#jungkook smut


favor, m | jjk

pairing(s): jungkook x reader

summary: Everyone thinks you and Jeon Jungkook should date for world peace. Their world peace, as in they are totally sick of girls chasing Jungkook around like starving wolves trying to take a bite out of a polite but very unwilling bunny. Pair the bunny with the human personification of fuck you and all their problems are solved! You are not amused.

warnings: rated M (18+) for language; ft Kim Seokjin as your brother; slice-of-life, slow burn, romantic kind of… it’s me, ya know; smut (fem reader, the tiniest bit of a D/s dynamic, almost flashing your ass in a public park, sensory deprivation, chest appreciation(???), nipple play, m-receiving oral, handjob, edging (himself), cowgirl, multiple orgasms); non-idol!AU

“I need you to kiss me.”


You jerked up as someone tried to climb on top of you.

“I need you to kiss–”

It took you mere seconds to shove the person down onto the chaise lounge that you had previously been, well, lounging on. White jersey fabric spilled over hot pink velvet. You grabbed his shoulder and rammed it into the back of the heavy tufted chair. He squirmed in your hand and you gripped tighter, digging your nails in. You heard ruckus; his name was being called in a breathy pitch.

“The fuck are you talking about?” you scowled.

Breathless, hurried. “I need to look taken.”

You pinned your knee to his abdomen. The man winced, discomfort adding to the panic in his facial expression.

“Please,” Jeon Jungkook gasped. “Do me this favor.”

His black hair was all over his face, framing big, deep, dark brown eyes and flushed cheeks. Trembling lips with a glint of silver, the lip piercing that everyone liked to rant about. He swung his arm and you caught his wrist, pushing it down. Leaned in. Jungkook was undeniably stronger than you. He could throw you off at any time.

As you came closer to his face, Jungkook became as rigid as Jell-O, gawking at you with dinner plates for eyes.

You stopped millimeters from his bated breath.

“I don’t need to actually kiss you to make it seem like I did,” you whispered to his open mouth, gazing into those irises that shimmered like pools of glimmering chocolate. “And I don’t need to kiss you to make you look taken, either.”

You nicked your nail against the inside of his wrist and Jungkook shuddered, his chin rising and yours tucking back, avoiding the shape of those pink lips. Held his shoulder securely, keeping him in place under you, the sounds of the party petering out in the stillness that was Jeon Jungkook staring into your eyes, pelting you with unspoken questions.

You realized your breathing was a little erratic.

You pressed your lips together, then your forehead to his. Raised an eyebrow, an action he felt more than saw.

“Why are you running from them?” you murmured, barely breathing.

You meant the girls chasing him around. There were always girls chasing Jeon Jungkook. He was too hot for his own good. Puberty stuck hard and way too fast, leaving Jungkook confused and cowering behind the safety of his older friends as he attempted to understand why so many people suddenly wanted his attention.

“I… I…”

You clicked your tongue, understanding his stutters. “Jimin and Taehyung wandered off, huh?”

You heard Jungkook’s name again.

You tilted your head and licked his cheek.

You heard his breath catch in his throat followed by the ghost of your name.

You raised your head, fast but lazy, rolling your eyes exaggeratedly, sitting on top of Jeon Jungkook like he was living room furniture rather than a person. You were getting real tired of being Jungkook’s meat shield to fend off half the human race.

“I licked him. He’s mine.”

You glared at the approaching girls, gasping and whispering behind their hands.

“Get lost,” you growled.

Jungkook’s wrist turned in your palm and he took your hand.


“You know, he’s totally your type.”

“He’s totally fucking not,” you responded calmly, holding the banana milk more by the straw than by the carton. It nearly slipped and you reluctantly snapped two fingers under it, balancing it as you spoke and sipped. “Why are we talking about him again?”

“I’m just saying,” the insistent baritone voice continued as you leaned back in the chair, dangerously on the two back legs, metal screaming against concrete as Kim Taehyung paraded around the café tables that they were his stage. “He’s cute, hot, kind, diligent, and he trusts you.”

“You’re just sick of fending off the women and low-key jealous that maybehemight get more numbers than you by not trying at all.”

Taehyung smacked his big palm onto the red-painted aluminum table beside you.


Sounded way too defensive to be true.

You raised your eyebrows and sucked real hard, creating a loud echoey suction due to the lack of fluid in the straw.

Those dark eyes squinted at you under waves of black-brown hair. His golden skin caught the afternoon sunlight, lips twisting in annoyance at your press-X-to-doubtexpression.

“I am not jealous,” Taehyung said slowly, evenly. “He does need help though.”

You swung the empty container of banana milk by the straw, chuckling around it. “Uh huh. Not from me.”

Taehyung threw up his hands and kicked one of the chairs, sliding into it so he could flop down, poking the air between you and him. “Come on. Think about it. Jungkook totally suits you. He combats all of your negative qualities – stubborn, abrasive, intimidating, hates everybody.”

You let both eyebrows lift this time. If not for physical constraints, they would have rocketshipped to the fucking moon.


Taehyung waved his hands dismissively as if he didn’t just insult you. “It would really help everyone if you two, you know,” he sing-songed, wiggling his fingers together like seaweed or perhaps tentacles from two weird monsters. Implying… something. “Discovered the magic between you two.”

You blinked slowly.

“Are you drunk? Was there something in that soda from the vending machine?”

Taehyung shot you a deadpan glare. “Just date him and shit.”

“No. Why should I do that?”

“Because you can and it would help everyone involved!”

“Who else is involved?”

“Literally everyone!”

“Why would everyone be involved?” you spat, dropping the banana milk carton, only for Taehyung to catch it and toss it in the trash can several meters away, getting it in on the first try.

“Because! You suit each other! Everyone thinks so!”


Kim Seokjin nearly spat his entire gulp of water all over Park Jimin.

“Mysister? Hell to the fucking no!”

Jimin cowered behind his arms and made a face at the older man, who began coughing and choking and generally dying, all because Jimin asked Seokjin if it was a good idea for Jeon Jungkook to date, well, his sister, which was apparently a bad idea. At least to Seokjin’s ears.

“Hyung, are–”

“Don’t touch me, you want to do my sister!” Seokjin wheezed. “Fucking… My sister?!” He looked like he was about to pass out on the spot.

“I don’t want to do anything,” Jungkook shot back, waving his hands around. “I don’t know what Jimin is going on about.”

Seokjin looked highly offended. “Excuse me, you think you’re too good for my sister?”

“I didn’t say that–”

“Yah, you better not, even my sister is way too pretty for the likes of you!”

“Well, yeah, she’s good-looking, everyone in your family is–”

“Oi, she’s drop-dead gorgeous, which reminds me, why aren’t you dead for wanting to touch my sister?”

“You’re sending mixed signals, hyung,” Jimin butted in as Jungkook’s brain swirled in confusion on whether he was supposed to find his hyung’s sister hot or not. The youngest kept sputtering, this wasn’t my idea, but Seokjin was having none of it, wagging his finger in the air and jabbing Jungkook repeatedly in the pecs, to which the other male responded by slapping the prodding hands away, thus starting a light fight.

Jimin wedged himself between them, grabbing Seokjin’s broad shoulders with some effort, struggling to shake some sense into him. “Hey! Hey, hear me out.”

“I’m not listening to shit–”

“Your sister is basically evil incarnate.”

Seokjin huffed, flipping the ends of his hair. “There can only be one pure angel in this family.”

Jungkook mouthed behind Jimin’s head, hello, he just insulted your sister? Seokjin pretended not to see.

“If he dates your sister, one, she’ll totally mellow out. She’ll develop a soft spot for him.”

The self-declared most handsome man in the room contorted his very handsome face into sheer disbelief. “Are you being serious right now?” Seokjin scoffed.

“She will! Look at him.”

Jungkook put on his best, most charming what-the-actual-fuck face, because that was what he was feeling right now.

Jimin barreled on, ignoring his reaction. “Two, we’ll finally cut out those annoying girls that follow us around because they think Jungkook is some kinda rock-n-roll star with his tattoos and shit. They totally won’t approach if she’s around.”

“That’s because she’s evil,” Seokjin grumbled.

“Three, you really want some ugly dude as your brother-in-law? At least you knowJungkook.”

“Oh, yeah, an idiot is so much better!”

“Hey!” Jungkook yelled.

“Yah, I can say that because I’m an idiot.”

“That… doesn’t make any sense!”

Jimin ignored Jungkook’s outburst and shoved him aside, waving his small hands in front of Seokjin’s face in attempt to avoid any more light fighting. “Hey! Hey! At least talk to her about it. Come on. She’s cool, she’s smart, she’s tough, and she’s not gonna let anyone talk shit. She’ll protect Jungkook.”

Seokjin winced, giving Jimin a disgusted look. “Who wants to date my sister, you or him?”

Jungkook frowned. “I don’t need protection.”

Jimin spun around, exasperatedly rolling his eyes. “Bro, you are too fucking nice to tell people no and get caught up in conversations that are way too long and too invasive. Taehyung and I have to basically prevent you from being kidnapped every single time we go out!”

Jungkook’s frown turned into a determined pout. “I can fend for myself.”

Jimin stared at him.

Jungkook sighed and looked away.

“Hey.” Seokjin relented, crossing his arms. “You actually want to date my sister or what? Don’t play around.”

Both Jimin and Seokjin watched as Jungkook’s ears began turn from pink to red, then the full-on flush crept onto his cheeks. He quickly ticked his head, throwing black strands over his eyes that were shifting a little too rapidly from side to side. Hands in his pockets and he looked at neither of his hyungs, the expected answer on the tip of his tongue, but for some reason Jungkook couldn’t say it, remaining tight-lipped and sealed, silenced by the truth.

“Yah, you’re taking a long time to say no…!”


You spun around, surprised by the lingering footsteps even after you released that hand.

“The hell? You’re still with me?”

He blinked, looking back with those deep, dark brown eyes.

“Of course, I’m still with you.”

You raised your eyebrows at Jeon Jungkook and his windswept black hair, his white long-sleeve shirt and loose black athletic pants flapping in the wind. He had a black cap on when he walked through the door, but it seemed to have disappeared somewhere in between mumbled hellos and trying to jump on top of you to demand a kiss.

“Aren’t you gonna go back and find your friends?” you asked off-handedly, walking along the sidewalk backwards, sticking your hands into your acid-wash black denim jacket. “I helped you already.”

Jungkook shook his head, following your wayward steps.

“I don’t want to go back there. It’s not fun anymore.”

It’s not fun anymore.

You quickly turned around, speeding up the pace. Sucked the inside of your cheek, creating a loud popping sound. There was no lie there. How could it be fun anymore? It was probably fun the first couple times, but now it was probably just exhausting for someone who wanted to be left alone.

“Why do you go to Hoseok’s parties?” he asked, trotting to catch up.

You shrugged. “Free booze.”

Jungkook frowned at you. “You don’t even drink.”

You shot him a playful smirk. “Could start.” Spun your finger by your head. “Get crazy. Fuck somebody. Or somebodies. Ruin relationships I don’t care about. Get into a fight.”

Something flickered in those black-brown orbs. Doubt? Annoyance?


“You wouldn’t do that.”

You shrugged. “I might.”

“You’re secretly nice.”

You snorted, keeping it as inelegant as possible. “Oh yeah? Who told you that?” Layered the sarcasm on thick. “God?”

And Jungkook looked at you, those big, deep, dark brown eyes, searching for who you were.


Your shoulders froze up. You kept walking, swift and sharp, Jungkook in stride beside you. Suddenly, you couldn’t quite look at him. You heard the sound of a car and it was slowing down. Pestering pitched voices. You scowled, grabbing Jungkook’s hand, breaking out into a run in your thick-soled black boots.

“Run with me,” you laughed, forcing it out to patch over the awkwardness.

“We’re already running!”


“Hey. Sorry. Is your brother here?”

“Oh, no, sorry. He went on his own to practice his lines at the studio.”


A beat of disappointed silence.

“Okay. Sorry to bother you.”

You reached out and grabbed the sleeve of that parka, stopping those downcast eyes shrouded with hair and a black baseball cap pulled low. The man stopped turning around. Glanced at your hold, then up at you.

You gave him a half-smile, tugging at Min Yoongi’s sleeve.

“I marinated some pork. Come on, eat dinner with me.”

He let out a breath he had been holding. “Ah, no. No, I don’t want to bother you.”

“You’re just gonna go out and eat crap fast food anyway,” you chided, rolling your eyes. “Eat a real meal or I’ll never hear the end of it from that big mouth.” You meant your brother. You saw that Yoongi knew that, a twinkle appearing in the dullness that was those eyes hiding behind a curtain of black strands.

“I can cook on my own, you know.”

It was a weak refusal.

“Yeah, but you’re not going to, are you?” you pointed out.

