#juju talks










Tumblr: *rolls out “best stuff first”*

My blog:

on the one hand this is a joke post because lol i have never made a good post in my life, but also, if i hadn’t made the connection between this update and my sudden nosedive in activity, i would have been really fucking discouraged about all the shit i’ve been working on lately. i guarantee there are people on tumblr right now who haven’t made that connection, and who are trying to figure out why suddenly no one likes anything they’ve made. and that fucking sucks.

Reminder to go into your settings and turn off ‘Best Stuff First’ because my activity’s tanked a couple days ago for no reason so this stuff IS happening.

You WILL miss content with that setting on.

i ain’t joking when i say that my activity looks JUST like this too and i wasn’t sure why

I can only find the option on the app under Settings > Dashboard Preferences.

To support content creators do us a favour and turn off “Best stuff first”. Open the tumblr app (Android or iOs) and go to “Settings > Dashboard Preferences. And please reblog this post, so that everybody will see this. Thank you very much!

I assumed I just wasn’t writing very well, but maybe it’s not just me.

Am I supposed to pay to get my writing in front of followers now?

We interrupt your regularly-scheduled sci-fi content because this is important for app users, and it sucks. We all follow blogs because we want to see their content, not to have a crappy algorithm decide what’s best.

This blog is down approximately 80%, which doesn’t affect me other than as an annoyance (as this is a hobby and @okayto is small-ish) but the issue undoubtedly hurts others.


Below are instructions for turning it off. You have to do it individually–it doesn’t matter if a blog you follow turns it off, you’ll still be affected unless you do the same.


Holy cow, this makes so much sense!!! My ratings have literally plummeted and I’ve been feeling so down and discouraged because of it. My series that used to get hundreds of likes/reblogs/comments within the first few hours now gets maybe 70 notes within two days…. I’m only going to assume it’s because of this, and not because people just don’t like my content anymore.

I normally don’t reblog stuff, but this is so important!!! Jeez Tumblr, come on, do better.

Hello everyone! I hope you’ve all been well….

I figured you all deserve an explanation as to why I haven’t posted on here in months. For the past year and a half now, I’ve slowly gotten out of K-Pop, and BTS. I’ve done this before in the past, but have always still listened to their music, but I don’t even listen to K-Pop anymore and haven’t for a long while.

Due to this, I haven’t wanted to write for BTS at all, so… I just haven’t. No inspiration means no good works, and I believe in posting my best writings, not just some half-assed pieces, which I worry I was doing with the last month I was on this blog.

I’ve been well, doing school and working, and I still constantly write, just not for BTS, and all my works are just pieces I write and won’t ever post (probably). I’m sorry to have disappointed you all, but I believe this is a Permanent Hiatus blog now. 

Now, what does that mean? Essentially, it means I’ll still check in every now and again, but I will no longer be posting to this blog. I MAY however finish Flowers & Weeds, because I hate leaving a whole series unfinished, but it may be sporadic in when it’s posted. As for the requests, they will not be fulfilled, and I’m incredibly sorry. Is it possible I’ll be back to write in the future? Sure, if I get back into K-Pop and become inspired, I’d love to hop back on and start writing and posting again. However for now, I will no longer be working on this blog.

I will not be deleting it!! I love all the pieces I’ve written, and know a lot of people go and reread them, which always warms my heart, so I would love you all to still have access to them all. ^_^ I’ve, also, reached 10,000 followers as of recent (I’ve actually reached it like twenty times from people unfollowing, but it’s alright, I understand.) That is an absolutely crazy number and I’m so honored to have so many people enjoy my works. So thank you all so much for all your love and support over all these years. It was some of the best times I’ve had in my life. <3 I love you all, and I hope you all the best in life. <3

No matter if I’m super into BTS or not so much anymore, I will forever be attracted to Jung Hoseok.

shizukku: Throughout the heavens and earth, I alone am THE HONORED ONE.shizukku: Throughout the heavens and earth, I alone am THE HONORED ONE.shizukku: Throughout the heavens and earth, I alone am THE HONORED ONE.



Post link

Nothing worse than putting your alarms back on right after a vacation. Going to work tomorrow is going to be a struggle

My toxic trait is drinking coffee at 9 PM every night and wondering why I can’t fucking sleep until 2 AM 
