
While Alessa was sitting at the table with Sutton, Rene, Miles and old fat Cyril in the restaurant area of Roissy, a different scene was playing out in the dungeon below. Axel and Etienne were sitting in the easy chairs in the open vestibule, sipping brandy. Axel said to Etienne, “I must say your slave Dani is quite extraordinary. It seemed like she got off when James flogged her. What is her story?”

Etienne answered, “Actually, she probably did. The man who gave her to me, a movie producer called Todd said that she gets off on being flogged or beaten. What the Americans call a pain slut.”

“And how did you come across her?” asked Axel.

“I was in California on business and at a party in Malibu. There I noticed a lovely young woman in a half-unbuttoned dress. She had hair the color of dirty snow and was wearing dark glasses. She had a cigarette in her hand and asked me for a light. I gave her oner and jokingly said those things are bad for you. She said, ‘Probably so, but other things are worse.’ Then an older man, who I later found out was Todd, came over and told her that she wasn’t to speak without permission. He told me that her name was Dani and she was his slave. He then had her lift her dress. She had on nothing underneath and I saw a small chain hanging from her vagina. This intrigued me. It wasn’t a piercing of the labia or even the clitoris, but rather was attached somehow inside her vagina. Todd invited me to his home, and, of course, I went. There I found out that the chain was attached to a piercing of her cervix. Quite unusual. That is where I got the idea to ask Anne Marie to do the same to Julienne, whom I had left here at Roissy.”

“Ah, yes. I had forgotten about Julienne. She has been to Roissy several times, hasn’t she?”

“Yes, several times.”

“So now you are the owner of the only two slaves with pierced cervixes?”

“So, it would seem.”

“I am impressed,” said Axel. “But how did you come to acquire Dani?”

Etienne answered, “She had come to Hollywood to be a movie star. The dream of many pretty young American girls. But like most, it did not pan out. Dani went into the pornographic movie business. Todd, of course, was her producer. For a bit, Dani was the ‘it’ girl in that type of movie, but after a while, she became less popular. Then Todd had an idea to make her unique. That’s when he contacted a doctor who agreed to pierce Dani’s cervix. She became hooked on the pain meds afterwards, but - Viola! She was a ‘star’ again. Especially so in lesbian BDSM movies, a very popular sub-genre. Taking the pain meds allowed her to absorb ridiculous amounts of punishment. Eventually, she began to like the punishment, the rush it gave her.”

“I think I see,” said Axel.

“She moved in with Todd and he basically enslaved her. Savagely abused and mistreated her. But she came to love it. Came to love the pain and humiliation. Then as I was preparing to return to France, I told Todd about Roissy. He was tiring of Dani -masochists are such a needly lot – so he suggested I take Dani and bring her here. I am going to split whatever money she makes with him.

“And I suspect she will make a lot,” said Axel. Then he continued, “I am going up to the library and see what is transpiring. I may mention to some of the other Masters that Zoe is here in the dungeon. Care to come along?”

“Thanks, but no. I think after a bit of rest, I may have another go with Dani.”

Gaspar spoke up when Anne Marie mentioned Verona F. “Yes, I recall that young woman. A couple of years ago, we allowed her to come here to Roissy to film a story on the Chateau for her program on Arte Television. I am a friend of the Arte owner.”

Anne Marie responded, “And, don’t forget, she also did a segment on Julienne having her cervix pierced. Remember that type of piercing was request from her owner, Etienne.”

“True. And showing both those segments on Arte, albeit with images blurred, netted the Society over 1.75 million Euros, enough to pull us almost completely out of debt,” said Gaspar.

Cyril spoke up, “I remember her. A comely wench. By the way, is Etienne ever coming back from America? I rather like him, and is his slave back in service yet? I haven’t seen her around lately.”

Anne Marie answered, “Unfortunately there was an infection from the internal piercing. She almost died. But finally, she has recovered and will be back in service quite soon. Perhaps this week.”

“That’s good,” said Gaspar. “But what did Verona want? To do another expose type program about us?”

“Not quite,” answered Anne Marie. “When she was here earlier, she indicated an interest as to what it would really be like to be a slave of Roissy. I told her the only real way to know would for her to come here herself and experience it firsthand. She called to ask about doing just that – becoming a slave – so she could later do a segment on sex slavery. She called it an autobiographical documentary. Her camera man and producer would accompany her, but only observe and film her. It would be shown on her program on Arte. Of course, as in her other programs, Roissy would not be specifically identified.” Anne Marie paused for effect, then added, “And Arte would pay a hefty fee to the Society for allowing it. What do you gentlemen think?”

Ralph spoke up. “I assume she would be treated like any other slave. Other than filming, of course. No special treatment or holding back on our demands?”

Anne Marie answered, “That would be a stipulation. Complete sexual slavery here at Roissy for nine and a half weeks.”

“Then I vote yes,” said Ralph. Sir Donald and Raymond concurred. Cyril said, “A jolly good idea. Here’s to it!” And he threw down a goblet of wine.

Gaspar said, “Sounds good. After our meeting, I’ll contact James F., the owner of Arte and work out details and dates. And once Anne Marie completes her report, I have another suggestion to make. One related to marketing.”

“Advertising!” said Claudia. “What are you? Crazy?”

“No. Not at all. And keep a civil tongue n your mouth unless you too want to be beaten,” responded Pierre.

Claudia looked down and demurely said, “I’m sorry. Forgive me.”

Pierre continued, “Even you recognize the need that a man has to mark his property as his own. It’s been that way since time began. In the American West, the cowboys used to put brands on their cattle to mark ownership. And today in France, a young man might change out the wheels on his BMW to customize or mark it as his own. Don’t you understand that?”

“I guess so. But how is that advertising Roissy?”

Pierre sighed as if he were explaining something to a child. Then, “Advertising is almost the same as marking, isn’t it? Take Therese here. She has a pretty face, but she’s not all marked up. A guest or customer, as you might say – say someone unfamiliar with Roissy – might want to whipt her, but he isn’t sure about it. There are no clues- no welts or bruises on her ass or thighs, no piercings or brands. In fact, when she is naked, she looks no different than some whore near Mont St Martre…”

Therese interrupted, “What?”