There was silence that melded with a thousand unspoken words between you and him. You held onto his parka, stubborn and unyielding, and you could tell he wanted his silence, but you weren’t giving it to him, and, in the end, he gave up, stepping into the house. You closed the front door behind him. Let him have his routine. Everyone had one. Some took their coat off first, some their shoes, some neatly, some haphazardly.

You turned around after hearing nothing for several seconds.

Yoongi looked back at you, raising the brim of his hat.

“Guess you two are related, huh.”

You made a face of mock disgust. He laughed softly. Rolled your eyes and wandered off to the kitchen to finish the meal you had been making. Yoongi followed, asking if he could help. You had him cut up the pa-kimchi to more sizable pieces. The rest of the time was quiet, save for the sound of popping oil and crisping meat. He knew where all the bowls and chopsticks were. Nodded in thanks as you served him sizzling pork and vegetables on top of white rice, sliding it in front of him first before immediately facing the sink to clean the pan.

Yoongi waited until you were done and ate with you.

“It’s too hot to eat right away,” was his excuse.

You let him have his excuse, nodding in agreement.

He chewed carefully as you shoved a big bite in your mouth.

“It’s good.”

You covered your lips as you spoke. “Who do you think taught him? Best investment of my life.”

Yoongi smiled and that was that.

You chewed, savory spice coating your tongue, watching him. He noticed and looked up from his food, black cap removed and beside him now. Still hiding, guarded in his gaze, but curious at your undivided attention. You could tell he expected you to look away, but you did not, still chewing, taking in his pale face, dark circles, flattened straight black hair.

You swallowed.

“Why do you want to talk to him, anyway?” you asked. “Did he do something stupid?”

Yoongi let out a puff of amusement, shaking his head. “No. Hyung didn’t do anything.”

You nodded. The meal blanketed in silence once again. You were standing at the counter as Yoongi sat at one of the barstools. You placed your chopsticks down and reached over to the cabinet, taking out a small glass. Went to the fridge. Took out a bottle of soju.

Poured some into the glass and placed it in front of Yoongi.

He raised his eyebrows. A mute question. You pointed to the meat, then to him.

“It’s a heavy meal. You need some lightness to wash it down.”

You let it be known. He searched your eyes. You didn’t hide. A thousand words in that silence. He could see that you knew despite him not saying anything. Maybe not the details, the specifics, the exact reasons, but you understood and you did not ask for elaboration.

Yoongi smiled, nodding once, and that was enough.

You put the soju back and continued eating. Spaced out.

“I sometimes wish I was more like hyung,” Yoongi said after several sips of soju.

“Head empty, no thoughts?” you chuckled, nibbling on a scallion. “Yeah, pretty hard to have an existential crisis when you have no thoughts about existence in the first place.”

Inquisitive expression. “Bothers you?”

You hummed, sucking the side of your teeth to dislodge some food. Thought about it. “No.” You glanced at Yoongi.

You could see he didn’t believe you.

You gave him a half-smile. Sighed a little. “It would be really easy to hate him,” you mused, separating a bite of rice with your chopsticks. “But he didn’t do anything. He didn’t ask to exist, didn’t know life was easy because he was the firstborn son, didn’t know to wonder what I was thinking or how I felt about this or that.” You chuckled, popping the rice into your mouth, tucking it into your cheek, chewing lightly. “I wouldn’t know how to respond to those questions even if he asked them. He just kept being nice to me even when I was mean and, when I asked him why, Seokjin said, because I’m your brother and you’re my sister.” You swallowed and rolled your eyes, hanging your head to the side as your line of sight settled on Yoongi sitting beside you.

One of your brother’s friends, relatively quiet, close to only those that he knew well.

He was close to Seokjin.

Your brother was always himself. Your brother was never discouraged. Your brother made the world laugh, filled it with brightness, even to the point of making himself look like an idiot. Not because it was his nature, but mostly because he wanted his loved ones to remember that he was always there for them. You knew you were more like him than you let on, but you chose to hide behind bitterness at, well, nothing really, being mad at society was pointless, and yet it was a sting that couldn’t be ignored, so you maintained a tough exterior, hoping everyone would get the hint and leave you the fuck alone.

It was never Seokjin’s fault that you lived in his shadow but society sure enjoyed constantly reminding you about it.

You scoffed and shook your head.

“I’d hate him except he’s the best, so I don’t.”

Yoongi hummed. “Mmm.”

You collected what was left in your bowl and cocked an eyebrow. “What?”

His face didn’t change. Almost bored. Borderline expressionless.

“It’s pretty unfair that everyone in this family have healing personalities and are good-looking.”

You felt your face freeze up, sudden heat at your cheeks and ears.

“Don’t come onto me after I’ve made you a meal. You’re making it weird.”

You heard Yoongi chuckle but you didn’t watch, bringing the bowl to your mouth and wolfing down the last bit of your food, busying yourself with the dirty dishes to avoid his gaze. In the end, your brother didn’t come home, but the meal seemed to be enough. You watched Yoongi put on his shoes and hat, facing you now, no longer hiding behind black bangs and dull eyes.

“Thanks for the food.”

“Mmm,” was your best response, avoiding words to avoid it getting too weird.

“Next time, I’ll make a meal for you to even it out.”

The side of your lips curved into a small smirk, throwing him a challenge. “Oh? I want lamb skewers then.”

Yoongi laughed, flashing his teeth and gums, shaking his head. Brightness in those eye-smiles.

“I’m sure I could make that.”

You opened the door for him. He turned and waved a hand, walking out. Your eyes followed his back, parka and cap. Yoongi stopped when he reached the end of the steps.

Turned back around and gave you a half-smile.

For some reason, it relieved you.

You returned that half-smile and Yoongi seemed satisfied, striding down the sidewalk with confidence.


“Woo, jeez. I’m gonna need a drink.”

You threw yourself against the vending machine dramatically and reached into your pocket, pulling out a crumpled bill. Unceremoniously jammed it into the slot, mashing the buttons. Clang! The lemon kombucha tumbled down and you swiped for it. Cracked it open, ticking your chin at Jungkook as he skidded to a stop beside you, cheeks flushed but still too composed to be a couch potato.

Your brother was right.

Jeon Jungkook was a muscle pig.

You took a giant swig. Jungkook beamed at you, his smile like a thousand lightbulbs under the pessimistic blanket you kept over your head.

It hurt your eyes.

“That was fun,” he said, his voice breathy and fluttery.

You tapped the vending machine glass but remained against it, too out of breath to reply, masking it with your aggressive gulping of your kombucha. Avoided looking at him, feeling his heat as he stepped up to the machine, feeding in his own money and punching the numbers. Long seconds ticked past, embellished by the background music of the machinery whirring.

Then you made a mistake.

You glanced up.

Jungkook noticed immediately and made eye contact.

Something in you told you to look away, and then the second thought came to interrupt it, this isn’t a drama, look at him in the eyes, don’t be scared of some guy, and so you stared into those big, deep, dark brown eyes, pools of glimmering chocolate, barely hearing the clang of the drink dropping down. Seemed like Jungkook didn’t hear it either; his hand was pressed to the glass, each breath making his shoulders rise and fall, black hair wisping over his tanned cheekbones, parted pink lips with a mole underneath, a detail of his mouth that was just as prominent as his silver lip ring, and you knew them all because someone put it in your head that maybe, just maybe, you and Jeon Jungkook suited each other.


You cocked your head to the bottom of the vending machine.

“Your drink.”

Jungkook jumped, letting out the breath he had been holding, quickly grabbing the bottle awaiting him at the open slot.

Lemon kombucha.

You raised your eyebrows as he twisted it open. He caught your question, chuckling awkwardly.

“Ah… I happen to like this brand too. What are the odds…?”

You nodded dazedly, still perched against the machine. Now what? There were a lot of things you could do in this situation. A lot of things you would have done if it was someone else. Probably grab the hem of his shirt and drag him closer, make that magical moment you knew he craved, that airtight seal between your lips and his lips, steal his breath and his heart so fast that he, like so many others, wouldn’t even know it, hinting at that illusionary utopia everyone seemed to believe in.

You didn’t believe in it yourself.

You just liked to create that façade and then shatter it.

You watched Jungkook place his lips at the lip of the bottle and drink, noticing your attentive gaze and looking back, confusion and curiosity rolled together. You tilted your head, searching those pols of glimmering chocolate.

You didn’t not like him.

But you definitely didn’t want everyone to be right.

“Why’d you get the tattoos?” you suddenly asked, pointing to his right arm. The dark ink was visible even under the white jersey fabric.

He looked down as if he had just discovered his own arm. “Oh… I always wanted tattoos. I thought they were cool.”

“Is that your goal in life? To be cool?”

He looked like he was about to respond, but instead he raised his arm and reached over with his left hand to yank the sleeve of his right down, turning his forearm so that you could read the typewritten font. Rather be dead than cool. He shrugged as if this was enough of an answer.

You nodded, accepting it.

“Do you…” Jungkook hesitated, then chose to continue. “Like tattoos?”

“Me?” You laughed. “Of course. I can’t get any.”

His brows knitted together. Defiance and it wasn’t even his body. “Why not?”

You smiled.

“I know a dangerous addiction when I see one.”


“You okay?”


A hand rested on your shoulder. You continued staring at your phone, scrolling mindlessly.

“You didn’t eat your dinner.”

You chewed on your lip.

“I’m okay, Seokjinnie.”

Your brother rubbed your shoulder gently, sitting down beside you on the couch. Just you and him now, your parents often travelling. They used their retirement to its fullest, relishing the riches of the world. You placed your head against his broad shoulder, lowering your phone.

“I’m okay,” you murmured.

Seokjin put his arm around you, leaning his head against yours. You didn’t like it when people touched you. It seemed fake, disingenuous. But not Seokjin. He used to rant and jabber on in your moods, but now he stayed silent after you told him that this was better. You used to push him away, saying that you needed to be left alone to have your epiphany on your own, but he was too protective to let you be. You both ended up settling on this, his calming touch and quiet.

“You gotta eat,” Seokjin whispered. Almost urgently. “Eating is happiness.”

Well, he tried to be silent. It was still a struggle.

“Mhm. Especially your food.”

You could tell he was beaming even though you weren’t looking at his face. Seokjin never turned down a compliment, although he seemed to enjoy the ones that he gave himself most. Yours came in second-best though.

“Why is it,” you sighed, letting your thoughts escape. “That you only start living life when you realize life means nothing?”

“Is that the formula?” Seokjin replied, his voice pitching in doubt. “What am I then? Dead?”

“You don’t think any thoughts about life. You’re just living mindlessly.”

“It’s a lot less confusing that way, you know.”

It was, but you didn’t feel like telling him that he was right.

“You think a lot in this little head of yours.”

“You think too little in that big head of yours,” you retorted, feeling his fingers massaging your scalp. Not a true statement, but bickering required a certain level of dishonesty to remain sincere.

Minutes passed. He didn’t fight you because you indulged him in a little of your troubles. You didn’t want to get too into it. He understood that. He was the same way. But sharing nothing and relying on distraction only created distance. This was the balance that formed with adulthood and learning about each other.

Still, sometimes it was better to change the subject.

“You think about what I said?” Seokjin asked casually.

Your lips curved into a half-smile. You could hear the unease and annoyance in his voice. You knew exactly what he was talking about. Or, more accurately, who.


“Crazy, right?”

“Pretty crazy.”


“He probably has cooties.”

“They all do. Men are nasty.”

You didn’t have to see Seokjin’s squint of disapproval to know it was there. Refuting you would be counterintuitive to his goal though, so he remained in mute calculation, weighing the pros and cons. It was up to you to break him out of that math.

“Jungkook seems like an immaculate, clean person though.”

Seokjin was quick to dispute. “Are you kidding me? That kid has so much stuff. You could never make all that look neat. Hah,” he tutted, shaking his head and causing yours to move as well. “One is never enough. He needs a billion to find the perfect one.”

“Mmm. A worrying trend.”

It was a comfortable silence, but short-lived.

“You don’t have to do anything. You can pretend like no one said anything. You’re good at that.”

It was a dig; however, you were not offended. “I wasn’t gonna do anything.”

“Oh. Good.”

You could sense Seokjin’s inner struggle. “He’s not like… a bad person or anything. We get along really well,” he managed to get out with some effort.

“I know. I watch you pick a fight and lose every time.”

“I don’t lose! He doesn’t follow the rules of the match!” Seokjin whined, annoyed at his own reminiscing.

“Your rules don’t make sense.”

“Rules don’t have to make sense. They’re rules and you follow them. How else is a game supposed to be fun or worth winning if everything made sense?”


“Let me ask you something.”

Jungkook was crushing the empty kombucha bottles into flat pancakes to recycle them. He seemed very proud doing so, neat and orderly. “Hm?”

“Do you actually believe them? That we’re compatible?”

He punched the kombucha bottle so hard it flew off the park table and skidded several meters away.

You raised your eyebrows.

Mumbled apology, red ears, and a quick scurry later, the smashed bottle was in the recycling. You waited. Jungkook took his time with the other, flattening it better than any trash compactor out there. You almost missed his response.

