#july 26th is disability independence day



Though the jokes that “since gay pride month is over, july is now gay wrath month” are funny and all, it’s important to remember that July is ACTUALLY Disability Pride Month and y'all should really be focused on boosting disabled voices and issues this month! For instance, the fact that marriage equality doesn’t actually truly exist in the United States for disabled people, or the fact that disabled people are forced to live in poverty or lose their disability benefits, or the fact that 1 in 5 people with chronic pain end up sufferring from alcoholism or other addictions, or how accessibility is still a daily battle for all of us, or how there are active hate groups on places like reddit who try to “call out” those they see as “faking” their disabilities.

This July, boost disabled voices. Talk about the issues that our community faces. Call out ableism.