“Except for the pretty face and dress,” Pierre quickly said, before continuing, “But Julienne who just went by. Why, that same customer would look at her when she was naked would see the bruises where James beat her, see the ring in her sex and the brand on her ass and know right away that he could do anything with her. Now don’t you understand?”

“I guess so,” said Claudia.

Then Marloes spoke up. “I guess I can rationalize the whippings. After all, that results in more money. But what I do not understand is why on earth a girl would consent to the permanent markings – showing ownership the piercings, the brands, or even the tattoos.”

Now Colette spoke up. “I guess I understand that. Some girls are so in love they will do almost anything to show their devotion to their lover. I remember when O was branded, Anne Marie asked her if she would state her desire to be marked permanently. She agreed without hesitation. And afterwards, she seemed proud to bear the brand of her Master. I think it was the same with Julienne. Why she even consented to having her cervix pierced for her lover Etienne.”

“That’s just crazy!” said Marloes. “I remember once I accidently sat on the hot eye of an electric stove. It burned like hell. I’d never consent to something like that willingly.”

Colette replied, “Perhaps you’ve never been in love.”

“Perhaps,” responded Marloes.

It was about eight in the morning. Anne Marie was waiting in a brightly lit room that had been specially arranged. She was sipping the cup of coffee that little Yvette had brought her. Jacques, the Arte photographer and his boss, Mathilde, were fiddling with cameras. Verona was doing a sound check with a microphone. Dr. Seranno, already gowned and masked was puting on latex gloves and standing by tray and a gynecological examining table. A door opened and James, the valet, led poor Julienne into the room, tugging on the leash attached to the ring that pierced her labia.

Dr Seranno said, “Up on the table and put your legs in the stirrups, please.” Julienne did as she was told. James undid the leash and he and Yvette fastened straps that secured Julienne’s legs to the stirrups. Then he secured Julienne’s hands to a ring set at the top of the table while Yvette set a large strap across Julienne’s belly and waist. She was quickly and totally immobilized. She looked as if she was in a daze, eyes staring vacantly at the ceiling.

Anne Marie, looking at the bruises and welts on Julienne’s skin, said to James, “She looks quite a state. You and your valets must have had a lot of fun.” Then to Verona, “Are you ready?”

Verona answered, “Yes. Cameras are rolling.”

Then Anne Marie turned to Dr. Seranno and said, “You may proceed.”

Well after midnight Blaise had finally fallen asleep. Hearing about what was to be done to Julienne had upset her so much that sleep was slow to come, but finally exhaustion had taken hold. Julienne, on the other side of the room, was not so fortunate. Thinking about her Fate and what she had agreed to – agreed to for the sake of her love of Etienne – precluded any rest for her. She heard the steady rise and fall of Blaise’s snores and tried to roll over. The chain attached to the ring in her sex pinched the tender flesh and Julienne decided to remain on her back, staring at the ceiling. She thought, “I was a fairly successful professional. How did I come to this – chained like an animal, awaiting an even more intimate chain to be attached. No that’s not right. Inserted, not attached in the morning. Will I survive? If not, will Etienne even care?”

Then the door was opened. Four valets came into the room. In the semi darkness Julienne couldn’t make out their features, but she recognized James’ voice. “Whip the young bitch first! Six strokes of the crop. Three on her ass and three on the front of her thighs. I want to hear her scream!”

And an unknown valet pulled on the chain attached to her collar pulling Blaise onto her feet. The valet placed his foot on the bed to steady himself and struck. Julienne heard the whistle of the crop in the darkness, then a sharp thud, followed by a scream from Blaise, “Please no! It hurts so!” The quickly two more followed. Then a valet’s voice – Michael this time? “Please turn around. Your thighs must also be marked.” Again, the sound of three blows followed by screams.

Blaise was left sobbing and the valets moved to Julienne. She heard James say as he undid the chain connected to the ring in her sex and hauled her to her feet, “After we whip you, each of us will take you. We will take you repeatedly until the sun rises. Take all of your holes. And if we tire, we will call in the other valets.”

There was a ring set in the wall almost two meters above the bed. The chain connected to the bracelets on Julienne’ hands was looped around that ring, so that Julienne had to stretch and stand on her toes. James said, “Now, bitch, suffer.” With her belly glued against the cool wall made of stone, Julienne heard the whistle of the whip before feeling the hot sting against her backside. She screamed to no avail.

From her bed across the room Blaise, feeling the welts on her rear and thighs beginning to rise, watched Julienne being flogged, as did Verona and Mathilde on the video monitor from their room across the chateau. All three watched Julienne being flogged and then taken repeatedly.

James, one of the crueler valets escorted Julienne back to the small cell like room she shared with the girl called Blaise. The same Blaise that Rene had brought to Roissy a month earlier. The same Blaise who thought the only way to cement her relationship with Rene, O’s former lover, was to agree to come to Roissy.

Michael, another valet had already secured Blaise for the night, fastening her hands to the collar around her neck and then fastening the collar to the head of the bed across the room from that of Julienne. Michael had said, “With your hands bound to your collar that way, you are unable to touch your breasts or sex. Not only does that prevent you from masturbating, but it also reminds you that your breasts and sex do not belong to you. They belong solely to your Master and whoever he allows to have you.” Once she was secured, Michael left.

As he was leaving, James led Julienne into the room. She was led as Roissy slaves who are considered personal property are sometimes led – on a leash attached to the ring that pierces her sex. Julienne was secured to the bed in a slightly different way. Her hands were secured to the collar around her neck like Blaise, but additionally, the ring in her sex was connected to the bed by using a small chain. Thus, Julienne was doubly secured.

Before James left, he told the bound girls, “Later on, we will come and administer the punishment you deserve. You’ll be flogged – not for any infraction you may have committed, but merely to remind you of your status as slaves.” Then he cut out the lights and locked the door from the outside, leaving the women alone in the darkness.

Blaise called out, “Julienne, I saw you crying. Why?”

Julienne gulped hard and said, “It is because of what is being done to me in the morning.”

“Please tell me,” said Blaise.

And Julienne told her what was to happen to her in the morning.

