#jujutsu kaisen fanfics


Blood Bound: Unyielding

Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Graphic Depictions of Blood and Violence, Death, Gore, Japanese Mythical Folklore, No Major Character Death, Slight Horror, War
Previous Chapter: Home (Nori’s POV)
Next Chapter: Melting (NSFW)
Word Count: 2.85k
Tags: Kamo Noritoshi x Reader, Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Notes: Pardon the hiatus, but I’m back~ It’s the last book/arc for this story and there’s only a handful of chapters left. Funny thing is that I have such a hard time deciding the chapter titles, I probably spent more time pondering on those than writing out the actual story (Just kidding ofc). I hope you enjoy reading it^^

Chapter 21: Hearth

You woke up again later in the day, with Noritoshi’s arm slung over your side. He was already awake with eyes slightly opened, just sleepily watching over you. His eyes, although soft and gentle, had a sharp look that you couldn’t figure.

You hurriedly wiped your face in case there was drool or snot anywhere, not wanting to seem untidy.

“Good morning, love. How are you feeling?” Noritoshi pulled you close to plant a kiss on your nose. His lips were plush, pressing against you for a moment before he gave a little nip. The atmosphere around him was so serene that you had to fight to stay awake.

Noritoshi had just woken up, but it looked like he had a halo around him and his skin was glowing. You’ve never seen anyone prettier. Butterflies fluttered around your insides. You couldn’t even remember the last time he held you like this.

“Much better now. How about you Toshi?”

“I’m okay. I’m not too eager to get back to the Kamo estate just yet,” He sighed. “I wonder if father will let me stay here one night longer.”

“You can ask,” you yawned, covering your mouth. “And if you stay you can meet some of my family.” You laced your fingers through his and held it over your heart, not wanting to part with him just yet.  

His eyes twinkled at your words, then he reached for his phone on the bedside table. You crawled closer to him and settled your head against his shoulder, feeling him press his face against your hair after he turned back around.

He always smells good, but now he smells like your lavender body wash, which was even better. And it was too comforting, too difficult to resist rubbing your face into his clothes.

“Y/N.” You froze. Maybe it was because you both just got up, but his voice seems deeper than normal, with a heavy rumble to it. 

His eyes closely tracked your movements, not missing the way your legs shifted in response to his voice. You didn’t miss the glint of mischief, before he composed himself once more.

Noritoshi kept one arm around you and stroked your back gently as he called his father. 

“Noritoshi. How are you? Are you ready to come home?” you could hear his father’s voice through the phone. 

“I may need to rest for a bit longer, and the Tsuchimikado clan has excellent healers. Might I be permitted to stay for one more night? I can leave for home past noon tomorrow.”

You closed your eyes and uttered your prayers. 

“Hmmmm… Okay then, I permit it. Make the most out of your time there, and I’ll have Obi pick you up tomorrow at 1pm. Do not be late.”

“Thank you father, yes I will. Yes. Goodbye.”

He barely just hit the end call button as soon as you jumped on top of him, fiercely hugging him. Noritoshi flushed with pleasant surprise, arms coming up to firmly wrap around your waist.

“One more day and night with you. Since it’s the school holidays I won’t be able to see you for 2 more weeks.” You buried your face in his chest, breathing in his scent.

“We just have to make the most out of today then, right love?” 

He threw the covers over both of your heads and pressed you against the sheets.

Everything around was so warm, soft and cozy. The heavy curtains and blinds by your windows blocked most of the sunlight, letting you both stay in the dark. You could only hear the soft sounds of his lips pressing repeatedly into your skin. 

You couldn’t control the shivers that crept all throughout your body as his tongue darted out to lick your ear.

Badly wanting to make up for the time you both lost, you reached up to grip his pajama shirt tightly, and threw your head back as he latched onto your neck. “Toshi, I-”

And you were both interrupted as your stomach let out another gurgle.

Silence followed.

“I need food.”

“That’s the second time today. You really can’t last a second without munching on something can you?”

You pouted as Noritoshi pulled the sheets off of you and dragged you to the bathroom. “Let’s go then.”

All was well, until your scream was heard, followed with a loud smack. “TOSHI YOU IDIOT YOU LEFT A MARK ON ME!”


“Eat up! Both of you must have been so exhausted. And very good work during the war. Can you tell me more about it, Noritoshi-kun?” Your grandmother smiled and patted his cheek, as to which he pleasantly agreed.

You had a late afternoon lunch with your family and Noritoshi. The household attendants kept stopping and passing by to have a peek at your boyfriend. 

No doubt that they will come to bug you about him later on. Nearly the whole family was present save for those still fixing up matters with the war.

“Well… I expected this.” You muttered under your breath. Noritoshi’s hand instantly came to rest above yours, hidden from sight under the table. You looked calm on the outside, but your emotions were a mess inside. It was the same for Noritoshi.

Your grandparents were asking him questions. Your father was closely watching the both of you. 

