#july break bingo

julybreakbingo:Now taking submissions to join this year’s July Break Bingo!Dead giveaway in the titl


Now taking submissions to join this year’s July Break Bingo!

Dead giveaway in the title, not even trying to bury the lead, this is a bingo that takes place from July 1st all the way up until July 31st, spanning all fandoms, with a broad range of prompts that are customizable during the request process.

There are three different kinds of bingo cards you can request and you can request one of each:

  • a 5x5 card (with 5 alternates),
  • a 3x3 card,
  • and a flash bingo card that only has 5 squares.

Each prompt is completely open to interpretation and if you get a card you’re not happy with, I’m allowing one re-roll per person, per card.

Sign up is over here.

You can opt out of NSFW and various other options (including the FREE spot in the middle, if you just want all of them to be prompts), giving you a lot more control over what kind of card you can get.

Sign ups will remain open until July 13th and cards will be sent out in order of requests received. I’m not anticipating there to be any kind of delay, since this is a new bingo challenge and not many people will know about it to begin with, so let me know if you have a problem with your card when you do get it.

The rules are here and there’s a full FAQ over here.

Submissions are still open for the Pre-July Break Bingo Event and will remain open until June 13th, and that form is over here.

For completion and to receive your reward for the pre-event, that form is over here. Completion forms need to be submitted by the end of night on June 30th for the pre-event.

If you have any further questions not mentioned in the FAQ or on the rule page, please feel free to send an ask here or on the Discord.

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