#juanita sanchez


While Michonne still has the top spot for BADASS character introduction, Princess definitely as top spot for cutest introduction.


Yes, marry me, please?

You and Daryl have been together for years, but no one really knows it because of how private the two of you are. But when you get to the Commonwealth and the women can’t stop staring, you and Daryl make things official.


Words: 2.2K
Author’s Note: Daryl’s definitely OOC in this, but I hope you still enjoy the fluff. Or whatever this turns out to be lol.

Before the world had fallen, you and Daryl Dixon would never have spared each other a second look. But after, you couldn’t keep your eye from wandering to the hunter every now and then. He was rugged and brash and everything you did not like in a man. At least not until little Sophia went missing and you got to see a whole ‘nother side to him that you found yourself attracted to.

Things between you and Daryl started to change when you took shelter at the prison, and then escalated rather quickly after your escape from Terminus. You talked more, you hung out more, and you checked on each other so often that the rest of the group started to get an inkling that there was something there between the two of you. No one pressed you for information about you and Daryl besides Maggie and Glenn, but the two of them were easily ignored and eventually gave up.

Rick had caught an affectionate moment maybe once or twice, but thankfully he wasn’t quite the gossip and never said a word. And over the years, throughout the drama and trauma, you always had Daryl. So when Alexandria was struggling and a group that called themselves the CMR came to offer a new place to settle and grow, it was no question for Daryl to agree to go since you and he were looking after both Judith and RJ.

Life in the Commonwealth was exactly like life pre-apocalypse and it took about a week to adjust to normal living again. Daryl was given a job as a soldier, Judith and RJ were enrolled into school, and you were given a job inside a bakery. The Commonwealth seemed a little too good to be true, but you and Daryl needed to provide a decent life for the kids so you stopped looking for trouble.

Trouble, however, seemed to find you. Although this trouble wasn’t the type of trouble either of you were expecting. Trouble came in the form of middle-aged women inside the new community who couldn’t help but appreciateDaryl.

Daryl walks into the apartment one evening, several containers of tupperware under his arm. RJ and Judith are busy drawing, so you’re the first one to greet him.

“Was the kitchen staff being generous today or are your admirers at it again?”

He grunts. “When has the kitchen staff ever been generous?”

You tense in annoyance, jealousy flaring right away. “Well the kids and I already ate. Eat your share and then put the rest in the refrigerator. I’m gonna get the kids to shower before putting them to bed.”

Daryl doesn’t say anything, but he does head to the small kitchen table to start eating. You do as you said, getting the kids to clean up their room before jumping into the shower one right after the other. You clean up the living room as well, keeping your gaze away from where Daryl’s sitting and not uttering a word. But then when it’s your turn in the shower, your shoulders droop and you feel stupid.

You have no reason to feel jealous, especially after all the reassurances Daryl has given you that you’re it for him, and you know that he did not deserve the brief sting of your attitude earlier. So after finishing up your shower and heading out into your bedroom, you hesitate by the door at the sight of Daryl sitting on the edge of your bed.

He stares at you, you stare at him, and then your feet are carrying you towards him. You step in between his knees, hands delving into his hair at the back of his head as his arms wrap around your waist. “I’m sorry,” you tell him.

Daryl glances up at you, lips twitching. “I know.”

“I’m really trying to not be jealous, but these bitches are making it hard.” His shoulders shake with quiet laughter and you whine, nails scratching at his scalp. “I mean, we share an apartment for fuck’s sake. A two bedroom apartment with two kids. What do they think you and I are doin’ in here?”

“I dunno, but I think I might have a way to make them back off.”

“Oh yeah? How?”

“Well the people here are used to livin’ life as it was before the fall.”

“Yeah, and?”

“Well maybe we should follow a rule from before and make it known that m'not available. For good.”

It takes a hot second for his meaning to kick in and when it does, your eyes widen. And then you frown as your hands slide out of his hair to settle on his shoulders. “Are you- are you talkin’ 'bout marriage?” He shrugs and you huff a laugh of disbelief. “You wanna get married?”


“Daryl, you’ve never been one to care for such labels. Why now?”

“Because I still remember that day you saw Maggie wearin’ a weddin’ band and how excited you were. I remember all the squealin’ and gossipin’, and how you admitted you still wanted that happily ever after.” He pauses to clear his throat, the apples of cheeks tinting red. “I can give you an ever after, probably not as happy as it could have been, but it’d be me and you with weddin’ bands to prove we belong to each other.”

Your vision goes blurry with unshed tears, at how much you really want what he’s sayin’ even though you didn’t know it until now, and you sniffle. “You would do that? All because I can’t control these stupid bouts of jealousy?”

“S'not just because of that, but if it helps, it helps.” The tears fall and Daryl’s quick to wipe them away, smiling softly at you. “What do 'ya say? Wanna elope?”

You wetly chuckle, nodding. “Hell yes.”

As it turns out, Daryl had commissioned the wedding bands a while back at Hilltop. The bands were simple, made of some dark metal and nothing else, but that was all you needed. Well that and for the two of you to say I do down at the courthouse. But as luck would have it, the two of you don’t get to enjoy being married for long. The Commonwealth ends up being its own undoing and half the community rose up to fight the other half. Apparently the people of the Commonwealth weren’t as happy-go-lucky as they seemed, and they fought for equality like the higher-ups of the Commonwealth had first promised them.