The Citroen limousine pulled up to the front of Chateau Roissy. It was just after noon. The blindfold was removed from Robert’s face and he heard the voice of Raymond, the DGSE spy master say, “Well, we are here. Does it look familiar to you, Robert?”

Robert replied, “Not really. When I was brought here before to do some stealth photography at the masked ball last year, it was already night. I wasn’t able to see much of the outside of the chateau.”

“Well, perhaps you should take a few photos of it in sunlight. You know, for the book you and my niece Pauline will be collaborating on.” Robert smiled and said, “Did you think I wouldn’t have thought of that? After all, I am a professional photographer.”

Hearing this, Gaspar, the other passenger in the limousine laughed and said, “See Raymond, old man. This photographer is a professional. He knows what to do.” By then Robert had already retrieved his camera and was taking a few photos.

Inside the chateau, James and Michael were lining up the Roissy slaves who would be photographed that morning. James said, “I guess Anne Marie will want to inspect the bitches before they are photographed.” Michael replied, “Well, we did our part. As Pierre ordered, we flogged a few so when they are photographed, whoever looks at the photos will know that anything goes with them.”

Their conversation was interrupted by the entrance of Anne Marie. Trailing her was Little Yvette who had earlier been allowed to flog Collette and another servant with several Roissy-style dresses slung over her arms. Anne Marie said to the valets, “Good. I see you have rounded up the eight who will be photographed today. And they have already put on their make-up. Excellent. And who did you select for the floggings?” James answered, “The personal slaves – Blaise and Jeanne. Plus, the new whore – Marloes. And we let Yvette do Collette; we didn’t think you’d mind.”

Anne Marie smiled and said, “Oh, not at all. It really made Yvette happy. Besides, now tat I have Yvette, I rather like the idea of Collette being tortured. I suspect everyone rather enjoys the idea of having a former lover tortured.” Then turning to the assembled slaves, “Now Binh, Therese, Claudia and Julienne, we will do your photos first. Please line up over by the window. You others stand by that table.”

As those four lined up, Gaspar and Raymond escorted Robert inside. At first glance Robert was somewhat taken aback by the sight of eight totally nude women. As he set up his equipment, Gaspar and Raymond conferred with Anne Marie. Then Gaspar said, to him, “We think four or five poses for each girl. A head shot. One in a Roissy dress, one in a mask hiding the face and maybe two nudes. Oh, and be sure to capture the marks on those who have been flogged. The album will say that anything goes with them, but to see the actual marks …Well, you know that old saw about a picture being worth a thousand words.”

As the first group began pulling on dresses, the ones who had been flogged stood to the side and felt the welts and bruises forming on their bodies.

Todd flogged Dani for about five minutes or so, enough that her buttocks, lower back and thighs were covered with angry, red welts. Then motioning for Bambi and the other girl to move away, he came to Dani’s front. Soon her breasts and belly were as marked as her rear. She had cried out, “Please no! Stop! Stop if just for a moment! I can’t stand it!” But, of course, she did; she had no choice. Todd stepped back, surveying his work. Tears were streaming down Dani’s face, she was panting, gasping for breath.

Etienne looked at her and thought, “How beautiful she looks. The red marks already forming on her slender body. Her tear streaked face with ruined make-up and smeared lipstick. Spread eagle in between the metal rods with a chain connecting her innermost part to the device used in torturing her. I can imagine Julienne like that. I do hope Anne Marie has proceeded with my request.”

Todd then stepped up to the bound Dani. Taking her by the hair, he lifted up her face and kissed hre deeply. Then he ran his hand down - first stopping to caress her breasts where crop marks were already reddening. He made sure that her nipples were painfully erect by twisting them slightly withhis fingers. Then he moved his hand to the slit of hersex and slipped a finger into it. Dani moaned slightly.

Todd then loosened the chain hanging from Dani’s vulva and undid the straps that bound her to the device. She fell forward to the floor. Then, grabbing her by the hair, he more or less drug her to the sofa where Etienne sat. He said, “Here, blow the Frenchman first. And do a good job or you’ll be flogged again.”

With trembling hands, Dani unzipped Etienne’s trousers and took his already erect member in her tiny hands. Then her lips kissed the tip, running her tongue over it before taking its length in her mouth. Using one hand to cup Etienne’s balls and the other to massage the base of his member, she worked her mouth up and down. She felt Todd standing close and heard him say, “That’s it. Suck it now. That’s a good slave.”

Meanwhile at Roissy, Julienne looked up at the ceiling in the dungeon like room. The lights partially blinded her as she thought to herself, “Oh God! What have I agreed to? Etienne, I love you! I love you so much! I hope you know that! I hope you appreciate what I am willing to suffer for you!”

Then two things happened simultaneously half a world away: Etienne leaned back and with a vision of Julienne in his head felt himself release into Dani’s mouth. And Julienne felt a sharp, terrible pain deep within her. She never knew if she screamed because Darkness descended on her, casting her into…

Julienne was spread wide open on the gynecological table in the converted dungeon room at Roissy. Dr Serrano stepped between her thighs and inserted a speculum. A moment later he peered into Julienne’s vagina. Then, moving to her face, he showed her a long needled about 3 mm in diameter. He said, “This is what I will use to pierce your cervix. It is hollow to allow the ring to be abutted against it when I pierce you. Afterwards, I will work the ring through the hole and finally thread a small chain around the ring before closing the ring with a keeper bead. It will be quite secure. I expect the chain to hang down from your vulva several centimeters. You will most likely be constantly aware of it being there which is what I believe Anne Marie and your Master want.”

Julienne appeared to be in a state of shock, but looked into Dr Serrano’s face and murmured, “Will it be painful?”

He answered, “Oh, most assuredly.”

Tears ran down Julienne’s face and she whimpered, “Oh God, what have I agreed to.”

Verona turned to Jacques, her photographer for Arte Television and asked, “Are you getting this on film. It will be great television!”

Dr Serrano turned to Anne Marie and said, “I am still afraid the pain and shock may be too much for her.”

