

The 58th All Japan Jukendo Yusho Taikai - Kendo World

Ground Self-defense Force’s contest - Final
2014-4-20, Nippon Budokan

42th Infantry Regiment vs. 22th Infantry Regimen

This is a really awesome match! I’ve also never heard of jukendo before today, but it looks really cool and carries the same intensity as kendo. For those that don’t know jukendo, it’s basically bayonet fighting that’s based mostly off of spear fighting but has some elements of kendo in it. The three attack points in this martial art are the throat, heart, and lower left side. For more information, check out the article on Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C5%ABkend%C5%8D) or consult Google!

Although I have to admit that while I was watching this, an image from a classic movie popped into my head….(kudos to those who get the reference!)


#jukendo    #bayonets    