“I took your name to a fortune teller,” he said quietly, not looking at you. “They said it was a good match, your name and mine.”

You frowned. “You believe that stuff?”

He nodded slowly, tossing the bottle into the recycling bin. “Yeah. I’m easily influenced.”


You stuck your hands into your acid-wash denim jacket, feeling a slight chill in your oversized t-shirt that you were using as a dress. The knit fabric was covered in cool-toned watercolor roses overlaid by a large black crescent moon. You squinted at nothing, using your black boot to kick a weed underfoot. Fortunes, huh. What could be or just a self-fulfilling prophecy? Maybe this was already the latter with all the outside interference. But you had already decided that you were going to live this life however you wanted, so no matter how much others pushed, you were going to remain immobile, until…

“Do you remember that night you helped me solve that calculus problem?” Jungkook suddenly asked, cutting through your thoughts like a hot knife through butter.


“Yeah, you came over ‘cause I’m the only one good at math,” you snickered, running a hand through your hair. “Even though I hadn’t done calculus in years.” You sniffed, recalling the memory. “It was just an extra credit problem but you were determined to solve it.”

“You solved it.”

“Uh huh.”

“I fell asleep at around ten, but you stayed up until the middle of the night, teaching yourself how to solve it so you could teach me. You wrote it down step-by-step and even added extra notes to clarify why and what you were doing at each part.”

You sucked the inside of your cheek and felt your eyebrow twitch, looking away to the grassy area of the park. “Well, it was bothering me too. It wasn’t like it was that long ago when I learned Calculus, at the time anyway. Hah, but when you do stuff too early, sometimes you forget it too early as well.”

“I remember your face when you woke me up at three in the morning, trying to explain.” Jungkook chuckled and you snuck a peek to see his sheepish grin, his hand behind his head. Ruffled hair and distance. Too much like a drama, so you looked away quickly, chewing on the side of your lower lip. “I was too sleepy to understand, but I got it the next day when I was on the train, reading your explanation.”

“Well, you learn fast. You were good at school. Except English.”

Jungkook made a dismissive noise and whistled lightly.

You turned your head, smirk on your lips.

Facing him.

His eyes slid back, whistle disappearing. His lips were still sticking out, a soft ‘o’. It slowly dissipated, and suddenly you were aware of the sun dipping low, the streetlights turning on, daydreams slipping into starlit scenes, and they were watching you, those pools of glimmering chocolate, his voice echoing in your head, I need you to kiss me, and you raised an eyebrow, questioning it.

“I never forgot what you did for me.”

You listened to his voice, asking him wordlessly, you’re still with me, your fists in your pockets, hmph, everyone couldn’t be right, no, this was just some dumb game played by your brother’s friends who got this stupid idea in their heads and were running with it until it wasn’t fun anymore.

“You woke me up and it was like I was still dreaming,” Jungkook continued, his words like shivering glass. Strange. What was he afraid of? Seemed weird to be nervous after the earlier events of trying to climb on top of you. “You could have told me to go ask the teacher later or another classmate, but you stayed up late and taught yourself to teach me.”

Of course, I’m still with you.

You shrugged. “I knew I could do it.”

“You could have given up and called me an idiot.”

“You’re a little bit of an idiot.”

He frowned.

You shrugged again, half-smile on your lips. “It isn’t that big of a deal.”

“It is because it shows your character,” Jungkook retorted childishly.

“Who cares about that?” you scoffed, closing one eye and lifting your chin. “All this world cares about are what you look like and what you pretend to be.”

His reply was clear.

“You’re both beautiful andreal.”

You flinched. Something in you was telling you to run again, but your second thought pushed it away, this is not a drama andyou’re not a kid, don’t run, but there were no words you could follow up with, not when Jungkook was looking at you with those fierce, deep, dark brown eyes, tension over his features at your stubbornness, remembering he needs a billion to find the perfect one, and…

There was no such thing as the perfect one.

You sighed, looking away, then looking back, pointed eye contact, telling yourself that this wasn’t a drama and you weren’t a kid. You didn’t run from things like this and you weren’t going to.

Not then, not now, not ever.

“Why do you run from those that try to court you?” You cocked your head, referencing the large number. Not a billion but somewhere around there. “They might be there, in that mess. Your fortune or whatever.”

Jungkook looked down, but you jerked slightly, catching his gaze, not letting him run. He paused at your determination. Why do you go to Hoseok’s parties? There was something different now. You could see it in the way he was scrutinizing you, as if he just now realized something.



“But you can make your own fortune too. I don’t want to be stuck with someone who doesn’t know what you know.”

You furrowed your brows, tilting you head. “What do I know?”

“That life means nothing,” Jungkook said, familiar words and you began to realize Jungkook wasSeokjin’s friend after all and he was a lot more observant than you were giving him credit for. “And your motto is to truly live it, no matter what anyone says.”

He grinned.

All teeth and earnestness, sincerity so real it was blinding.

“I think that’s pretty fucking cool.”

You know, he’s totally your type.

He was, but then everybody started saying he was and that became annoying.


You flung your hands out of your pockets. Fists to spread fingers, irritated at the words and, worse, the way the words made you feel, ignoring Jungkook’s yelp of surprise and stepping towards him, his big eyes getting bigger when your hands seized the front of his white shirt. You growled, shaking him a little roughly.

“I hate that I like you.”

And then you kissed him.


You gotta wake him up.

The excitement had kept you awake. You clutched pages of scribbled equations. Your various attempts at trying to decipher derivates and integrals with the same red mechanical pencil you used at university when you went not too long ago. Maybe there was some magic in it. Some magical learning bullshit, because you figured it out with only the textbook as your guide. There was no better feeling than understanding a concept that you previously thought was difficult. A very satisfying victory.

Wake him up.

You stared at Jeon Jungkook passed out on your couch. You had pulled a Pikachu blanket over him when he fell asleep and continued your trials, your brows furrowed and with one lamp on, silently concentrating over homework that wasn’t even yours.

It had bothered you greatly, not knowing.

You stared at black hair over shut eyes, the rise and fall of his broad chest, that head cushioned by those luxe faux fur cushions Seokjin had insisted on buying over two years ago at that pricey store. White because they looked clean and expensive. You thought it was a dumb idea. Your brother had promised that he would yell very loudly at his friends if they spilled anything on them. You had reluctantly agreed, chucking them into the cart.

Right now, the white fur surrounded Jungkook’s sleepy head like a soft cloud, haloing the dreamy starlit scenes that were being played out behind his closed eyelids.

He’s handsome.

You turned back to the table. Got a fresh sheet of paper, untangling the papers and re-writing the solution to the problem. Spaced-out and clear. You now knew the concepts that he understood well and those that he didn’t, adding extra explanation beside steps that fell into the latter category. The melody of graphite scratching became the background music to your thoughts you recalled back to earlier in the evening.

“This question is for extra credit,” you remembered telling him.

“I want to solve it, if I can,” he had said.

You remembered looking into his eyes, seeing the fierce determination in them.

“Okay. Let’s figure it out then.”

Later, you could tell Jungkook wanted to give up even after saying that, but he saw your perseverance and reignited his motivation, asking to try different approaches. Still, the frustration was rising every time you both hit a wall until you finally caught him nodding off, his head practically hitting the coffee table.

“Lay down for a bit.”

He didn’t have the energy to refuse, climbing into the sofa when you nudged him, and you turned back, only to feel a hand gasping at your sweater. Gentle tug. Small mumble of your name.

“S'kay… thanks for helping me… you should go sleep… zzz…”

Jungkook hadn’t let go until he was no longer awake.

There was no reason to keep trying. It wasn’t even your homework. It was an extra credit problem. Jungkook had already surrendered to his dreams. The only reason to continue was pure academic curiosity, stubbornness, and your belief that you could do it.

And you did.

Then you wrote it neatly for him to understand.


You turned back to his sleeping form. Hovered. His lips were slightly parted in his dozing state. You reached over and brushed the hair out of his eyes. Paused.

Grazed your knuckle against his cheek.

His diligence is cute.

There was something about his earnestness that had inspired you to try a little harder. That mixed with your adamant nature kept you going until you were victorious. Maybe it was a fool’s errand. Maybe it was wasted effort. Maybe it meant nothing at all.

“But you wanted to solve it,” you murmured softly to the dreaming sleepyhead wrapped up in the fuzzy pastel yellow blanket covered with Pikachu’s various adorable facial expressions. Your hand retreated, feeling a half-smile on your lips.

I like him.

It wasn’t a grand moment. No bells chimed. Sparks didn’t fly. A cheesy, serendipitous love song didn’t play in the background. In fact, Jungkook was borderline snoring, your back hurt from sitting at the coffee table for so long, and your brain was crammed with more math than the wonderful little things that made Jungkook, Jungkook, but that was the moment that you knew that you liked him. You knew, as surely as you knew the answer to the calculus problem that had plagued you until three in the morning.

You knew.

You didn’t know what the hell to do about it, but that was a later you problem.

You placed your hand on his shoulder and shook it.

“Jungkook? Jungkook, I solved it.”

His eyes barely cracked open.



Then everybody started to say, wow, you two would suit each other, and certainty morphed into defiance because, come on, what the fuck, everyone was saying the same thing, talking in your ears nonstop and driving you up the wall, so you shut it all out. Covered your ears and prayed for your intuition to be wrong.  Because the one person that didn’t say anything was, well, the one who mattered.

On the verge of giving up was the moment that he chose to say something.


Did he know how troublesome it had been? How troublesome he was?

You pressed your lips to his, tilting your head to deepen the kiss, your fingers curling into the white fabric, ghosting your tongue over his lower lip, inhaling his clean scent. Citrus, linen, vanilla, the notes of his cologne burning into your memory.

Then you felt a breeze against your ass.

You jerked back.

Jungkook’s hand caught under the hem of your oversized shirt.

“What are you doing?” you snapped.

Huge round eyes. “Um.” He tried to pull his hand back but you grabbed his wrist, squeezing it harshly. He winced, eyes shifting. “S-Sorry. I–”

“We’re in the neighborhood park, I just admitted that I like you, and you’re trying to expose my ass to whoever walks past? Are you advertising it?”

Jungkook seemed to finally link those things together. The kiss must have scrambled his common sense or some shit. He shook his head very quickly. “No. No! Definitely not. I don’t want that.”

You raised your eyebrows. Only physical constraints prevented them from going any higher. He stepped closer, frowning slightly. Actually, more of a pout.

“I… I don’t want to be with anyone else.”

Somehow, hearing it from him made your cheeks burn hot. Somehow, it was way more embarrassing hearing him saying things like that to you. You looked away from those glimmering pools of chocolate, gripping his wrist far too tight. His other hand came up tentatively, settling on your back, his warm body bumping into yours.

“I thought about it a thousand times,” he muttered, speaking to the top of your head. “Because what was the perfect way to ask the perfect person? Everyone kept getting in the way, and I just wanted it to be right, the correct words to say, the picture-perfect scene, the most beautiful moment yet to come…”


You looked up abruptly. Jungkook flinched back, avoiding your head with his chin, gawking down at you with those deep, dark brown eyes.

His hard dick was pressing against your bare thigh through his pants.

You shifted your leg and he visibly shivered, big eyes getting bigger, clearly knowing exactly what you meant without you saying anything at all. He tried to move the lower half of his body away, but your leg followed, practically going between his hard thighs, causing him to both freeze and give up.

“Let’s go back to my place.”

“B-But, hyung–”

“Seokjin’s at the party. He’s too drunk to know what’s up or down anymore.”


“What sho–”

You held Jungkook’s anxious face in your hands, forcing him to sit down on your bed.

“Don’t think too much about it. It’s perfect that way,” you replied, before capturing his lips again.

Perhaps Jungkook trusted your expertise, or possibly it was the boundless confidence that you were displaying, or maybe he just straight up wanted to be led along, satisfied in losing himself to dancing tongue and grazing fingertips, whispering your name in between gasps that you drank with ease. Here, there was no one to talk in your ear and muddle your mind. Here you could trust in how you felt and how to show it, tracing his cheekbone, temple, fingers tangling into his hair, tugging you both down onto lilac sheets and your Pokémon-themed pastel duvet of Pikachu and friends serving delicious desserts, but the real sweetness was his gentle sigh and the way the dying light splayed across the room, lingering between your bodies, daydreams slipping into a starlit scene, ah, well, would have been if it wasn’t for the lights of suburbia interrupting the magic.

But that didn’t matter.

Because you and him were the magic.


You shrugged out of your jacket. Let it fall to the ground. Soft kisses onto his cheeks, his lips, the mole underneath them, kept going until he laughed, and you wouldn’t be caught dead with anyone knowing how you were acting right now, absolutely not, and he looked up at you as you stilled, suddenly self-aware of what he was doing to you. You gave him a half-smile and let go of his face, busying yourself with pulling up his long-sleeve shirt instead.