As these conversations went on, Mathilde, Verona’s producer, looked around the room. It was now well lit and there were white curtains around the ‘operating’ area, but Mathilde knew that just beyond the curtains were the instruments of torture – whips, crops, chains, leather straps used to tie down slaves who were being flogged, even a brazier where branding irons had been heated. She thought to herself, “How many women have been brought to this place? This Hell on earth? Beaten and tortured? And for what? Love? Verona thinks they all came willingly. For love. To prove their love for their men. What kind of woman feels the need to be tortured to prove her love for her man?”

Dr Serrano looked at Anne Marie and said, “Well?”

She answered, “It’s what her Master wants. Proceed.”

Once Dani was bound between the two metal rods, Todd stepped back and said, “Now do you know what will happen to you?”

Dani, whose mood had visibly darkened, did not answer. Instead she glared at Todd. Etienne noticed that he had a riding crop in his right hand and was absent mindedly stroking his member with his left. He said, “Answer me, bitch. Do you know what will happen to you?”

Through gritted teeth, Dani answered, “Yes. I know. I know your games very well.”

Todd chucked and said, “Then tell my guests. They may not know.” Dani’s face slumped and her hair, the color of dirty snow, fell in her face. She whimpered, “Please. I can’t. Please don’t make me.”

This brought a swift reaction from Todd. He slapped the crop against Dani’s thigh. Hard, leaving a mark. Then he stepped to her and grabbed her left nipple. Twisting it, he hissed, “Tell them, bitch. Or else…”

Etienne noticed a red welt forming on Dani’s thigh and tears forming in her eyes. He thought of Julienne and felt himself getting erect. He noticed that Todd was now fully so. He heard Dani say, “I’ll be flogged, and then I will be released only to have to service the guests orally and finally you will fuck me in the ass.”

Todd released his grip on Dani’s nipple and said, “Precisely so, but I am not the uncaring monster you would make me out to be. First you will have a little pleasure. Pleasure before the pain.” Then he nodded to the two couples sitting on the sofa across the room. The two women came forward; Etienne was sure he recognized them from some pornographic movies he had seen – bleach blonde hair, lots of make-up and obviously augmented breasts. Todd said to Dani, “I believe you recall Bambi and Joleen. You worked with them on several movies. Back when you were a ‘star’ and not my slave.” Then, “Girls, please her.”

One of the women lifted up Dani’s tear stained face and kissed her deeply while the other knelt in front of her sex. She spread Dani’s lips and began tonguing her while softly biting Dani’s clitoris which had emerged from its protective sheath. Todd stepped around to Dani’s back. At the moment the first low moan escaped from Dani’s lips, Todd struck with the crop.

Although it was early morning at Roissy, a half a world away in Los Angeles it was only approaching midnight. Etienne had been invited to another party – this time at Todd’s home in the hills above Malibu. Todd had called Etienne and said rather coyly that Dani would be the evening’s entertainment. And it had been rather entertaining. There were two other men and two couples in attendance, sitting on three sofas arranged around the large living room. Etienne was the last guest to enter. Todd did not introduce any of the other guests, but Etienne was sure they were Hollywood types. He took a seat at one of the empty sofas.

Dani was as the last time Etienne had seen her – completely naked save for leather bracelets locked around her wrists and ankles. Dani had limited mobility due to the light chain running from the ring that pierced her cervix to the eye hook set in the middle of the living room. However, it allowed her to move around some – to the sofas and to a bar at the end of the room. She was serving drinks to one of the couples, just as if she were the hostess at a bar. After fetching the couple two glasses of red wine, she hobbled over to Etienne, inclined her head to him which caused her breasts to stir, and said, “What would my favorite Frenchman desire?” Etienne looked up into Dani’s startling blue eyes framed by hair the color of dirty snow and answered, I desire many things, but at the moment I would settle for a martini – vodka with minimum vermouth.” Dani smiled and answered, “Your wish is my desire.” Then she hobbled over to the bar. As Etienne watched, he thought of Roissy. “Julienne, I wonder how she is faring. I suppose by now Anne Marie has told her what I desire. I am sure she will agree. She eagerly agreed to having her lower lips pierced and having my initials burned into her backside. She is a rare creature, my Julienne. She will do anything to please me and down deep I think she craves pain and humiliation. No. That’s not right. She doesn’t crave it as much as she needs it. As they say, it completes her.”

Dani returned with a martini on a silver tray and said, “Here, Sir. You look distracted. A penny for your thoughts.” Etienne took the martini and thought to himself, “I think you, too, are like my Julienne. You need pain and humiliation.”

Etienne’s thoughts were interrupted by Todd’s voice. He entered the room dressed in a black leather vest, chaps and boots, leaving his member, only partially erect, entirely exposed. He said, “Now that all of you have your drinks, it’s time to start the evening’s entertainment.” As he was speaking, he rolled out a device resembling the type of luggage cart one finds in an upscale hotel. Similar in that at each end was a metal rod set vertically to about two meters in height, connected by a similar rod running horizontally between the two vertical one. Etienne could see that the three rods had been welded together and the vertical rods welded to the platform that formed the bottom of the device. He also noted that there was a metal hook set near either end of the horizontal rod and one at the bottom of each vertical rod. Additionally, Etienne noticed a smaller hook in the center of the platform. With the help of one of the other men, Todd lifted the platform from its rollers and placed it on the floor and secured it to two other eye hooks set the same was as the hook that held Dani’s chain.

Then Todd turned to Dani and said, “Come here please.” Her mood changed, but she obeyed, and he secured Dani’s bracelets to the hooks in the rod. Thus, she was bound with her arms outstretched above her head and legs slightly spread revealing her sex with the chain hanging from it. Todd pulled on the chain, taking out all slack, then hooked it onto a small hook set on the platform. Dani gasped slightly at this, and Etienne thought to himself, “I wonder what it feels like for her. What will it feel like for Julienne?”

James, the valet, led Julienne into the brightly lit room; a room that had earlier been a punishment room for recalcitrant slaves at Roissy but was now outfitted as a sort of operating room. Julienne seemed dazed and oblivious to the tugging of the leash on the ring that pierced the inner lips of her sex. Dr. Serrano had her get up on the gynecological table and place her feet in the stirrups. Then little Yvette and James secured straps that held Julienne’s legs down. Then her hands were secured to an iron ring set at the head of the table, and finally a large leather strap was placed across her lower belly and hips. Once that strap was tightened, Julienne was unable to move. Dr Serrano peered between her wide-spread thighs and conducted a brief examination.

