#judicial bypass



As my follower count grows, so do the amount of questions (especially repeats) - that’s my fault, since I don’t have any sort of FAQ. But that’s changing! Hopefully this post will be a good starter to guide for anything you may need.


Important Tags: (in the works)


You can’t be a Christian if you’re pro-choice! 

Meet the Blogger:

  • Hi friends! I’m Kendra and I run this popsicle stand. I’m 21 and I’m attending Georgia Southern University for Anthropology, Religious Studies, and German. I look like this. I’m a Christian (United Methodist) so you’ll hear me talk about that when it’s relevant. I have not had an abortion, nor have I ever been pregnant, but if you want to speak with someone who has had either experience, I would be happy to point you in the right direction. 
  • Small fun facts: I love animals, especially dogs and marine life. I enjoy traveling and photography. If I could live off one food for the rest of my life, it would be fruit. I can’t whistle and I can’t snap using my right hand. My favorite TV shows are Criminal Minds, King of the Hill, and The Night Shift. I also like watching things like Ghost Stories and A Haunting. And Jeopardy. Lots of Jeopardy.
  • I have a personal blog and a Christian blog, so do with that what you will.

Feel free to ask me anything - if I don’t know the answer, I’ll either find it or send you to someone who does. And as always, personal experiences with abortion, adoption, parenting, and pregnancy are always welcome.