“When did you fall in love with me?” Jungkook asked underneath the white jersey fabric, dragging it along to help you remove it. His grinning head popped out, black hair askew, carelessly tossing the shirt aside.

You pursed your lips, sitting in his lap.

“I’m not in love with you.”

He pulled a pout. “Go back to lying to me.”

Tongue in cheek, half-smile. “Maybe I was always in love with you. It was hard to say it because there are so many girls in the way. The odds weren’t looking good for our hero.”

He squinted at you, suspicious. “I’d put my money on you.”

“Nuh uh, gambling is a bad habit.”

“Why didn’t you do anything sooner? You could have.”

You almost joked again, but you saw the way his shoulders slumped, heard his tone drop. Those deep, dark brown eyes on you, wondering for real. You didn’t have the heart to make light of it.

“I could have,” you agreed quietly. “Then everyone started saying it, so I started doubting it.” You scrunched up your face childishly in front of shirtless, mature-bodied Jungkook. “I don’t like it when other people tell me what to do.”

He tilted his head.

“It’s not so bad.”

You tilted your head back, questioning and curious.

“What isn’t?”

You suddenly noticed the red flush slowly appearing on his cheeks despite his unfluctuating tone.

“Someone telling you what to do,” Jungkook whispered, his hair and shoulders haloed by the last rays of the sun.


You raised your hand.

His large eyes immediately tracked the movement, following the curve of your fingers.

“Close your eyes.”

He hesitated, those glimmering pools of sweet chocolate shifting to your face. A little bit of fear, a tiny bit of excitement, a lot of trust. You nodded, said it again.

“Close your eyes.”

Jungkook closed his eyes.

You placed your fingers on his shaking chest. He sucked in a breath, falling back onto his hands, shoulders rigid. Warm. Smooth. Traveling down to the small moles that dotted his chest, one by one, slow and exploratory. Small movement of your fingertips leaning forward and shifting to your fingernails, scratching lightly at his tan skin. His gasp made his torso twitch first before you heard it, body shuddering at the sensation. You tested him a little more, pressing your nails into his flexed pecs, raking them up. His gasp drew out, pink lips parting, becoming a low moan, brows furrowing but eyes still shut, and you kept your silence, lessening the pressure as you outlined his straining neck with your touch, feeling the blood pumping hard under your fingertips.

Shallow, tense breaths.

Struggling to whisper your name. It came out in a whimper.

“I’m here,” you murmured back.

You could tell Jungkook was embarrassed but he still didn’t open his eyes, either because you hadn’t said so or because he was reassured by the huskiness of your voice, satisfied that you were not unaffected by what was happening. The pads of your fingers trailed along his collarbone, down, nails past his racing heartbeat, his sharp inhale and then you paused.

He stilled.

You placed your middle fingertip on his left nipple.

Massaged it slowly, lightly.

His teeth sunk into his lower lip and Jungkook turned his head away, muffled groan behind closed lips. You felt the nub harden under your touch and nicked it with your nail, watching his head fall back and his shoulders tremble, eyes still closed but for some reason he couldn’t face you, his fingers clutching your duvet and wrinkling it with tension, the muscles in his arms suddenly tense, the tattoos of his right arm standing out on taut skin.

You continued rubbing and slid off his lap.

“Wha – fuck!”

Placed your tongue on the other nipple and started rubbing it with the wet muscle, slow circles mixed with short, lapping licks, and Jungkook was falling apart above you, his eyes opening, looking down, gasping for air that he couldn’t seem to fill his lungs with, darkness now replaced with the lewd scene in front of him, sensations shattering his composure.


You looked up at him, tipping your head back a little. Let him watch your tongue moving, anchoring yourself on the edge of the bed with your free hand. You were pretty sure he didn’t expect this. From the look on his face and the sounds he was making, he was not complaining, his moans bleeding into whines as you tilted your head and slid your tongue up, up, nibbles on his collarbone and kissing up his neck. Shivering breath to a half-smile, and you kissed him, deeply, one knee between his legs, his erection pressed to your thigh again, and Jungkook closed his own thighs, pushing up, rubbing his hard cock against your leg and sliding his tongue in your mouth, giving you his wanton whimpers as you sucked on it, gently at first, then harder as his hips began to thrust, kissing you so fiercely that you felt his lip ring indent into the side of your mouth.


Right into your throat.

You broke the kiss, lifting your hand from his chest. Dug your thumbnail into his lower lip and opened his desperate mouth, caging his cheek with your other four fingers.

“Say it again,” you purred.

Stared into his eyes, letting your hot breath drift into his throat. You knew he could see it, the smile in your gaze as you said your next words, ones he said only a few hours ago.

“Do me this favor.”

He grinned under your hold, spark of playfulness in chocolatey orbs.

Please,” Jungkook begged for you.

Well, if you ever needed a second moment to know what you already knew, this was it.

You smiled back.

“Of course.”

The oncoming night signaled the end of day but this was the beginning, starting with your hand on Jungkook’s chest pushing him up on the bed, following his movement and tapping the large orb on your nightstand, watching his bright eyes light up as it glowed, apparently very impressed by your spherical touch lamp casting gentle brightness in the darkness. You tucked your knuckle against his jaw, guiding him back.

You hovered over him.

Your hair falling over your shoulder, your hands by his head, curiosity looking back up at you from the pillows.

Counting each breath, the preface to secrets from the heart that could only be spoken in darkness and in the heat of the moment, if not now then never, better sooner than later, staring into Jeon Jungkook’s eyes, windows to a soul so very different than yours, but this was real and this was right.

A half-smile because you couldn’t fucking believe what you were about to say.

“I don’t really believe in love or dreams coming true,” you said to him. “But I believe in you, and you’re both of those things.”

I love you.

It was probably better that Jungkook was speechless because you could barely look at him in the face anymore, only doing so out of pure stubbornness and your refusal to run too fast, feeling your cheeks heat and your teeth gnawing at your lower lip, seeing your own reflection in those large, dark brown eyes, and, when you felt it was sufficient enough time for him to understand that you meant it, you dove down and escaped his gaze.

“W-Wait – oh!”

You muffled his stutters with quick action. Yanked his pants and underwear down, snapping the elastic and sending it shooting over the edge of your bed. Leaned down and closed the distance, your lips parting, hot breath washing over taut skin, licking him.

Or, more accurately, licking his hard cock and leaking saliva down the quivering length.

“A-Ah… I… oh, w-what…”

You glanced up at Jungkook, half-lidded eyes and extending your tongue, coating him with a glossy sheen. His jaw dropped, panting shallowly, watching you reach up and spread it everywhere, yelping at the slick sensitivity. You tilted your head and his thin exhale turned into breathless moans, his head tipping back and lashes fluttering as you went down, down, all the way to the base and then some, cutting off your own air, not caring in the slightest, your tongue gliding from the bottom of the head to the base and then extending past your lips, pushing up his balls with your free hand to curl your tongue around them and suck, the taste of his skin drenching your senses, thrusting the tip into your throat and teasing his balls with expansive licks, the slurping sound loudly echoing throughout your bedroom, adding to the melody of his moan.

“Wow,o-o-oh, that’s s-so deep…”

You sandwiched the throbbing head between your tongue and roof of your mouth, rubbing back and forth without moving your jaw, maximum sensation with only the inner muscles of your mouth shifting, and Jungkook didn’t know what to do, startled that your head wasn’t moving and yet there was so fucking much going on in that wet tightness, white knuckles gripping fistfuls of your sheets, exhales hitched with pleasure, barely squeaking out your name as you popped your mouth off and stuffed both of his balls into your lips at the same time, wrapping your fingers around his length, stroking slowly, making sure to gift him with overwhelming euphoria.

“I-I can’t,” Jungkook finally gasped.

“Can’t what?” you mumbled around his balls, swallowing and releasing them in between each word.

“I’m g-gonna cum…”

“Then cum on my face.”

You sucked on his balls, swirling your tongue around them, stretching the skin taut and pressing your nimble muscle flat against the skin, rubbing sensually.

“I can’t cum on your face,” Jungkook heatedly retorted.

“Why not?”

His balls popping in and out of your mouth was driving him insane, cries and whimpers mixing together into a garbled mess as he tried to collect his thoughts, failing as he started and stopped speaking multiple times, back arching and head falling back, moaning far too loud before he managed to groan, “Please, no, I can’t c-cum on your face the first time, please.”

“Sure you can,” you replied, thinking that he might see it as disrespectful. “I’m telling you that you should.”

“That’s not – oh, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me – that’s n-not what I m-mean…!”

His cock twitched. You gripped a little tighter. Slick throughout, steady pace, focusing the pressure at the base of the dark, purple-red head. Filled your mouth with both of his balls and sucked harder, licking right between them, and Jungkook whined, unlatching his right hand from your sheets.

You didn’t have time to react as his hand shot out and grabbed your moving hand, gripping it so tightly that you were forced to stop.


A near-scream, throwing his head back onto your pillows and slamming his left fist onto the bed, his right hand shaking as his cock pulsed in your palm, so close but cut off, Jungkook shoving his face into your pillows and basically yelling into them, covering his nose and eyes, shoulders jerking, chest heaving, his black hair over the exposed part of his face.

You had removed your mouth from his balls right away, not taking the chance with his sudden movement. You placed your hand on his hard, tense thigh.

“A… Are you okay?”

Jungkook moaned, flinching his head back, breathing hard.

“Don’t be n-nice to me a-after that…” he panted, left hand rising, pushing his hair back from his sweaty forehead.

You blinked slowly. “I said it was okay. I meant it.”

Shivering all over, aimlessly waving his free hand, still not letting go of yours on his cock. “N-Not that… fuck… don’t t-talk like that…” he puffed, his eyes closing, trying to catch his breath.

“Like what? Cumming on my face?”

His cock twitched in your hand and he slapped his own face, groaning loudly.

“Are you not into that?” you asked, puzzled.

Jungkook peeked at you between his fingers, his cheekbones flared pink. “I’m into it. Fuck, I’m too into it. I’m still so fucking hard just thinking about it, but it’s not that,” he breathed, lower lip shaky.

You stared at his underlip mole. “Then what’s wrong?”

His grip around your hand finally loosened a little.

“I… I want the first time I cum with you to be inside you…” he mumbled.

… Oh?

Your eyes travelled up, up.

To his, dark brown orbs under messy hair and spread fingers.

“Inside where?” you questioned pointedly, unwavering.

You saw Jungkook’s inhale catch, felt his cock throb at your firm composure. He wasn’t so much embarrassed as he was put on the spot. Swallowing hard to try and dimmish the excitement in his silvery voice, enjoying your assertiveness on a much deeper level than simply being impressed.

“I-Inside… your pussy,” he breathed.

There was something so very fucking sexy about his obedience and his need, so sexy the way he rose to meet you when you crawled up his body, leaning in, kissing him, so sexy that he met you halfway with a grateful whine. Impatient, pushing up your shirt, reminding you why you were so fucking warm, so preoccupied with him that you forgot about yourself, and you swiftly unhooked your bra with one hand and fumbling with the drawer of your nightstand with the other, pulling out the string of condoms and slapping them down on the bed.

His eyes went wide as your breasts were revealed.

You took his hands and placed them exactly where they wanted to be, or at least you guessed so from Jungkook’s moan of approval and the zeal he had as he ran his thumbs over your hard nipples.

“A-Ah, Jungkook…”

His fingers sunk into the soft curve and he tugged slightly, pushing you above him even though you were trying to push down your panties, and the next second was wet heat and bliss, your jaw clenching as you felt his lips close in. Lapping kisses, dancing tongue, diligent earnestness, your hand smacking the headboard to anchor yourself, wave after pleasurable wave radiating from your chest.

Your tangled panties escaped down your legs.

You slammed the condom to the headboard with your other hand and ripped it open, gasping as he rolled your other nipple between his fingers.

“J-Jungkook, let me fuck you,” you gritted out, shuddering above his head.

You backed up and he was forced to let go, doing so very reluctantly.

You rolled the condom down his length and he watched you, deep brown eyes darker with lust, glancing up at you when you scooted back, his eyes darting up and down your body, adding to the mounting embarrassment, your fingers slippery as you spread your pussy lips apart, using your free hand to guide him while lowering yourself slowly.

“Stop looking at me like that,” you chided, trying to keep your voice even.

“You’re the only one I want to look at for the rest of my life,” Jungkook replied breathlessly, not looking away.

That wasn’t how life worked, but you didn’t bother to correct him.

Instead, you spread your knees and sank down onto his cock. You both moaned in unison, heads tipping back, entangled in the joint sensation of filling and fullness. You adjusted your hips to find comfort, pleasure rocketing up your spine, beginning to build the pace. No hesitation, only instinct, leaning forward and placing your hands above his shoulders, rolling your hips, riding him and squeezing him all over, savoring the hardness, chancing a moment to look down and Jungkook’s head craned up, definitely previously watching you slide up and down on top of him.