Another squeeze on your hand. He’s nervous. You can feel Noritoshi’s inner squeamish emotions at being the center of such close attention, but he’s managing it quite well. And it seems like he’s used to such things.

“So you’re the oldest son in your household? Do you see your mother often? Do you get along with your step-siblings?”

“Yes. When I have free time I do meet up with her. We get along okay.”

You really wanted to stop them from asking him such personal questions in front of everyone, but his hand squeezed yours really tight, to the point that it was almost painful, just when you were about to move. 

‘Don’t stop them.’ You could feel such vibes just wafting off from Noritoshi. 

His mess is now your mess and vice versa. He was right, there isn’t any point in stopping it. 

Your grandparents seemed to have finally calmed down from their initial excitement from meeting Noritoshi. The room quieted to small murmurs as the 8 year old twins Kousuke and Kaito entered the room.

“Ah! Aniki, good afternoon!” The older one ran and threw himself at Noritoshi’s lap. 

“Kousuke! Mind your manners, he is an important guest.” Your grandfather scolded him.

“He’s just y/n oneesan’s boyfriend right? I already met him this morning when they were cooking ramen in the kitchen.” He shrugged, enjoying how Noritoshi struggled to accommodate him in his lap.

Shit. Noritoshi shared a small smile with you. Caught red handed.

“When did you both …?” One of your cousins asked, and Noritoshi sheepishly explained the events earlier that morning. 

“I was the one who offered him food and cooked Ramen. You can’t expect us to starve.” You huffed.

Kaito ignored the ongoing discussion and clambered over to you. He was always looking for cuddles, and you were one of the few who indulged him daily.

“Aren’t you warm in that, neesan?” Kaito asked you, eyeing the thick muffler around your neck. It was winter, but the heaters were in full blast.

“Nope, it’s just right. I’m still feeling a bit cold right now.” You tried to rub your arms as naturally as you could. You were lucky that you were able to keep your hands ice cold thanks to your cursed technique. 

The rest of the lunch went smoothly and Noritoshi felt himself relax the more time passed by. At least in this house, nobody had ulterior motives against him. Although even just the thought of it was saddening, it was the truth. He was seen as more of a tool to the Kamo family than a beloved person.

Kousuke reached up upon seeing Noritoshi’s face slightly darken, “Does it hurt anywhere, Aniki?” The boy was young, but incredibly sharp witted and good with reading people. He was also aware of the war that had just ended.

Noritoshi was surprised for a moment before shaking his head, “It will get better. All wounds heal with time.” 

Something about Noritoshi’s current demeanor made you feel like he wasn’t talking about his physical injuries. Your heart squeezed as you watched your lover hug your cousin. His eyes filled with such gratitude over a small yet sincere act from Kousuke. 


“I’m still so full.” Noritoshi felt slightly overwhelmed at all the good attention he received today. Everyone kept shoving him more food to eat every time he polished off his plate. He had to politely explain that he was on the brink of exploding.

“Same here. I have to workout so much to burn these calories.” You groaned.

The both of you just finished playing video games with the kids, as promised, and were heading back to your room. Noritoshi found out that he was actually quite skilled at Mario Kart, despite losing the first 3 rounds spectacularly against the twins.

The sky was already darkening with the sunset in the distance.

“Did you enjoy yourself today?” you asked Noritoshi. The question you really wanted to ask was “Are you okay?” but it didn’t feel right.

His chest warmed. “Of course I did. Your family is lovely. And besides, I’m never unhappy when I’m with you.”

You turned away to hide your smile, but Noritoshi didn’t need to see your face to know how you felt at that moment. He reached out with a pinky and linked it with yours. You glanced down before swaying your hands back and forth. 

You looked back up at Noritoshi to see him watching you as though you held all the good things the world had to offer in your hands. It made your breath halt for a moment. 

Silver lined his eyes, as though tears were about to fall. ‘Why though?’, you wondered in confusion. The sun was going down, but the last remnants of the golden glow cast itself upon his skin. 

“Love?” Noritoshi’s voice was only just slightly louder than the passing wind. He bent down to press his forehead against yours. 

“I love you. I hope you know that,” you whispered, your eyes shutting as he neared. You reached up to wipe away his tears.

“I know, since I feel the same,” he murmured against your lips, before dragging you behind a pillar, out of sight, and pulling you flush against his body, not leaving an inch of space between the two of you. 

Noritoshi didn’t hesitate to part your lips with his tongue, wanting to taste every inch of you. He’s been holding himself back for how many weeks and all he wanted was you in his arms. Your smell surrounding him, everything about you overwhelming his senses. 

You were forced to push back your head and surrender to his kiss. It was harsh and deep, so unlike his usual gentle demeanor around you. You didn’t realize that you slipped a hand underneath his loose sleeve, hand traveling upwards to hold onto a bicep. 

But Noritoshi didn’t mind. Instead, he reached down to lift one of your thighs and hooked it around his waist. You pulled back from the kiss, gasping for air, your face already so red. 