As he was doing so, Verona was speaking into the microphone while Jacques, her Arte Television photographer was filming. Verona said, “We are here at an unnamed brothel not far from Paris in a segment of our series, ‘Sex and deviant sexual practices in France.’ Today we are witnessing a most unusual event – a man has asked his lover, whom he considers his slave, to agree to having her cervix pierced with a large ring. This type of procedure is so unusual that an unnamed physician has been contracted to perform the procedure. And we are here to witness and document it for our viewers.” As Verona said this, her producer (and occasional lover) Mathilde nodded and said, “Good take.”

Little Yvette, Anne Marie’s current ‘girl’ said to her mistress, “Why are they filming? Surely, it cannot be shone on T.V., not even on cable.” Anne Marie answered, “Don’t worry, little one. They will be able to blur the images of Juliette using a digitizer. But actual footage will be available for sale to certain clients. Roissy will make a lot of money this way, both from the television rights that Arte will pay us and sales of actual videos.”

Yvette cooed, “No wonder you are the manager here, Mistress. You are so smart!”

The Dr Serrano approached Anne Marie with a look of concern on his face.

He said, “I am afraid your valets took you at your word last night. That poor girl looks as if she was abused terribly – obviously raped several times – vaginally and anally, as well as whipped and flogged.” Anne Marie nodded, “Yes, I told James and the other valets to enjoy themselves with Julienne. And it seems they did so all night long. Why do you mention this? Is there a problem?”

Dr Serrano answered, “Possibly. She is dazed and probably in shock. I am afraid the procedure without anesthesia might be too much of a shock to her system. It could kill her.”

With Verona and Mathilde looking on, Anne Marie went over to Julienne and asked her, “Julienne, do you still consent to the procedure?” Julienne did not speak but nodded in the affirmative. Then Anne Marie turned to Dr Serrano and said, “It is her Master’s desire. And she agrees to it. Go ahead with the procedure.”

Hearing this Verona said, “Imagine! Willing to risk death for Love. How romantic!”

To which Mathilde responded, “How stupid.”

Pierre found James and Michael in the dining area drinking coffee. He said, “All right, break time is over. Anne Marie has a job that needs to be done – one I think you will enjoy.” Both men looked up. Michael said, “And what might this job be?”

Pierre grinned and said, “She has some fancy photographer coming to do ‘glamour photos’ of the bitches. He’s coming on Sunday morning when most of our ‘guests’ are sleeping or going to church services with the Missus and kids.”

James cut in. “Yeah. And usually we let the slaves sleep in a little. Especially if they have had a – let’s say a ‘hard’ night.” Then he laughed at his little joke.

Michael said, “So, a fancy photographer is coming to photograph the bitches. What does that have to do with us? And why do you think we’d enjoy whatever this ‘job’ is?”

Pierre responded, “Anne Marie thinks that some of the slaves, especially the personal slaves, should be appropriately marked for the full length phots, if you get my drift.”

Both valets’ faces lit up. James said, “An excellent idea. We haven’t done any corrective action on any of them lately. Some of them have been a little surly and borderline disobedient.”

Michael said, “Whip, crop or cane?”

Pierre responded, “Whatever leaves the best marks. Anne Marie wants them to be visible on the photos. Wants whoever looks at the photos to know that with some slaves, anything goes. You guys decide. Do the personal slaves and perhaps one or two of the others? My shift is nearly up. I’m going home to my fat wife and ugly children. A man like me, this close to retirement, shouldn’t have to work the night shift.”

As Pierre waddled away, James said to Michael, “Let’s get to it. Who should we choose?”

Michael replied, “Personally, I would have chosen Anna. She’s the prettiest of the lot we have now, but she’s not here.”

James said, “Yeah. I remember when her late lover first brought her here. It was obvious she wasn’t some run of the mill whore. She was a model even then. And after he was killed and she became Roissy ‘property,’ Anne Marie decided to let her continue modeling. It’s really a good deal for the Society. Roissy gets 75% of her modeling fees and she only is here between modeling gigs.”

Michael replied, “Of course Anna is quite popular with the customers, even without being marked up. What about Etienne’s girl, Julienne?”

“I’m not sure. She is still recovering. She nearly died after getting an infection from having her cervix pierced. A good beating might put her back in the hospital or even kill her.”

Michael said, “No. Better not choose her. Anne Marie would really be pissed if we killed one of her prize bitches. I know – that young bitch with the man’s name!”


“Yeah! Her. Her and Jeanne. Jeanne for sure.”

“Okay. That’s two. And maybe Colette and one of the two ‘professional’ whores – Therese or Marloes? What do you think?” said James.

Michael said, “Colette. That’s good. I’ll let little Yvette know. She may want to watch. She and Colette absolutely hate one another.”

James replied, “Well, Colette used to be Anne Marie’s favorite until Yvette came along.”

“Ah female jealousy. Perhaps we should offer Yvette the job of whipping Colette.”

“Now, that would be true entertainment. Don’t you just love this job?”

Yvette, Anne Marie’s current ‘girl’ opened the door to her office so that Pierre, the valet, could escort Julienne, who was completely naked, save for the high heeled mules on her feet, into the room. He did so by tugging on the leash that was attached to the large ring that pierced Julienne’s sex. Her hands were bound behind her back and wearing the high heeled mules that clacked on the stone floors at Roissy made it somewhat difficult to walk, especially when she was pulled along by her sex. “It is a way to remind you of your status as a slave,” Anne Marie had once told her. Anne Marie looked up from her desk at Julienne. She addressed Pierre, “Remove the leash and leave us. I will ring for you when I want her returned to her room.”

Hearing this Julienne thought to herself, “Room, I guess technically it is, but it seems more like a cell to me.” She was thinking of the small cell-like room that she was sharing with Blaise, the younger girl that Rene had brought to Roissy to be trained as a sex slave. The room contained two single beds placed back to back with a single headboard separating them. Across the room was addressing table and mirror that the two women shared as well as a wardrobe which contained the dresses they might wear when on duty in the dining room or bar. But truth be known, girls like Julienne and Blaise who were considered personal slaves were usually kept naked. Again, to remind them of their status as slaves.