You smacked your ass down, painting his crotch with your arousal, sweet and sticky.

He gasped, his hands rising, holding your bouncing breasts.

“I c-can’t…”

“Then cum,” you panted, slapping your hips to his, hearing the tangible wetness and tightening your core, smirking as you saw him moan under you, his eyes rolling back. “Cum for me.”


“Just cum, Jungkook,” you coaxed gently, measured exhales and powerful thrusts, fucking him hard and fast, roughly taking his breath away. “Cum for me.”

He was holding out, not wanting to disappoint you, squeezing his eyes shut and his brows furrowing, pinching your nipples to provide you with sensation as well, causing your pussy to clench around him, your shoulders tensing, and yet you didn’t stop, couldn’t stop, jaw tightening as you came, moan bleeding out between gritted teeth, an

We Belong Together || Soft Yandere Jungkook

♡ Pairing: Soft Yandere!Jeon Jungkook x fem reader

♡ Word count:5.8k

♡ Genre: Angst (m),  Soft yandere! Jungkook, smut, toxic relationship.

♡ summary: Your boyfriend cheated on you, when you confront him about it you didn’t expect to see him so broken.

♡Trigger warnings: soft yandere Jungkook, abusive behavior from readers part (physical and psychological), intercourse, blood, oral sex, suic1de attempt, manipulation, noncon, age gap of 5 years.

♡Song- JK POV: The Neighbourhood – WDYWFM

♡ a/n: I hope you enjoy it, this one has to be the most toxic dynamic I ever written, the ending was going to be so fucked up, but I changed it, anyways, please comment and dm for feedback, or Im also accepting REQUESTS, xooxox.

“Don’t touch me Jungkook!” you yelled at the teary face of Jungkook that was at the edge of a breakdown, you felt nothing but pity and disgust for the man the once made you laugh and feel heaven with his touch.

“Nuna, I just want to talk, please” he begged crying his eyes out, while instinctively getting closer to you, you stepped back unconsciously.

He started to panic more, his eyes swollen and red full of tears, Jungkook was shaking and started to slur the words that came out of his mouth, he was distressed and broken, no much time he has left until he can no longer keep it together.

There it was, your cheater boyfriend before your eyes begging for forgiveness, Jungkook could not keep his dick in his pants the time you spent apart, you had a one-week trip to Jeju with your friends, you weren’t expecting to fight the night before you went, but you also didn’t expect the way you boyfriend broke your trust and slept with someone else. You also were confused when you heard his sobbing at the other side of the line when he called you the third day of your trip, he made you abandon your friends because he was worrying you so much, the bitter truth later came out when he confessed the seconds you entered his apartment, he just immediately admitted what he did completely regretful but too late to mend his mistake.

Why he did it? You weren’t sure if you cared for the answer, infidelity was a boundary that was unbreakable for you and him too, and you promised yourself every time you started a new relationship that you won’t tolerate that shit to anyone, not even your perfect boy, Kookie.

It was a shock for you, Jungkook was the most dedicated boyfriend that you ever had, he always put you first, was the most eager for the future of your relationship, could not spent more than two days without calling you to tell you that he misses you and want to hang out, he was sweetest to you, constantly demanding the affections that the lack of could be the death of him. Men are all the same, you could only sadly conclude, you wished to notice the red flags.

Oh wished you did.

“Nuna, please, I was confused and blackout drunk, I hate myself so much, please forgive me, please, please!” he cried babbling, he was definitely upset about his actions, but you could not forgive his lack of self-control, you didn’t care for his instant regret and his immediate action after the treason, the damage was done and you could not see him the same way never again, trying to fix this mess only make you insecure of your boyfriend actions for the rest of the relationship, you would be better if you move on as quickly as possible.

“Jungkook, I don’t fucking care, while I was upset because of our fight, during my whole trip I felt awful, but you were getting drunk and fucking other girls!” you spatted at him, admitting out loud what he had done hurt you so bad, your decision of leaving him seen as the correct one.

“I just did it once, I hate myself so much for it, nuna, I was going crazy with you far away, I was so-“ he had to pause to sob “I was so fucking sad, you said a lot mean things, nuna” he tried to explain while crying his lip quivering “I’ll do anything, please, I’m so-rry”

The only thing you could do was shook your head disappointed in him, because it did not matter how upset you ever felt after a fight, cheating was out of the question, he only seamed to get more desperate.

“Nuna~” he begged trying to control his sobs.

“Jungkook, I just simply don’t want to continue listening to you, I just need to get out of here” you said to him cold as ice, while walking to his room to collect your stuff.

“You what?” he asked confused while following you, he found you packing some of the clothes you left at his house, after all you spend a lot of time together, you staying even weeks before going back to your own home. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, NUNA?” Of course, at his altered state he tried to stop you from packing your stuff violently ripping it out of your hands, you wanted to scream out of frustration, but the best you could do right now was to leave.

“I’m leaving you, I can’t continue this after what you did” you tell him trying to get your bag back but he throw it at the other side of room in panic.

“NO! no, no, no“ he tried to calm himself to talk properly “Nuna you promised me-, you promised me you’ll never leave me, we promised we would overcome any trouble TOGETHER!” he screamed  “I love you too much, I can’t-“ his speech was fast so you almost could not make out what he was saying.

“I said that, but both made clear that infidelity was a line that could never be crossed!- He dropped to his knees grabbing you by your waist his hands latching to your clothes ”Jungkook calm down, jeez” you could not help but to worry at his state,.

“You don’t understand, I don’t want to live without you, nuna- If you leave me, I prefer to be dead” he sounded so broken that it almost made you cry, somehow you did not react fast enough when he reached under his bed for his handgun, the one he told you he only keep as a memory of his late uncle.

Panic and shock impeded you to move of your tracks, he took the gun and pointed it to his temple without hesitation. You felt the blood leaving your body and how lightheaded you suddenly became.

“Jungkook, sweetheart, put that down” you manage to said as docile and complicit as you could, but he shook his head closing his eyes with force,

“NO!” He exclaimed unlocking the trigger, you felt your soul at your feet ”I swear to god I will do it, life doesn’t makes sense if we can’t be together”

“STOP! Kookie please! I-“ your first tears fell “I forgive you, baby, I forgive you” he opened his eyes looking at yours in search for hope “please, baby, give me the gun” you plead to him.

“Are you going to stay, nuna?” his pouted lip still quivering.

“Yes, I’ll stay here with you, we would find a way to overcome this” at this point you could say anything, whatever it took to keep him and you safe. He slowly pulled away the gun from his temple, and with shaky hands he handed it out to you, with equally shaky hands you took the gun and right away you emptied it’s whole capacity, bullets falling to the ground, while you put the weapon far of his reach. Jungkook right after jumped to your arms sobbing some more while apologizing repeatedly.

“Good boy, good boy” you whispered to him brushing his hair softly with your fingers, his jet black locks smelling so good like baby shampoo and little bit of him, you hold you both in this vulnerable moment.

His face in the crook of your neck hot tears wetting your shirt, his far stronger arms locked in very tight hold of your waist, your hands also caressing his back to get him to calm down, he breathed a few more times, relaxing at your touch, in this position you were not be able to notice the little winning smirk on his face.

“I love you so much, yn” he said to you in a voice so sweet like honey. ” You could change me, babe, I know I did wrong” you stopped caressing his back, realizing that you have to stay like this until he’s stabilized enough.

“Hmm” you hummed, without being convinced.

“Say it back, baby” he urged you separating and looking at your eyes, still fragile.

“I love you, Jungkookie” you felt like crying some more, but you repressed your tears.

“I love you too, nuna, I will always love you” he said to you hugging you again, this time in a more interesting position, he made the bold movement of kissing your neck, which took you by surprise, he pressed his body against yours, kissing your neck nearer to your face, and taking your hands putting them in his abs and finally laying them on his chest.

“Kookie, what are you doing?” you said nervous, started to feel aroused and confused at the other intense emotions.

“I want you, nuna, right now” he said, his hands pressing your waist, you almost let go a moan “You wouldn’t reject me, right?” he said this time kissing you, his tongue sliding inside your mouth making lewd noises he letting out a small whimper. Inside his mind, he was happy you fall into his helplessness gimmick; at the end he would get what he wanted.

“Wait, Jungkook, I don’t think we should-ah” you moaned when he grabbed your ass while biting your neck, you were so confused, but he was being so tempting…

“Nuna, are you wet?” he asked innocently, while sliding his hand in your pants, you felt his cold fingers make contact with your underwear rubbing your clit over the fabric of your panties, confirming your wetness “Are you getting off of this, huh?” he asked smiling so mockingly “You saw me crying for you, on my knees so desperate and you felt turned on by that, nuna?” he move skillfully his fingers through your slit “I almost kill myself for you, and you liked that” he chuckled “You are so sick, nuna” he whispered winning smile on his face.

You suddenly felt the contains of your stomach coming to your throat, no longer feeling any pleasure, you saw the full picture, the manipulation, the execution, everything.

Jungkook was fucked up in the head.

He continues to pleasure you while kissing you, so he was surprised when you pull him apart.

“Baby?” he asked confused, big doe eyes blinking.

“Shut up, and on your knees, now” you ordered him, he hesitated at your instructions” Now!” you repeated and he obeyed.

“Face me” he looked at you immediately, you proceeded to hit his face as hard as you could, you knew he could take it. The dry sound of the slap echoed through the room as the face of Jungkook turned by force of the hit saw you disconcerted.

“Nu-“ another slap as hard as the first one arrived to his other side, this time a string of blood descended from his nostril.

“What the FUCK is wrong with you, you damn creep!” you hit him again and once more, just to grab his now again tearful face and spit with disgust. He cleaned the saliva mixed with his tears with his shaky hands, no smile on sight.

You sighted and put your hands on your hips, desperate to get out of that situation.

“You could have only…” he started to say with the most softspoken voice.

“You can stand up, or whatever” you interrupted him with a gesture.”Ahg you’re such a mess” you watch the shocked figure of Jungkook standing before you, blood reached his lips, his eyes wet full of tears and some of your own saliva, down in his sweatpants a big hard erection.

“I-I couldn’t  help it, nuna, I…” he stuttered, again the pity took over you, also the horror, you don´t feel safe with such unstable individual and gun nearby, the next steps were crucial.

“It’s ok, just do something about it” you managed to say, he looked so lost.

“Can you help..me?” he bitted his blood tinted lip “Can you take care of it, n-nuna, please?” he said softspoken.

You didn’t want this situation to escalate but also you didn’t want to lose control, he could turn around at any moment.

“You are not allowed to touch me while I do it” he laid on his bed and pull his sweatpants off, leaving you to it, his long cock jumped to almost reach Jungkook’s bellybutton pre seminal liquid on the tip, not enough to lubricate, so you spited on his cock making him pant, you started pumping it, there is no way you give him oral after all the shit that you just went through.

He was enjoying it, moaning and moving his hips while you pump his cock.

“Feels so good, nuna” he said breathing heavily, with a little more pressure and with a faster pace you knew he was about to cum, soon enough he could not resist to take your hand to add more speed while he reached his orgasm, white spurts of his cum landing on his stomach. Your hand was covered on it too, on his face pure bliss.

“Clean yourself, I’m going to get me a glass of water” you said to him, he nodded and cleaned his semen with some wipes he had beside his bed, you went to the kitchen after washing your hands looking your reflection on the mirror, the dreaded look in your eyes made realized that you needed a plan.

You drink fast the water thinking, thinking and thinking.

You knew Jungkook had sleeping problems, sure there is a prescription pills somewhere on here, if you can manage to make him sleep soundly, then you could remove yourself from the situation without resistance. But the figure of Jungkook appears all of the sudden, interrupting your thoughts.

“We both are on edge, but it’s ok babe, soon enough everything would be just as before” he kissed your cheek missing out how you flinched.

“Yeah” you replied. “I actually was going to suggest that both rest separately to process what just happened, I’m gonna prepare some tea” you said trying to sound convincing, he nodded and went to his room.

You search through the cabinets looking out for the sleeping pills, you were about to give up but at the last attempt bingo!

The chamomile tea mixed with the drug was unsuspecting resting on a mug that you later extended to Jungkook that drank it without second thoughts, you waited 40 minutes and there it was Jungkook resting face, so perfect.

Who would suspect of his bunny like features? 

You got no time to lose, you searched for the number of Jungkook’s brother and give him instructions to take care of him, you packed you stuff and took away the gun and bullets, with hurry you left everything behind.


A couple of months had passed since your dramatic break up with Jungkook, you had to block him and rent in another place, you wanted as much distance as possible, it made realized your relationship was never a healthy one, though Jungkook appeared as the perfect boyfriend, you noticed that his attachment was excessive and there were several behaviors that you took as he caring about you but in reality he was controlling you and manipulating you, but are not going to confuse love with fixation anymore.