“Out of breath already? Use your nose.” Noritoshi bit on your lower lip before his lips traveled downwards. His smirk widened upon seeing the scarf you so hastily put on before lunch. “You look way too warm in this.”

Your eyes burned with the force of the glare you shot him, “No thanks to you,” You spat. 

He simply ripped off your scarf in reply, caging you against the pillar before latching onto your neck. Marks coloured it from this morning’s activities. 

For all your feistiness, you shut up quickly as soon as Noritoshi set to adding more red and purple marks on your skin. You didn’t need the scarf anymore, feeling feverish simply from the way he bit and licked your neck. 

You lost track of time, not realizing that the sun set already. Your fingers tangled themselves in his hair, tugging relentlessly against the back of his head. Noritoshi’s hands found both of themselves under your sweater, moving up-

Footsteps sounded from afar, and the both of you parted quickly, breathing heavily. 

Disappointment shined from Noritoshi’s eyes, but the unspoken words hung clearly in the air. We are not finished with this.

On the other hand you were beside yourself in horror. What were you thinking, doing such brazen acts in public? And in your family home no less.

You scrambled for your scarf, hastily trying to drape it back over your neck. Noritoshi did not help you for a moment, his eyes filled with sheer delight over how messy you looked. It wasn’t like him to be so reckless in public. It seems like his longing for you snapped the remaining bits of his sense of reason. 

And anyways, he didn’t think he’d get treated so badly here in the Tsuchimikado estate. If anything, your parents and elders seem to have been unsurprised by the lack of distance between the two of you. Your father not even batting an eyelash whenever you both hold each other’s hands in public.

A small perk to be grateful for, that both of your families easily approved of your union. 

“Oi! Piggy sis!” A clear strong voice called out from behind the two of you, making you both turn around. 

‘How much did Hiroki-nii see? How long was he even there?’

“Who the fuck are you calling a pig? Loser.” You spat. 

Noritoshi found the interactions between you and your cousin amusing. He couldn’t guess if it was a good relationship or not, since it often sounded like both of you argued all the time. 

But it seems like it was just rough sibling banter. In one second you’re both sweet, in the next you’re at each other’s throats. 

Hiroki came up to the both of you. You could see that he had some bandages around his wrists, and he seems more well rested than the previous day. 

“Wanting to see how my little sis and her boyfriend are doing. Is it so bad?” He huffed a laugh, but paused upon seeing both of your disheveled states. 

His eyes narrowed further upon seeing your scarf messily made over your shoulders. You hated wearing mufflers in the estate, and you do pretty okay in the cold thanks to your technique. He zoned in on a red and purple bruise just peeking ever so slightly above the fabric. Ah. 


“It’s not,” you sighed trying to think of an excuse even though you were caught red handed. “I just- A dog bit me.”

The two men stared at you for a moment before bursting into breathless laughter. 

“That is the weakest comeback you’ve had for me so far.” Hiroki was nearly howling. “We don’t mind, you know. I’m happy to see you both getting along so well in fact. Just do it in a room please.”

You frowned as Noritoshi pulled you to him, burying his face in your hair for a moment. His teeth were out as his shoulders shook in amusement. Oh well, at least you made him laugh for a bit.

“Noritoshi, I take it, you’re also doing well?“

He nodded, eyes shining with uncovered mirth. “I’ve enjoyed myself a lot. Everyone’s been too kind and welcoming. Thank you Hiroki-san.”

“We have a guest room ready for you if you’d like? Though the head of the clan is aware of your special relationship, and well, they’re surprisingly comfortable enough to let you stay in y/n’s room.”

“I’m more than happy to stay with her. There’s only one night left anyways and it would be more trouble to set up another room.”

Hiroki’s gaze softened as he watched Noritoshi adjust your scarf for you.

Noritoshi cleared his throat amidst the silence, “I’d like to have lunch with you sometime, Hiroki kun. With y/n of course, just the three of us. It would be good for us to get to know each other better.”

Hiroki brightened. “Looking forward to it. Well then, don’t let me keep the both of you from your, ” he paused momentarily to make jazz hands “thing. Also, can you keep it down, my room is just down the hallway. No funny business. I’d appreciate it if you could both keep it in your pants-”

You slapped a hand over your cousin’s mouth, not realizing that you floated up to reach his stupidly tall height. “Shut. It. That’s none of your shit to worry about.”

He licked your hand and you had to let go. “Mmm hmmm, sure sure. Good night then~” Hiroki was more than happy to leave, seeing that you were already so flustered.

Noritoshi just shook his head. “Your household is like a typhoon.” You only sighed in agreement.


Taglist:@lessie-oxj@rizzo-nero @whoreuc @fkngkumiko @isl3t@gojoussunglasses @onepotatostand-blog @s-t-f-u-b-i-t-c-h @rayhaitani@lordguameow@track5enthusiast@nayydoesthings@a1hina@r-rose08@cherriesanwine@felicityforyou@freewitchjellyfish
