#juice smut


Juice Ortiz Imagine


pt1 pt5


Every time you had to go to work you felt so much anxiety. You where nervous he was going to be there. You weren’t even sure why you where hiding from him. Maybe you where scared he’d want to take your son away. Or maybe it was because you had no idea who he was. Then what if he wanted to be part of Ants life.

“Come on Ant, mama got to go to work really fast. Then we can go to the park.” You said  grabbing the toddlers book bag before taking his hand. Of corse the hospital calls on your day off to have you check charts. You where the charge nurse for the ICU. You knew what you where getting into when you agreed to the promotion. 

Anthony didn’t agree, probably did not care either way or maybe didn’t even understand it all too much either. You sat him down in one of the waiting chairs right in front of the nurses station. 

“Mama will be right back baby.” You said giving him a kiss as the other nurses flaked to him. They where obsessed with how cute he was. You smiled thanking them as hurrying to double check the charts. You knew they’d watch over him no questions asked. 

Juice walked through the hall, he was here to check up on Tig. Well more he agreed to check up on him before anyone else so he’d get another chance to maybe see you. Just as he was about to turn into Tigs room he noticed a toddler sitting one of the waiting chairs outside the room. 

It felt like his heart skipped a beat when he noticed it was the same toddler form outside the store. IT was Y/N son. He was swinging his legs as he had a coloring book in his lap. There box of crayons on the chair and a few crayons scattered on the floor by him. 

Juice bent down, taking the crayons off the floor and handing them back to the toddler. He was still so shocked on how much this little boy looked like him. 

“Here little man, you dropped some crayons.” Juice said slowly reaching his hand out to the boy. He slowly looked up from the coloring book and smiled taking the crayons back into his small hand. 

“Tanks” He said making Juice chuckle. He didn’t no any little kid with answer. 

“Wheres your mom?” Juice asked as he looked around but didn’t see you. There where a few nurses watching him very carefully. 

“Mama? Uhhh” the toddler mumbled looking up trying to look for you. Juice sat on the empty chair next to him hoping he wasn’t going to scare him or worse make him cry. 

“ere” The toddler said before handing the coloring book to Juice. He was leaning over the arm handle holding all the crayons in his little hands. 

“blue” He said pointing to the picture as he handed Juice the crayon. He took it getting the message that he wanted him to color. They sat for a bit, giggling here and there as he colored with the small toddler. 

“Looks like Juicy boy made a friend.” Jax joked as he walked up to his brother confused to why he was sitting out in the hall with some random toddler. Juice and the toddler looked up making Jax trip. 

“Where the hell he come form? You printed yourself or somthin?” Jax joked looking at the toddler that had a very eerie similarity to Juice. 

You walked out the office heading straight to Ant. One of the nurses told you a man was coloring with Juice, he assumed it was the father. She wasn’t wrong technically. 

“Ant baby, time to go.” You said quickly gathering all the toddlers things and throwing them back into his book bag. You didn’t say one word to Juice or even spare him a glance. 

“Y/N!” Juice called out for you as you tried to make your way down the hall. You gripped Anthony even closer to yourself. 

“No you don’t.” He said as he easily caught up to you stopping you. He turned you to look at him but you couldn’t. You didn’t even know what to say right now. 

“You know, I know about the night on the pool table. I know it’s you.” Juice said looking at you as his heart raced.  He wasn’t even sure how he was suppose to have this conversation with you. 

“What do you want?” You asked finally meeting his brown eyes. 

“Just to talk, that’s it. Please stop running from me.” He said slowly letting go of your arm. 

“I don’t even know you.” You whispered looking at him with pleading eyes. Your son was your life. 

“I’m Juice, actually Juan Carlos Ortiz.” Juice said offering his hand for you to shake. 

“Juice?” Your toddler mumbled getting excited making Juice smile.

“He’s talking about apple juice.” You sassed before grabbing a juice box form you bag and giving it to Ant.

“I know.” Juice said still looking at Anthony with warm eyes. You knew that look. It was how you looked at Anthony. 

“I didn’t know I was pregnant until a few weeks later. I’m sorry you found out like this. I just didn’t know you and didn’t know how to found you. I wasn’t even sure if I should since it was a drunken one night stand.” You told him honestly knowing that you couldn’t do anything else. 

“He’s mine right?” Juice asked just double checking he wasn’t the crazy one to assume this boy was his son. 

“Do you want a paternity test?” You asked completely understanding the complexity of the situation you both where now stuck in. 

“Not really, just thought I was crazy thinking I’m a father because I saw a kid that looked just like you, you know?” Juice said still looking at the toddler in your arms. Ant was watching him very closely. 

“It’s still weird to think I’m a dad.” He said no sure of what’s next after this. 

“I don’t want to come off pushy, but if you want to get to know him then your more then welcome to. But I don’t want a half ass Dad that’s only there sometimes. I don’t want him to get attached to you and then you realize you don’t care for having a kid to look after. I don’t want money or anything but if you want to be in his life as his father you need to be consistent. I don’t know you much, and what I do know if from a drunk hook up on a pool table.” You said rushing to get everything off your chest. 

“I do want to get to know him. He’s my son. I know way to well about a dead beat dad. I can’t do that to him.” Juice said frowning at the thought of his own father he never even knew. He couldn’t do that to his own son, even his he didn’t know about this son existing a few weeks ago. 

“Okay, I think he’d really like that. Maybe you can come by for a play date with him. Start small.” You said pulling out your phone from your pocket letting him enter his number. 

“What’s his name?” Juice asked you, he seemed almost nervous. 

“Anthony, I call him Ant.” You said smiling down at the goofy toddler. 

“It suits him.” Juice said looking at his son. He still couldn’t believe he was a day. He couldn’t believe how perfect Anthony was.  Juice never thought he’d get to be a dad, he never thought he’d be able to create someone so special like Ant. Even if it was a drunken hook up, between stranger. This ment everything to him. 