You did a lot of growing and processing the very tragic way in how things ended between you and him, he did try to go after you, of course, but you did your best to have a low profile, putting yourself on hermit mode until you moved on, wishing Jungkook could do the same.

But he actually did the exact opposite.

At your residential flat, in a relaxed Friday night, all the university students that lived in there were out partying, you preferring to slug on your couch watching some movies instead, you were so immerse that you did not hear the door opening and how Jungkook approximated near you, it was until he presented himself before you that you almost feel your soul leaving your body.

And boy, he changed, the fragile looking self was gone, instead this stoic tough exterior took its place, he dressed all black, he was wearing a trench coat as well, leather gloves, he looked terrifying in fact.

His dark expression glaring back at you, making you shiver of fear. What in the world could he be doing in your flat, in the middle of the night dressed like that?

Looking so good but also like the devil himself.

“Goodnight, yn” he spoke, tone low and playful.

“Jungkook?, what the hell are you doing here? How did you enter the house?” you questioned while sinking in your couch hoping to be teletransported to another place.

“Are you serious? Five months playing cat and mouse with me and still have no clue, silly nuna” he mocked you taking a seat in the chair next to you.

“I wasn’t playing anything, I left you and move on” you told him, as you saw how he crossed his legs, he was amused.

“It’s that so?” he chuckled; you were starting to get pissed off.

“Look Jungkook, I got time to think and I came with some conclusions that would be more than appropriate that you listen to” you said, he didn’t fail to notice your condescending tone.

“I’m listening, nuna” he said to you getting comfortable in his chair.

“What just happened the last time we saw each other was just proof that this relationship was doomed from the very beginning, to start I’m convinced that you are not necessarily in love with…me” you said pointing at yourself, he raised an eyebrow his expression remained dark and unreadable.

“What are you even saying” he scoffed bitterly.

“I mean that, you were clearly going through some stuff and I happen to be in the right place and time, but if i weren’t available at that moment it would be another girl that would be at my place!” you accused.

“Bullshit, I could NEVER love anybody to the extend I love you; you clearly can’t even comprehend it, you abandon me after all” he spitted to you, resentment noted on every word he spoke.

“That’s the thing, whatever qualities you attribute to me are not REAL, Jungkook, I cannot save you, I am not made for you, you don’t need me, and I don’t need you, whatever happened to you, there are better ways to cope, I can even help y-…” you stopped speaking when Jungkook took out of his trench coat and took a new gun and pointed it at you, he unlocked the trigger.

“Ugh you are so annoying sometimes” he said with a gesture “thinking you talk so eloquently, rambling about how I have this and that, but you don’t see yourself in the mirror, nuna” he said with defiance.


“Shut the fuck up” he demanded with a yell standing up “You are a sadist, with your fucking gaslighting and lies, you are also refusing to believe that i love you, rationalizing my behavior so you can only conclude that something in not working right in my head” he touched his temple with the gun but pointed it back at you again “But I mean it, when said it, you are a sick fuck.” And he laughed manic at his accusations. 

You were fucked, there it no way you’ll make it, he was completely lost of any salvation.

“Don’t you see it?!” you sobbed desperate “This is not love, you just have to-“ a slap hit your face, it was not that hard but it made your face burn.

“I had enough of your shit talk” he grabbed your face “If you keep saying the same bullshit, I would made sure you cannot talk back at me never again” you stopped sobbing and nodded numerous times. “Kneel” he demanded and you obeyed, now with the exchanged roles as the last time you saw each other.

He grabbed your face once more so you could saw him. He took off his trench coat, he was wearing a suit without the jacket beneath the piece of fabric, he looked so powerful and contrasting with the usual sweet image that you were accustomed to, with one leather gloved hand he took out his cock through the zipper of his pants, flaccid but still big.

“Suck my cock, slut” he demanded grabbing your hair and pulling closer to him pointing the gun to your head making you flinch, your shaking hands took his dick and you look at him once again. “Don’t act innocent now, whore, put it in your mouth and suck” he instructed you with impatience, you put his cock in your mouth and he grabbed your head forcing all his length to your throat making you gag when after a few trusts in your mouth he was fully erected, he was watching closely your tears and red face completely overwhelmed, he was getting off of your condition.

He wanted to humiliate you, sink your dignity, reducing you to a pathetic object for his pleasure that he can use and toss aside.

But you could not simply succumb to his petty games to break you, something inside you was fighting and screaming.

He was almost lost in his pleasure, breathing heavily and occasionally moaning on a low tone cursing at the movements of your mouth.

You pull his dick out of your mouth, look at him with a smile on your lips catching his attention.

“You are pathetic, Jungkook” you said  masturbating him. “You cannot resist the temptation of reversing the power dynamic, can you?” liking the tip just as he likes it, making him moan. “No, your ego is too fragile for that” you took his cock in your mouth sucking and masturbating with your hand, you knew what bottoms to press to make him worked up.

“Watch your fucking mouth” he said thrusting his hips, fucking your mouth and you take it looking at his eyes. You knew he was close, so you put your hand on his abdomen grabbing his white button shirt for support, he left a heavy sight while you feel all his body tense.

“Fuck, yeah” he grunted leaking his cum inside your mouth, you felt the hot liquid but did not swallow it, at his shock you spited his seed to the ground, wiping your mouth and making a disgust expression.

“I should had called the cops when I could” you added, before your eyes was a disconcerted Jungkook which expression darkened once more, he zipped his pants, dropped the gun and lifted you with ease, he hold you in his arms while waking to your room where he gently drop you on your bed sitting beside you, looking at your eyes, lost.

“What now? Are you going to rape me?” you questioned, he could only lower his gaze.

“Nuna, please, I could never…” he spoke…soft.

“Shut up, Shut up!” you exclaimed indifferent “If you are going to do it, do it fast” you sentenced.

He just hugged you, hard, you wrapped your own arms around him, you felt his tears wetting your clothes, you closed your eyes holding him while he quietly sob.

“Nuna, I’m sorry so much” he said to you hugging the life out of you.

“I know” you said to him.

“Why it’s so difficult to understand that I’ll do whatever it takes to be by your side” he confessed “these past months felt like already pull the trigger, you are my only happiness, only you”

“Right now, it’s not the time” you said to him trying to convince him.

“What do you mean?”

“We are both not ready to be with each other we need to heal first, Jungkook” you told him pulling apart to watch his expressions. ”Can you do that, darling? Can you wait for me? Can you change?” his eyes blinked away the tears full of hope, he nodded while wiping his face with his fingers.

“I can do everything for you, anything you ask me” he said with firm tone, you smiled at him and leaned over to peck his lips, he was smiling too.

“Then it’s a deal” you said to him, he out of excitement pull you to his lap to hug you again, he do it so quickly that your core made friction with his thick thigh, you felt the familiar pleasure on your lower stomach, well it would be only fair since the fact that came and you didn’t, let’s take advantage of your poor situation as well, you positioned yourself better on his lap his bulge directly aligned with your core and you rolled your hips he looked at you this time.

“Yn?” he asked confused while you kissed his neck.”Babe…”

“Jungkook, touch me, please” you pleaded while grinding on his lap, he moaned at your request and immediately took your shirt off (the only piece of clothes that you had on) and warped his mouth around your nipple sucking it soundly, you whined. Did you forgot to mention the incredible skill that Jungkook possessed?, while stimulating your nipples he slided his long fingers  through your underwear, introducing it to your pussy, one became two then three, he was driving you crazy.

“Ah Jungkook, yes” you moaned feeling your orgasm arrive, head in the clouds, you laid on bed, ripping off your panties, while he took his clothes off to be fully naked, he was hard again. “Wait, in my wallet there is a condom” you instructed him while he looked at you raising his eyebrows, you rolled your eyes “I always have a condom on my purse, I did this even when we were together” he found the condom and put it on placing himself at your entrance quickly introducing the tip, your pussy reacted sucking him in, making you both moan, soon all his length was inside you, he took a moment to make eye contact with you.

“I missed this so much, nuna” he said to you, giving you a peck before starting to move, he was doing a stable pace than he later slowed to pull out and get back inside, you were a whining mess and he was proud of it, whispering sweet nothings in your ear, you felt your high near and started to get needier.

“I need to- I need too…” you couldn’t speak properly, so you took action flipping yourself over getting on top of Jungkook ridding him fast as the waves of pleasure were closer and closer. Jungkook moaned your name repeatedly while you both came, exhausted you collapsed on top of him, full of sweat, he caught you and pull you to his side, and cuddling you while yawning, falling asleep in each other arms.

Of course you said whatever it took to gain his favor, he had a gun for fucks sake! You will eventually call the cops but only after he goes away as he promised, harsher measures need to be taken for your own well being, at least you could say you had a proper closure with your psycho ex boyfriend.


A year and a half passed since the last time you saw him, when you ended the most toxic dynamic you ever had, you had to call the cops eventually and get a restraining order, it was the best option available and until now it has worked pretty well, though the fear of him coming back is still engrained in you like a burn scar.

You had to find another place to live, change jobs and get accustomed to your new reality in a very short time, but it worked out. You now had a job in the flowershop and a small and cozy apartment downtown, you live a quiet live without much stress and you were looking forward to try dating again, maybe this time you could be happy.

So one day, during your shift at the flowershop, you saw how a very expensive car parked outside the store, and the figure of a young man in suit came out of the car, your curiosity banished replaced as horror when you recognized the man that you had put an restraining order. Jungkook walk to the store looking his best self, with a confident pace he went straight to the counter to be face to face with you, he took a few seconds to stare at you and then he smiled looking absolutely stunning with his wide grin and soft features, but you could not let yourself admire him because you know his true nature.

“Hello yn-ie, long time no see” he said to you as it was so natural for you both this reunion.

“Jungkook, you know I got an order against you, so I’d be nice and not call the cops but you have to go now” you said very fast before the nerves attack you, he chuckled and shook his head as he was hearing the rambling of a child.

“Oh yeah, that little trick you pulled on me” he added “I came here to buy some roses, didn’t expect to see you at all” it didn’t sound convincing.

“If you only want the roses that’s ok, but you have to leave immediately after” you said to him but he looked away, you asked for specifications and he instructed you to give him a rose bouquet, you quickly did what he ask you and when he received the roses his hands quickly brushed yours

“That would be 10 thousand won, please” you said to him, he pulled a 100thousand bill and hand it out to you, he insisted to you keeping the change. As you suspected he didn’t leave.

“Okay I may have lied, I do want something from you” he said to you.

“No” you responded without hesitation.

“I want to have dinner with you, there is a place I want you to know” he said to you ignoring your previous response.

“I said no” you sentenced.

“If you don’t want to see me ever again after this, I would gladly comply but you have to go with me first and just talk, there is something important I have to tell you” he said to you serious, it was so weird to see him after all you went through, he was a stubborn bastard and you knew there was no way he took a no for an answer, so you accepted to just get over that, you hoped, forever.

He took you to a exclusive restaurant that just opened recently, you felt so out of place with your casual work clothes you were wearing, but Jungkook pay no mind and insisted to take you there, besides you he looked like he is worth millions, you two look like a mismatching pair.

During dinner the conversation was superficial, he mostly talking about his new career path and trivial stuff, you silently nodded and made occasional commentary, getting a little impatient at his anticks.

“It’s nice to see how you have grown, I’m glad you been doing ok, I really do” you said to him, he eyes sparkling at your praise.

“I had to step up, nuna, i never forgot what were your conditions to get back together, I did my part” he said to you, you sipped your wine.

“I put a restraining order, Jungkook” you said to him serious.

“You did it impulsively, I will forgive you for that” he said sipping his wine too “Now we are different people right?” he added, you looked to the ground, your instincts are telling you that he didn’t change at all, a year could not possibly be enough for him to recover from his issues.

“I don’t know” you honestly responded.

“But you see me in another light” he said “And if you don’t, I can prove you I changed” he said.

“Jungkook, I’m not sure” you told him but he didn’t change his expression.

“Let me please prove you, yn, give me a chance” he looked at your eyes “without pressure, let’s know each other all over again”

You agreed, and for the past weeks Jungkook and you hang out casually, he did seam different but he there were still some characteristics that never changed, fortunately only the good ones remained. Jungkook had better economic position, he no longer had a regular lifestyle, so your hang outs were in places you never been before. Overall you knew what his ultimate intentions were, he always was upfront, and made you clear with actions that he want you back, but you were confused, he did change but you still cannot forgive the things he did in the past, a year ago you may have considered it, but maybe it was time to move from this.

Well your constant contact with Jungkook eventually lead to you getting drunk one night, he kissed you and you let him, not sure why. He always was a good kisser, you just let yourself go in the moment, little by little you two started behaving more and more like a couple, you did let it go that far when you shouldn’t, so one day when you were having dinner in a private room, he handed you a check, when you saw the ridiculous amount, you saw him with a confused expression.

“What’s this for?” you asked him, he smiled and the responded.

“It’s for you” he simply said.