Anne Marie looked at Julienne and said, “How long have you been here now?”

Julienne answered, “This time about a month and a half.”

“Yes, your lover and Master Etienne has some business in the United States. In fact, I recently received a letter from him. Would you like for Yvette to read it to you?”

Julienne’s face brightened. Etienne was her whole world. He had brought her to Roissy several years ago where she had been trained for several weeks, enduring sexual assault and whippings. Then he took her away. About a year later he brought her back. She had agreed to bear the marks that would define her status as his slave. Her labia were pierced, and Anne Marie had branded Etienne’s initials on her buttocks. Thus, she joined only O and a girl named Yvonne as the only girls so marked at Roissy at that time. But O’s Master, an Englishman called Sir Stephen had taken O away and shortly afterwards Etienne had taken Julienne to live in Strasbourg. They had lived there until just recently when Etienne had to go to the United States. She smiled at Anne Marie and said, “Yes, please do.”

Anne Marie nodded, and Yvette began reading the letter.

As little Yvette read the letter Julienne’s face ran the gamut of emotions: joy at first hearing from her lover, then concern and possibly jealousy when the letter first mentioned his encounter in California with the girl named Dani, and finally fear and, yes horror at hearing Etienne’s request. Julienne burst into tears and said, “He cannot want this! It’s barbaric! I couldn’t bear it!”

Anne Marie cast a harsh look at Julienne and said, “Be quiet! It is your Master’s choice. You have no say in the matter.” Then after a short pause, “Unless of course you no longer want to belong to him.”

Roissy re-opened for business on the second Saturday in May. For a chateau that officially didn’t exist, it was quite crowded with guests. Masters, seeing an opportunity to fatten the coffers of the Society had made sure the word got out. Guests crowded into the restaurant and bar. Of course, with that many guests, the ‘girls’ at Roissy were quite busy.

It was nearing 10 pm. Therese was sitting at a table in the bar with two men in ill-fitting suits. They looked to be some sort of Eastern Europeans. They looked out of place and ill at ease. Several drinks had not helped. Therese, like most of the other girls was wearing a standard Roissy dress. It was cut so that her breasts were exposed, although most girls began the evening with a thin veil covering them. There was a tight bodice below the breasts before the dress flaring out at the waist. And the bottom of the dress was slit both in the front and back. Therese’s was navy blue. She was trying to entice the men without much success when she noticed another table across the bar that had two more prosperous looking men. She stood up and told the Eastern Europeans, “I have to go potty. But don’t worry, I’ll be right back.”

As Therese walked away, she thought to herself, “Those two tight asses will leave with almost as many Euros as they came with. If all they wanted to do was watch, they could have gone to one of those strip clubs in Paris.” Then as she approached the table with the two well-dressed men, she flashed a smile and said, “Oh, you two guys look lonely, may I join you?”

One of them, who looked to be his mid-30s, tall, probably 1.8 meters, well built with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, answered in an accent that was unmistakably German, “Yes. Please do.” Therese introduced herself and asked the men their names. The taller, and younger one, said that his name was Fritz Kubel; the other was Oskar Dorn. Kubel went on to say that they were executives with Mercedes Benz and in Paris on a business trip. They had heard about Roissy from a man called Sir Donald and wanted to see what it was about.

Therese answered, “It is a place where all of your fantasies can be realized. For example – if you rent a room at the Chateau’s hotel, it comes with a girl of your choice. And if you are interested in something more short term, that can be arranged.” As she said this, Therese undid the veil that was covering her breasts revealing her near perfect bosom and her already erect nipples.

Oskar Dorn said in a heavy accent. “That is nice. But you are one; we are two. I am not fond of sloppy seconds.”

Therese, sensing a deal, quickly scanned the room for a companion. As Fate would have it, Julienne was just coming into the bar, having cleaned herself after a brief ‘encounter’ with another guest. Therese looked at Oskar and said, “See that pretty girl over there. The one in the royal blue dress. That’s my friend. I’ll go get her. Order us all some drinks.” And she got up and quickly went to Julienne.

Moments later Julienne and Therese returned. Drinks were quickly brought. Conversation ensued. Moe drinks came. A half hour passed. Dorn asked Therese, “I have noticed all of you are wearing some sort of collar and leather bracelets on your wrists. Why?”

Therese, who had not eaten since breakfast and who was tipsy from the drinks, said, “We wear the bracelets so you can tie us up and whip us if you wish.”

Fritz Kubel gave a quizzical look. Therese continued, “You can whip any girl here if you wish, but it’s a little different depending on what type of girl.” Another quizzical look. “For example. If you want to whip me, there is an extra charge. And I’ll expect a big tip.” She paused and took a sip of her drink. “But if you want to whip Julienne, it’s included in the base charge. You see, she’s a personal slave. She’s more expensive than me, but there are no restrictions on her. You can do anything; she cannot refuse.”

Oskar Dorn said, “A personal slave. I’m afraid I don’t understand. Ho would one know that a girl here is – how do you say it – a personal slave?” Therese sighed and reached over and pulled Julienne’s dress to reveal her shaved sex. “Look!” she said. “You can see that she has her sex pierced with a big ring. Most of the personal slaves do. And when she’s naked, you’ll see that she has her Master’s brand on her rear.” Therese paused for effect before adding, “And she even has her cervix pierced with a ring. Isn’t that right, Julienne?”

Julienne appeared a little embarrassed but nodded her assent. A short while later both couples went up to one of the more expensive suites in the Roissy Chateau hotel.

Around Paris and Stockholm

The week went slowly for Emilie. Thinking about going to Roissy kept her in a near constant state of anticipation and arousal. Thierry had left for his own vacation, so any assignations with him were out. When she got back to the loft every evening, she suggested sex to Denis, but he had other ideas. “Gaspar told me that it would be best for you to go to Roissy in a state of unrequited release. But I will tell you what – why don’t you undress completely. Then masturbate in front of me, but not to the point of orgasm. Just edge until you are close,”

Reluctantly, Emilie did so, adding to her frustration. As she lay on the bed, her legs spread so that Denis could see, she fingered herself and thought of having sex with Gaspar and the handsome German fellow who had rented the large BMW. Denis, who had pulled the easy chair over by the bed, so he could watch, usually masturbated himself, aroused by the sight of Emilie giving herself pleasure. But if he sensed that she was getting too close to orgasm, he would reach over, grab her hand and pull it away. Once when he did so, Emilie grabbed his member and pulled it to her mouth. Denis did not protest, instead saying, “I guess it’s okay for you to blow me as long as you don’t come yourself.”


