a string of vignettes that tell the story of lust/love in a relationship.

pairings: jake kiszka x reader

warnings: explicit sexual content, self-deprecation (barely)

word count: 4k

“sex on fire” - kings of leon

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Renaissance Man

A/N: This is a two part series! Here’s the link to part two! I have been working on this one for about a month and a half by now, so pretend this takes place in February. Also, I am no artist and know nearly nothing about supplies and techniques so please bare with me here. I’m pretty proud of this piece, and I hope you all like it too! Excuse any spelling or grammatical errors and please leave feedback! Part two coming soon!

Pairing: f!reader x Jake

Summary:“You do realize that most anatomy portraits are done…” he looks around as if trying to find the right word, “au naturale?” or the one where…Jake has many talents that you admire, one of them including his skill with the pencil. When he needs a certain model, you are more than willing to pose for him,.

Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, strong language, talk of nudity, alcohol consumption, slight angst, etc.

Word count:10K+

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A renaissance man. That’s what you would always call Jake, and he would always see it as a joke, but you truly meant it. The man held so many talents, so much knowledge, you were left speechless sometimes.

Of course everyone knows him for his legendary guitar playing skills. He’s a master on the strings, shredding to the music gods above, causing them to ponder if a mortal was just as good as them, perhaps even better. Everyone acknowledged his songwriting capabilities, but only few were given the opportunity to read and witness his solo work, stuff he has written on his own such as poems or short stories. He has a way with words that makes you feel tongue tied, writing and speaking wise. Jake would sometimes just open his mouth and you would be in awe because of his eloquent vernacular.

But the one talent he rarely shows the light of day, is his artistic abilities, those of which that involve paper and pencil and sketching and shading and so forth. You consider yourself the luckiest person alive when Jake shows you his art pieces, telling him he’s a modern day da Vinci. He always rolls his eyes, but you really mean it. You always mean it.

Truth is, he would never really show anyone, outside of his brothers, his art projects besides you. The first time he showed you just a simple sketch in his book he’d been playing around with for an hour or so, he was so nervous. Your approval meant the world to Jake, and though he’d never tell you upfront, you could always tell when he would repeatedly say ‘ya think so?’ after you’d stare in amazement and say, 'this is incredible’. After that, all Jake wanted to hear were the praises and compliments from you, so he’d make sure to show you his projects once he deemed them completed to perfection.
Just like today.

“How the fuck do you do it?” You chuckle with shock, hooking your arms around his neck and giving him a hug, feeling him snake his arm around your waist.

“Do you like it?” He mumbles, watching you closely as you pull away.
You look at him in disbelief, surprised that he’s blind to his own talent still, “Seriously? I love it. It’s beautiful, Jacob. You’re amazing. Every single time, you do so well.”

“Thank you,” he blushes, watching you turn back to the drawing on the table to study it some more.

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