There was some comfort and new friends you had found within the Commonwealth, but when it came down to moving back to Alexandria, you were more than ready to reunite with old friends who had rebuilt your old community with the tools and supplies given by the Commonwealth months ago. Some who had left Alexandria and/or Hilltop had met someone in the Commonwealth, and you weren’t surprised to see Yumiko’s brother, Princess, Mercer, and Stephanie joining you for the trip back to Alexandria.

Maggie and the others who had stayed behind welcomed all of you back, eyeing the newcomers suspiciously until you, Daryl, Rosita, Yumiko and Eugene vouched for them. And in celebration of being home with no threats on the horizon, Yumiko’s brother decided to cook dinner for the entire community a couple of weeks after everyone settles in. You and Carol help him, and a handful of others decide to line the street with tables and chairs.

It’s during dinner, when everyone’s winding down from the good food and laughter with a glass of wine, that Carol notices your wedding band.

She chokes on her wine, garnering the attention of everyone closest to you, and she points at your hand that’s gently holding onto a wine glass. “What is that?”

Everyone glances at you- at the hand Carol is pointing at- and you grin as you lift the glass to your lips. “What’s what?” You ask before taking a sip.

Daryl snorts and raises his hand to brush aside the hair from his eyes, only for Maggie to gasp and point at his hand as well. “Daryl has one too!”

All is quiet until Princess laughs. “Dudes, no way! You’re married?!” Everyone seems to hold their breath as you glance at Daryl, smirking. “When did this happen? And why wasn’t I invited? Aw man, that’s not cool.”

Daryl chuckles at Princess’ rambling and you shrug. “Sorry.”

Mercer, who’d been frowning, finally speaks up. “I don’t believe it.” All eyes turn to the usually stoic man as he shakes his head. “I trained Dixon for weeks and not once did he mention having a girl back at his apartment. And the times I spotted you speaking to each other in the streets, you didn’t even make it seem like there was a thing going on between you two.”

Daryl shrugs. “We’re private people.”

“Very private,” Rosita muses, bouncing Coco on her knee as she smiles at you. “They’ve been a thing for years, but not once did we ever see anything affectionate between the two. The wedding bands are a complete shock, even to us who’ve known them for years.”

“A happy shock, I hope,” you say.

“Of course. Very,” Maggie is quick to assure you.

“Congratulations!” You glance down the table towards the voice, catching Stephanie’s smiling expression.

“Thank you, Stephanie.”

And then one by one, everyone starts giving their congratulations and telling you it’s about damn time. Then when the commotion starts to dwindle, Carol’s eyes sparkle as she asks, “So what brought this on? For as long as I’ve known you two, you never cared much for labels. Everyone just kind of knew you belonged to each other and were off limits.”

Daryl snorts and you roll your eyes. “Well apparently the women of the Commonwealth didn’t get that memo.”

Princess perks up in her seat. “I knew it! I knew those ladies were hittin’ on you, man.”

Mercer chuckles. “It was the uniform, wasn’t it?”

“I don’t know, man. They just kept feedin’ me and battin’ their eyelashes.”

“Well at least you got food out of it,” Maggie says, trying to look on the bright side when she sees you pouting.

“Yeah, but I felt so dirty eatin’ those casseroles.”

Everyone laughs, and then a couple of them coo when Daryl slides his arm behind your shoulders for you to lean into him. You settle against him, sighing in contentment as the two of you lay your relationship on the line for all to see.

You all stay up a little bit longer, everyone then cleaning up their trash and gathering dishes so all any of you have to do the following day is put away tables and chairs. Then as you and Daryl are walking down the street, hand in hand, you can’t help but swing your hands a little more than necessary as you practically bounce on your toes.

You smile and wave at the other community members going home, glancing at Daryl’s stoic expression from the corner of your eye. Your amusement falters as you tone down your enthusiasm.

“Can I ask you a serious question?” You ask out of the blue.


“Do you regret tying the knot with me?”

Daryl’s step falters before he stops, turning to look at you. “What? Of course not. Why would you even-”

“M'sorry.” You wince, letting him tug you so you’re standing directly in front of him, both his hands holding yours. “I don’t know why my insecurities kicked in again, but you just- you seemed kind of annoyed just a moment ago. Maybe everyone knowin’ wasn’t such a good idea after all.”

“Nah. Don’t even think like that,” he says. He squeezes your hands in reassurance. “Marryin’ you, it’s been the best decision I ever made. Sometimes I wake up next to 'ya and wonder how the hell I ended up so lucky.”

You sniffle. “Really?”

He lets go of your hands so he can reach up to gently cradle your face. “When I said I do I meant it for as long as you and I are breathin’. And I’m fine with everyone knowin’. Doesn’t bother me one bit.”

“Good. Because I’m pretty sure all the women are gonna corner me tomorrow and want all the details.”

“As long as you don’t give them too many details.”

You grin, pushing up onto the tips of your toes to press a chaste kiss to his lips. “Scared I’m gonna tell them about what goes on between the sheets?”

“Yeah. I know you, YN. You’ll cave and tell 'em everythin’ they wanna know.”

“Yeah. I probably would,” you muse. As Daryl leans his head down to rest his forehead against yours, you say, “Fine. I promise to not give them any details about what goes on in the bedroom.”


“Unless they liquor me up, then all bets are off.”

He sighs. “You’re a menace.”

Daryl kisses you one last time before leaning back and then catching you in a loose headlock. You laugh, swatting at his sides and back as he starts walking with you once more, taking you home and hoping the other women don’t ask questions that are too personal in the upcoming days.