On a plane from Paris to Stockholm, Fritz Kubel was talking to his companion, Oskar Dorn. “You know Oskar, that Roissy place is truly something. Those women! Especially the one I had, the one with the strange piercings and brand on her rear. Julienne, I think was what she was called. She was really something. And just before I checked out, I got a call from Gaspar Waingro-Valmount, saying I should be sure to come back this coming Friday night.”

“Gaspar who?” said Oskar Dorn.

Kubel replied, “You know. He owns one of the large publishing firms in France. He’s very wealthy. And he is investing in Jakob Weber’s repurposed Yugo factory. Weber introduced me to him on a ZOOM call. Later he called me when he found out you and I were to be in Paris on business. He said he was somewhat familiar with Haus der Sklavin and our ‘team building’ exercise there. He said if we had enjoyed that, we should certainly visit Roissy when we were in Paris.”

“Well, I certainly enjoyed our little visit there,” said Dorn. “Almost as much as our visit to Haus der Sklavin.” Dorn was quite for a while, then spoke again, “And that woman you had at Haus der Sklavin – Idetta Kleindorf. It’s difficult to believe that she was old Hans’ wife, well Hans’ widow now. She was something, also. I have that image of her, sitting naked on your lap. You kissing and caressing her while that poor male slave struggled on the cross. And later…”

“Yeah. Who would have thought that old woman would turn to sexual slavery?”

“Women are strange creatures. Especially women like her and that Julienne girl.”

“Yes. Strange indeed,” replied Oskar Dorn, as the plane descended to the Stockholm airport.

++++ And at Roissy: After Fritz Kubel and Oskar Dorn had finished with Julienne, a valet took her back to the tiny, cell-like room she shared with Blaise-Marie, another girl who had been seduced into coming to Roissy. She was chained to her bed and fell into a fitful sleep. Then a little before dawn, the door opened. Both girls thought that it might be a valet coming to take them to another guest or administer their morning flogging. But, no! Instead, it was Etienne. Having finally tired of tormenting poor Dani, he came up from the dungeon and went to Julienne’s room. As she discerned who it was, JUlienne cried out, “Etienne! Is it truly you?”

He rushed to her bed, took her in his arms, lifted her up and said, “Yes, darling. It is me. I have finally come back to you.”

As Alessa and Sutton were making an entrance to the bar below, Fritz Kubel and Oskar Dorn were upstairs in the suite they had decided to rent for the night. Thet were not alone. Therese was sitting on the sofa in the common area between the two rooms. She was stark naked. She looked up at Oskar Dorn and said, “Was I as wonderful as you thought I would be? It is a widely held belief here at Roissy that I give the best blow jobs ever.

Dorn looked own at he and said, “You were, in fact, quite good. Better than the one I received from some fat Polish girl at a place called Hus der Sklavin last fall. But her ass was larger than yours, and I was able to use a small whip on it while she blew me.

Therese, looking not least bit deflated replied, “Well, we could have done that if you had asked,” Then after a pause, “For several more Euros, of course.”

Their repartee was interrupted by the entrance od Fritz Kubel into the common area from his bedroom which was on the right side of the suite. He looked at Dorn and said, “I’m starving. Do you realize we have not eaten since breakfast this morning? Do you want to get something to eat?”

Before Dorn could answer, Therese piped up, “Oh, he’s eaten. Perhaps not food, but he has eaten.” Then she flashed a smile.

Dorn ignored he remark, and said, “Yes. I am hungry, also. Let’s go down to the restaurant and have supper.” Then, “But where is your whore? Shouldn’t she accompany us?”

Kubel replied, “Probably. But she us chained to the bed, and I don’t have the key to unlock her.”

Therese took on a helpful air and said, “Ring for a valet. They have keys to fit all the locks.”

Fritz did so, and at Therese’s urging all three went into Kubel’s bedroom where Julienne was chained to the bed. Therese looked at her associate. Julienne was on her belly and knees on the bed with her head and bound hands buried in a pillow. Therese heard soft moans and sobs emerging from the pillow. She also noted a chain looped around the rod connecting the two posts at the end of the king-sized bed in Kubel’s room. Upon closer inspection, Therese saw that the chain was connected to a smaller chain that connected the ring that pierced Julienne’s labia to the smaller chain that was, in urn attached to the piercing in Julienne’s cervix. Therese looked and said dispassionately, “Well, she certainly looks secured.”

Kubel said, “Yes. Quite so, it was the valet’s idea to secure her this way. Very creative. I think his name was Michael.”

Therese sighed and said, “It looks like Michael’s work. Did it cause any problems using her?”

“Oh no. I only used her mouth and rear. I was somewhat put off by all the hardware in her pussy.”

At that moment, a valet appeared. It was Michael. He looked at Fritz Kubel and said, “You rang, Sir?”

FRitz said, “Yes, I did. Could you unfasten that whore, so that she might accompany me and my friend to dinner in the restaurant?”

Michael replied, “Certainly, Sir. Whatever you wish.”

And Julienne continued to softly sob into the pillow on the king-sized bed all the while as Michael unlocked the chains that bound her to the bed.

Having heard Julienne’s confession of what awaited her, Verona asked, “So, do you really love Etienne so much that you would endure the tortures you described just to prove your love and devotion to him?”

Julienne looked up at Verona, her eyes still brimming with tears and her cheeks stained from the ones she had already shed and said, “Yes, of course.”

Verona looked at Anne Marie with a look of disbelief on her face. Anne Marie shrugged and said, “It is not as uncommon as you think.”

Verona then looked back at Julienne and asked,” But what if Etienne never comes back from America? What if he just abandons you here?”

Julienne simply said, “I would kill myself or ask Anne Marie to kill me.”