“Are you trying to buy me?”

“I’m just showing you that I can take care you, princess”

“You don’t need to take care of me”

“But nuna, of course I need to” he said to you serious “You don’t have to work anymore in that shop, I’ll pay all your bills from now on, let me provide for you” he added.

“I did not ask you for money, and why do you have to provide for me?”  he rolled his eyes.

“Fine, stay in your little job, but when we get married I don’t want any protest” you reacted immediately.

“When we get married?” you repeated.


“Jungkook, I…” 

“Yn, where is this heading? You like me again, you kissed me and I bet you miss how I fuck you too” he started to say “Then we get back together, the next step is obvious”

“Marriage?” you scoffed “I think you need to calm down, you act like the past two years never existed”

“There is no use into bring the shit we went through” he added sipping his glass of whiskey.

“I’m thinking this better, we are like magnets we attract each other so easily but maybe we just don’t work in the long run, that’s it”

“Nuna, I thought that we making progress, why you can’t have faith in us?” Jungkook exclaimed “There is nothing more real than the love I have for you; my change is the proof”

“But I hurt you and you hurt me”

“That’s the past”

“I cannot go through another tragic situation, where we both are get traumatized, I just want a healthy relationship” Tears escaping your eyes, he got up from his seat and sat beside you pulling you close.

“We can be healthy; I know we can” he said kissing your forehead “I love you”

“Jungkook, should we try this again?”

“Of course, princess” he said to you sweetly “We belong together”.

The End.

sh. | chapter eighteen | ot7

PAIRINGot7 x reader
RATINGExplicit. 18+.
GENREsmut. fluff. angst. nonidol au. wildnerness au. roommates au. friends to lovers.
SUMMARYSix months of quarantine have kept you apart. Somehow the distance sparks something new in each of you: questions, unfinished conversations, threads once chased now left cold. So when your roommate invites you to come with him to a mysterious house in the mountains with your friends, how could you even think of saying no?
WARNINGS AND TAGS no use of gendered pronouns to refer to reader. nudity. sex jokes. angst. makeout.

AN: Thank you so much to the most amazing readers, to these beautiful beta readers – @vyduan@miscelunaaa@illneverrecoverand@hesperantha – who have all helped me with these past couple of chapters. I feel so wildly grateful for you all. Thank you.

||series m.list || →

©wwilloww Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without my permission.


You’re stuck. Absolutely and entirely stuck. 

Yoongi at your front, Namjoon cocooned around your back. It’s hot. It’s sweaty. It’s absolutely and entirely adorable. The way Namjoon’s little snores drone into the large room, the way Yoongi’s fingers flicker in his sleep, as if he’s playing an invisible piano. Despite the heat and the claustrophobia, you find yourself quite content in this position, your mind drifting between sleep and a quiet admiration for the two men surrounding you. 

You run a check in over your body. You’re a little sore, but nothing that a cup of coffee and some stretching won’t fix. In the act of checking in, you can’t help but feel the way your chest feels. Like there’s been a knot within you, loosened. Last night was unexpected in a lot of ways. In every moment of pleasure that the two men swaddled around you brought to you, but also in the things that it brought up. Your face warms a little, thinking about the way you had pleaded for Yoongi over and over again, the way you had begged Namjoon to sound out his pleasure for you. You had begged, because it felt like you needed it, but where was that need coming from? 

“Mmf, good mornin’,” Namjoon grumbles from behind you, his voice deep and sleep-graveled. You always noticed that he’d bring the register of his voice up when he was around other people, so as to make himself easier to understand, but this early in the morning he can’t be bothered to enunciate, let alone shift his register. 

His fingers drift down to your hip, to where your ass presses into his crotch. 

“I’m sorry, is it uncomfortable? I can move—” 

“Nope,” Namjoon says without hesitation. “Not uncomfortable at all. At least, not in the way you’re thinking.” You can hear the grin in his voice.

“Oh my god, you’re gross!” you whisper-yell.

“Is it gross if you secretly like it?” he smirks back. He nuzzles his face into your neck and breathes in deep, his out breath brushing against your skin. 

You hum and cuddle deeper into his embrace. You almost drift off again like that, his arms snaking tighter around you, his lips against your neck, Yoongi’s ass wiggling into your crotch. You could stay here all day, wrapped up in them. 

What are you doing? You ask yourself. You’re getting too comfortable. You’re asking for too much. 

The shame that courses through you wakes you up. You bury your face in Yoongi’s hair, and he shifts against you before rolling over, so he’s face to face with you.

“Morning, doll.” 

“Morning, Yoongi.”

“You were snoring last night. Could barely get a wink of sleep in with the monster truck in the bed with me.” 

“Was not!” 

He chuckles, before wiping a hand across his eyes and yawning. He stretches out, his arms reaching above his head, his back arching. He reminds you of a cat first thing in the morning. 

“Nah, I slept like the dead,” he says. 

“Me too,” Namjoon pokes his head up from behind you. The two share a smile. 

“Well?” Yoongi says, gaze flickering from between you two. “Round seventeen?” 

“Coffee first,” you say, slipping out of bed by scooching down the sheets to the foot of it. 

“That sounds like a promise for later,” Yoongi says. 

You send him a wink. 

“I have nothing to wear though,” you say. 

“That’s how we like it,” Yoongi drawls. 

“Get your mind out of the gutter and go grab me some clothes from my suitcase? Pretty please?” 

Yoongi rolls his eyes but begins to sit up. 

“Oh. I already did,” Namjoon says, sitting up and pulling the sheets up with him. He slips out of bed and that’s when you realize he’s wearing flannel pajamas. 

“You did? When?” 

“While you all were showering. I didn’t want you to have to trod through the house in nothing. I thought it would make your morning easier.” 

You grin at Namjoon as he hands you a stack of clothes with optionsfrom one of the dressers in the room. 

“Thank you Namjoon.” You get dressed quickly, and pause at the door. Namjoon and Yoongi are still lumbering slowly through the morning. “I’ll put the coffee on?” 

“You’re an angel,” Yoongi says, smiling. 

You waltz into the kitchen, ready for coffee, ready for food. However, a certain figure stops you in your tracks. Hoseok stands there, his back turned to you. There’s something about him, something about the way he stands, maybe a little too straight, that reminds you of a ghost, a haunting. The specter in your throat looms just as large as him. He’s already dressed for the day, and wears a puffy jacket, as if he’s readying to go outside shortly. He sips meditatively from a cup of coffee. 

Seeing Hoseok, the knot in your chest that Namjoon and Yoongi had seemed to ease last night immediately tightens. Your first instinct is to turn right around and crawl back into the comfort and safety of bed, but no, no you’re not doing that anymore, not turning, not running. So you march straight in. Stand a moment behind him before he turns with a little, “Oh, you scared me.” 

“Hoseok, can we do something today?” you ask, mustering up your best and brightest form of courage. “Just the two of us?” 

He stares at you blankly. “Just the two of us?” 

“Yeah. Is that okay? A hike maybe?” 

“Why just the two of us?” 

He’s never asked that question before. Why is he asking it now? 

“Because… I want to spend time with you?” Because you want to make things easier, because you want to make things right again. Because you want to forget that anything ever happened that might have screwed everything up. 

“Dude, cut it out,” Yoongi calls from behind you. 

Hoseok’s eyes refocus on him. “Cut what out? I’m not doing anything.” 

“That’s exactly the problem,” Yoongi bristles as he steps up to Hoseok. “You think you can just get a nice little early morning fuck in and then dip? That’s not what this is all about.”

“I’m not dipping, I’m not going anywhere. I’m still very much here,” Hoseok says, surprised. 

“I don’t think you are though, bro.” Jimin’s suddenly stepping into the kitchen, joining the conversation. He has the same hard look in his eyes that Yoongi has. You step forward, between them, holding up your hands. You don’t want this to turn into some kind of fight, but there’s still a touch of softness to the way each of them look at the other. 

Hoseok’s eyes dart from Yoongi to Jimin, confusion and worry written on his face. “And I didn’t—we didn’t—” he glances at you. “It wasn’t likethat. I think we both agreed that this is how things go. This is how everyone wantsthings to go, don’t they? Casual. Easy. Detached.” 

Jimin frowns. “You’re playing dumb, Hoseok.” Yoongi nods. “This might be a casual setup but that doesn’t mean you can just ignore us.” His eyes flicker to yours. You in particular, he seems to mean. 

“I’m not ignoring you guys, not on purpose,” Hoseok says, though the tightness in his voice gives something away. A tension within him. Maybe he means it genuinely, but there’s something else there too. A discomfort. “I’m overwhelmed with work. I’ve got a massive project that’s expected to be done by the end of the week. I have otherthings to do than just fuck all day.” 

“No one is asking you to fuck all day?” Yoongi says, a hint of incredulity in his voice. “Where the hell did you get that idea? Where the hell are you getting anyof these ideas?”

“Hoseok, Yoongi—” you butt in, but something hard has already settled in Hoesok’s eyes. 

 “I dunno what you want me to say.” Hoseok shrugs, turns, and leaves. Giving up.

You, Jimin, and Yoongi glance at each other. 

“You need to go after him,” Jimin says, head tilting in the direction of where Hoseok disappeared. “You need to talk this out,” he says. You nod, already turning to race out of the room after your friend. He’s quicker than you are and you take several wrong turns before finding him stepping outside through one of the many doors that lead to the backyard. You step outside in socked feet and immediately regret it, the chill of the ground sinking through your socks, the large and fluffy cardigan Namjoon had picked out for you doing very little against the cold of late fall. 

“Hobi?” You catch his hand in yours as you hurry to catch up with him. 

He turns to you, an expression of confusion on his face. 

“You’re being weird,” you whisper. 

He looks down at where you hold his hand. 

“I am notbeing weird,” he mumbles. 

“Yes you are!” 

“If anything, you’rethe one being weird,” Hoseok cuts back.

That’s not something you anticipated.  


Hoseok looks down at you, his eyes burning with something unspoken. “Nevermind.” He pulls his hand from yours. 

“Jesus, Hoseok, why is it always ‘never mind?’ Just goddamn tell me!” 

“You just…” For a moment it seems like he’s going to hold back his next words, that he’s going to swallow him down. But then something breaks and his gaze shifts back to you. “You just waltz in and ask me to go on a walk as if nothing has happened!” 

You blink at him. “You’re weirded out that I asked you on a walk? We always go on walks!” 

Hoseok frowns. Opens his mouth. Closes it again. “Well. It’s not just that. It’s other…things too. ” 

“Hobi, you’re being weird. Tell me why you’re being weird. I don’t want to keep guessing.” 

He pauses for a long moment. 

“Why didn’t you kiss me?” Hoseok finally asks. 

“What?” You haven’t kissed anyone all day. But it’s not like the dynamic in the house had everyone making out in broad daylight. 

“I saw you kiss Jimin, and Taehyung. Even Yoongi at one point. But not me.” That’s when you realize that he’s not talking about today. He’s talking about that night. About the orgy.You can’t help the flush that rushes over your features as the images of that night come flooding back. Hoseok, inside you, thrusting, filling you up. 

And, what were you supposed to say after all that? That you had kissed the others because you had a history with each of them, that you’d fucked each of them before, so it felt different? That felt harsh. Untrue, even. So you say what you can manage closest to the truth: 

“Well. I… it seemed like too much.” 

“I seemed like too much?” 

“That’s not what I said, Hoseok.” 

The two of you stare at one another. 

“What I felt… what I feel. It’s a lot. Too much.” You scratch your head, unsure how to put the garbled up mess of feeling in your chest into words. 

“What you feel… for me… is too much?” 

The both of you are speaking slowly as if in riddles and rhymes. So when silence settles between you with no outlook of ending, you say: “I should also point out you didn’t kiss me.”

He blinks back at you. “Well. Yeah.” 

“‘Well, yeah?’ What’s that supposed to mean?” 

“It’s tricky.” 

“Try me.” You cross your arms. 

He pauses, looking you over as if to gauge you before speaking. “I just don’t want it to get messy.” 

“Hobi, surprise, we’re already there. You had your cock in me at six a.m., and now you won’t spend any time with me—how the hell is that not messy?” There’s a little bit of laughter in your voice. Incredulity. 

He flushes at your word choice, but assents. “I guess you’re right.” 

Hobi always had a way of making up impossible, arbitrary rules for himself. Practicing his dance from beginning to end and starting over when he came across a mistake. Brunch, always, the night after drinking. Never taking more than a day to respond to a text. And just as he had the rules, he also had a horrible tradition of beating himself up for not following them. Because they simply couldn’t be followed all the time, perfectly. 

“I thought… I thought we were keeping it casual. And it seemed like an easy line to draw in the sand, you know, to say that kissing was off the table.” He pauses. “Even with you.” Even with you. As if you could be some kind of exception. “And then, now that you mention it, I think I kept drawing the line. Kept keeping you away. Because I thought that’s what you wanted.” 