“Julienne, speaking of being treated harshly in order to prove your devotion to Etienne. Why don’t you tell us about what will happen to you tonight and tomorrow morning?” said Anne Marie.

“Oh, must I?” said Julienne.

“Yes, you must.”

Julienne swallowed hard and began, “Tonight, when I am chained to the bed, it will be different. A valet will come into the room. He will chain my hands, not to the bed, but rather to the ring set in the wall above my bed.”

Verona looked at an iron ring set in the wall above the bed Julienne occupied. It was over a meter above the level of the bed at a height so that once her hands were attached to it by the bracelets on her wrists, it would require Julienne to either spend the night standing on the bed, or kneeling on the bed with her face, body and breasts pressed against the rough stone wall of the room.

Julienne continued, “Once I am bound in a kneeling position, the valet will then attach a small metal chain to the ring that pierces my sex. He will attach the other end of the chain to the bed. It won’t be very tight, but I will feel the weight and know it’s there.”

Anne Marie interrupted to say, “To ensure you are constantly aware of your sex. He will also apply small clamps to your nipples in order that you are also aware of the small pain there.”

JUlienne continued, “Then the valet will whip me. Hard enough to leave marks on my rear and the backs of my thighs. Then I must spend the rest of the night like that – feeling the clamps on my nipples and the welts rising on my rear.”

Verona thought to herself, “How terrible,” but she also realized that she was getting aroused listening to Julienne tell how she was to be punished.

“Continue, Julienne. And in the morning?” said Anne Marie.

Julienne continued, “A valet will awaken me, if I have fallen asleep while kneeling on the bed. I will be bathed and have my make-up applied. I will still be completely naked save for the bracelets on my wrists and ankles and the collar around my neck. I will not be allowed any breakfast, although I will be given as much coffee as I want, probably to add to my nervousness and to keep me on edge. A valet will take the chain attached to the ring that pierces my sex, undo it from the bed and take it in hand. Then he will tie my hands behind my back. Perhaps I will be blindfolded. Then he will lead me, from this room down the hall, across the central hall where all the other girls can see me being led by the chain connected to my pierced genitals. I will always be humiliated to be led like some animal on a leash, especially when the leash is connected like it is. I will be led into an alcove with a raised stage and laid on the dais, my legs raised and spread, connected to two straps hanging from up right posts that are attached to the leather straps around my ankles. My hands will be attached to a ring mounted in the back of the dais. Then the straps around my ankles will be tightened. I will be violently quartered, my legs quite open for all to see. Only then will the chain be disconnected from the ring in my labia. I will be wide open for all to see, for most of the girls on duty and even a few valets always come in to watch.”

Anne Marie interrupted again, “And how will you feel then?”

Julienne did not answer. Anne Marie said again, more harshly, “And how will you feel then?”

Julienne, with tears beginning to form in her eyes, answered, “I will feel humiliated to be seen like that, but I will also begin to get aroused. I know I will be wet.”

Anne Marie smiled at Julienne’s confession, and went on, “Now tell mademoiselle what will happen next.”

“One of the valets will choose a girl to whip me. Sometimes they make them draw lots. Other times they chose one at random. They will make the chosen girl strip naked. Whoever they chose, they will make her massage me a bit, but never enough to bring on a climax. Then the girl will stand astride me and bring the whip down on my inside thighs and sex.”

Saying this Julienne began to sob uncontrollably. So, Anne Marie continued to tell Verona what awaited Julienne in the morning. “The whipping will last for about ten minutes, sometimes more, sometimes less. But it is awful no matter what the length. Julienne will be whipped hard, her thighs and lower belly marked with stripes. Her genitals with no hair to shield them will soon become red and quite swollen. Especially her lower lips. She will scream and cry and beg for mercy all to no avail. She must endure it to the bitter end. Afterwards, she will be left tied on the stage for about an hour. She will feel the welts rising; feel the sore ache in her loins. Feel the others in the room looking between her open legs. She will feel more enslaved than ever.”

Verona was set to begin her interviews of Julienne and Blaise, but before she began Anne Marie interrupted, “I’m sorry, but if I may before you begin. I want to ask Julienne and Blaise a question.” Verona was somewhat miffed, but said, “Of course.”

Then Anne Marie turned to the two girls sitting on the bed and said, “Did anyone take either of you in the library while you were on duty today?”

Julienne quickly spoke, “Yes ma’am. I was taken twice. Once by one of the Masters, Charles, and then a bit later by a young man whose name I did not catch.”

Anne Marie then asked, “How were you taken?”

Julienne responded, “The Master had me kneel in front of him, take out his sex, caress it with my mouth until he was quite hard, then he took me from the rear. The younger man only had me caress him with my mouth until he discharged into it.”

Verona whispered to her producer and cameraman, “Can you believe it? Are you getting this on film?”

Anne Marie then turned to Blaise, “And you. Were you taken?”

Blaise was silent at first, but Anne Marie said in a harsh tone, “Answer me!”

She answered, “Yes. I was taken also. A man whose name I did not catch was fondling my breasts while he watched Julienne being taken. He placed my hand on his sex. I could feel it getting stiff beneath his trousers. Then he made me kneel over the ottoman in the library. Julienne lifted up my skirt exposing my rear. He plunged into me. It hurt so badly that I cried. The other two men, the ones that had taken Julienne laughed. The man said I was too tight. The man called Charles said, ‘I must be enlarged. Rene would approve it.’ Then he sent me away.”

Anne Marie nodded and said, “Yes. I imagine Rene would approve.Charles and I spoke and I have made arrangements.”

There was a knock at the door. Anne Marie opened it, and little Yvette entered bearing a tray. It contained several phallus shaped objects made of a green looking hard plastic. Each one was about 24 centimeters long and each progressively larger than the other in diameter. Blaise’s eyes grew wide at the sight. Little Yvette also had a tube of lubricant with her.

Anne Marie said, “Now, Blaise, get down on all fours. Yvette will place the smallest one in your anus, and each day a larger one will take its place. In no time you will be as open there as in your sex. Your Master will be most pleased.”

And as Verona, Mathilde watched – and as Jacques filmed – Blaise got on all fours as Yvette, after swabbing Blaise’s anus with the lubricant, pushed the smallest phallus into her.