“Hobi… it’s notwhat I want. Why would I want to stay away from you?”

“I dunno,” he looks down, looks away. “I think I messed it all up.” 

“You didn’t mess it up, not in my eyes, not really. It seems like we’re both in the wrong,” you say softly. 

“It seems so.” 

“This is dumb, right?” 

“This is so dumb.” 

A smile slowly spreads across the both of your faces. The two of you grin at each other for a long moment, just staring, just smiling. And it feels normal again, like maybe you hadn’t fucked as the sun rose, like maybe you hadn’t both messed up, like maybe you hadkissed him after all. 

“What about now?” you ask. 

“What do you mean what about now?” he asks, a flicker of confusion crossing his face. 

“What if I kiss you now? Is it against the rules?” Your heart is beating straight out of your chest but you can’t stop this, can’t stop it moving forward. You take a step forward.

He gulps. Shakes his head. He can’t take his eyes from you. He steps in. Leans down.

Your lips meet. It is a tentative, fluttering thing. You are careful with each other, your hand coming to rest gently on his cheek, his fingers fluttering by your hair before he presses in and holds your head between his hands. 

“Kissing is okay,” you breathe against him. “Not against the rules. Friends, we—fuck—I don’t know. Friends with benefits?” You’re not sure if that’s the right word, if that’s the right way to put all of this. It feels wrong on your tongue. “They kiss. Totally.  And—I like it. Like kissing you.” 

“You’re rambling.” 

“I know.” 

You can feel the smile on his mouth hovering between you as he captures your lips again and presses in closer, taking another step towards you. One of your arms winds around his neck, while his hands skate across your back, pulling you in tighter, your bodies flush together. His lips brush across yours like a breath, teasing you, and you take the bait, chasing him. 

“Do you really want to kiss me?” he asks. 

“Yes,” you breathe. 

He smiles.

He kisses you like a glacier kisses the land: slow, steady, inevitably. The kiss is unyielding, ice sliding against rock, bound to change the landscape, smoothing over jagged edges. The pressure is inevitable, building within you like something undeniable. You let it build to a tension so high you think you could sing with it. He tangles his hands in your hair, his hips pressing against yours, a leg slipping between yours. You let out a gasp as his thigh presses against your core. And you’re spinning, until your back hits the hard plane of the door. He’s pressed you up against the glass. 

You pull away, catching your breath. 

“If I’m honest: I thought we were bad at kissing, after that first kiss,” you admit. 

“Honestly? Me too.” 

“But this is, um, this is much better.” 

He chuckles, tilting his head, his eyes flickering down to your lips. 

“Is it bad if I want to keep kissing you?” 

“No, this is totallynormal,” you whisper back as his lips lean in. “Friends totallykiss like this.”


There’s a lie in your words but you can’t pinpoint where it is, but you feel it swell beneath your tongue. You swallow it down, ignore it, move on as your lips meet once more, as his tongue slips within your mouth, exploring. As you bite down on his lip, giddy at the little gasp that leaves him. As he grinds his hips into you and you gasp back. You’re a mess of exploring limbs and tangled tongues. 

“Do you want to get out of here—?” you whisper. His eyes widen. He bites his lip. 

A redo. A chance to do this the right way. Where he doesn’t leave you at the end. 

Tap. Tap. Tap. 

You spin around, your hand grabbing at Hoseok’s as you do. Jimin is standing at the glass door, leaning against it. 

“I see you two did some working out of your problems,” you hear his voice muffled through the pane. “Though your measures of working out aren’t typical, they’ll do.”

“What do you want, Jimin?” Hoesok asks.

“Breakfast. Come inside. We need to talk.”

||series m.list || →

©wwilloww Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without my permission.

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PERMANENT TAG LIST@spicykoreantatertots@usuallynervoussheep@myimaginationsrunningwild@lucedelsole97@yoong-i @kookieskiwi @ries-universe @minyoongiboongi @shameless-army@frisianqueen@emmmui@rm4lyf@kelly-luvya@baby-g@madseok@elyte@twobirdsinabox@peonymoonchild@sweetmustardleduc@rkivian@boubourella@sugalaritae@herecomesjoon@hopelesslylivv@parkdatjimin@blairscott

Pairing: Jungkook x Fem Reader

Genre: Smut, Yandere (Non-violent)

Warnings: Explicit language, explicit sexual content, OC is toxic but like, self-aware about it. It’s okay though, turns out JK is also kinda fucked. Not a whole lotta plot going on here just saying.

Summary: You’ve been avoiding your new neighbor since he moved in, despite his constant attempts at small talk and flirting. He’s really got no idea that you’re trying to protect his sweet little soul from being corrupted by you.

Requested by: Anonymous - inspired by Jade Lemacs “Aimed to Kill.”

You grab your grocery bags from the backseat, shoving the car door closed with your hip. In fumbling around with the clicker, your keys fall to the ground beneath you with a teasing clink. You huff out a frustrated sigh. 

“I’ll get those!” a friendly, and familiar, voice rushes over. 

It’s Jungkook, your neighbor. You silently curse, because you know he’ll follow you like a little puppy all the way to your door. 

He does. Chattering the whole time about how he makes it a personal mission to get all the grocery bags on the first trip inside too.

An uncomfortable silence follows as you reach your apartment door, Jungkook taking your bags for you so you can fiddle the key into the hole. You mutter a vaguely polite thanksbut continue avoiding eye contact.

Don’t get it twisted, you’re not typically an impolite ass to people. Jungkook probably thinks you’re a rude bitch - though he keeps trying and hard to break you. Thing is, you’re only trying to protect him.

The minute you moved in you saw him from across the lot getting his mail. You locked eyes over a box of framed photos and honestly? You were instantly attracted, how could you not be? He looked to be your type, piercings, tats, long pretty hair, broad shoulders, thick thighs…you practically drooled onto the cardboard box in your arms.

Then he ran over, looking like the cutest little bunny you’d ever seen and within 45 minutes of him helping you bring boxes in and chatting, you knew there was no way you could pursue him. He was sweet, and kind, and bubbly and shy. You’d crush him like a soda can.

He asked you out for coffee or dinner the second day you knew him, and several times since - he was relentless - but each time you tried as hard as you could to politely decline him. He probably thinks you’re a jerk, and sometimes you wish you could avoid the mission and just tell him how hot you think he is, describe all the debauched shit you’d love to do to him, tied up in your silk ribbons on your bed - the thought alone makes your clit throb - but he’s too nice. He can’t handle the relationship, or lack there of rather, that you’d want from him.

Don’t give in, ___, you say to yourself watching his forearms flex as he shifts the bags around. God, the way you’d outline every tattoo on his arm with your tongue…stop!

“TGIF, am I right?” he comments lamely as you twist the knob and open the door to your apartment.

“Mmhmm,” you agree flatly.

He follows you inside, which is fine, and sets your bags on the counter top.

“I uh, notice you got some wine, boxed - I like that, very classy,” he attempts to tease and you slip for a moment and laugh at his joke.

This makes him way too happy, you immediately notice, and he relaxes a bit against the counter, crossing his bulky arms over his broad chest. Ugh.

“So you have big plans tonight?” he wonders and you can already hear the invitation that’s coming.

You press your lips into a tight line as you flit around putting groceries away, “Just going to, ya know, watch movies and get classy with my boxed wine.”

“Want some company?” he asks so gingerly that it makes you feel bad, you of all people.

You sigh, gnawing on your bottom lip, “Listen, Jungkook, I-,”

He shrugs in defeat and puts his hands up in a playful surrender, “It’s fine. You’re saying no, that’s fine. I won’t bother you anymore okay? A guy can only get rejected by a beautiful woman so many times before he starts turning into a creep.”

He chuckles but it sounds disappointed and a bit embarrassed. Fuck.

“Can I ask you something though?” he wonders as he walks toward the door.

You just stare, waiting for his question, feeling thoroughly villainous.

“What is it about me that you dislike so much? Maybe I can work on it, you know, not for you per se but maybe it’s why I can’t seem to find anyone,” he asks sadly.

Oh god. Oh god you can feel the words bubbling up into your chest, into your throat…oh shit here they come…

“I don’t dislike you Jungkook, it’s quite the opposite. I think you are fucking delectable, and every time you come running across the lot my fucking pussy does, I don’t know, somersaults or something - it’s absurd and I hate rejecting you over and over but I just…I don’t think you’d like me once you got to really know me.”

Wow. That was, a lot, you think with an embarrassed sigh.

You chance looking up at him and find that his sweet brown eyes are wide as saucers. There it is, he got a little taste of your boundary-less crazy and now he knows. Good, it’s better he run for the hills.

You wait a few more seconds, fully anticipating him to be like “Mmk, well I gotta go…” but he doesn’t.

Instead his eyes narrow a bit, and for the first time ever since moving in, those warm, happy doe eyes look a little…dangerous?

He crosses back over into the kitchen, not completely invading your space but certainly closer than he’s ever gotten.

“Now why on earth would you think I wouldn’t like you? After trying so damn hard to get you to spend time with me?” he asks.

Ok fine. Talking about him being delectable and pussy somersaults isn’t enough? You got plenty more where that came from. Plen-ty.

“It’s just, if I let myself get into you, like really into you I’m going to freak you out,” you start, wondering how you’re going to explain your weirdness.

He raises an eyebrow and looks deeply intrigued, “How?”

“I have really specific goals here, ok? Like I wouldn’t be the kind of girl you’d want to take home. It wouldn’t be bubbly or romantic. I just…” go on, go ahead and say it, “I’d just want to consume you. Use you, get myself off on you - tie you up and make you wait, test your limits, make you think I’m in love with you so you’ll be just as obsessed as me.”

Jungkook is quiet for a moment. You’ve never really been up front with the guys you’re into and most of them leave after a few weeks. You are the very definition of “crazy ex” and you know it.

“So, you’d tie me up with what? Those pretty silk ribbons you have in your bedside drawer?” he asks.

“Yeah, I got them at…”

Your eyes snap up to his. Wait just a second. He’s never been further into your house then he is right now, so how does he know?

“How the fuck do you know what’s in my drawer?”

“Oh,” he digs in his pocket and drags his key ring out, fiddling through until he finds a little gold one, “because I have a key to your front door.”


“And how the fuck do you have a key to my apartment?!” you demand. The tables have indeed turned and you are beyond confused.

“Well, let me just tell you it was not pleasant to acquire it,” he scoffs, “but the super has crushed on me since I moved in a few years ago so I ate her out in the main office - stole your key out of her master box while she cleaned herself up in the bathroom.”

A normal person would slap him, jerk the key off his ring, probably call the police or something, then slap him again.

You’re not normal though.

“You…did that just to get into my apartment?” you say - almost admirably.

“Of course baby, how else was I going to figure you out? You never say more than ten words to me at a time. I had to get to know you somehow, and trust me - about what you said about me not liking the real you - such a thing could never happen,” he says, brushing the back of a finger over your cheek.

“I…don’t know what to say,” you tell him.

“Don’t say anything,” he smiles and it looks like the same pretty smile he always shoots you, but now it’s laced with something else. Something you like, very very much. “Just do what you said you wanted to do - consume me.”

You fuck the rest of the groceries off and drag his mouth onto yours. He happily reciprocates, sliding some of the bags into the sink so he can lift you up and set you on the countertop.

“Fuck, I’ve been waiting for this so long,” he rasps, yanking his shirt off as you do the same thing.

You don’t respond, words are not computing at the moment, you pull him toward you by his belt loops and rake your nails down his chest, leaving angry red lines in their wake. His chest is just as hard and defined as you thought it would be and you’re going to enjoy rubbing against it soon.

“Mmmm, gonna fuck you till you scream baby girl,” he promises, roughly shoving his tongue in your mouth, which you accept gratefully.

After a few minutes he practically rips your bra off, taking the fleshy mounds in his hands and burying his face between them, lapping at your skin and nipples.

“Mmm,” you moan, pulling at his hair to guide him back and forth between your aching tits, “how often do you come in my apartment?” you ask, rather breathlessly.

“Come as in coming inside or come as in jerk myself off into the panties in your laundry hamper?” he smirks, looking up at you while he plays with the button on your jeans.

“Fuck that shouldn’t be so hot,” you moan, hopping off the counter so he can shimmy the garment down your legs.

He laughs as you step out of them and kick them to the side, “maybe but you love it, I knew you would. I read all the shit you write about in your little journal, knew you’d want me to,” he growls.

“You read my journ-ah!” you yelp as he nips at the fleshiest part of your inner thigh, shoving you hard against the cupboards so he can open your legs.

“Of course I did babe, I needed to know you, like I said. Don’t worry, I loved the things you wrote, wanna try all of it with you,” he assures you, pulling your panties down your legs.

“Fuck I do too, I do too, God Jungkook I’m so fucking turned on right now,” you say, you’re so incredibly elated it feels like you’re high.

“I know baby, look how your pussy is dripping for me,” he whispers against your mound. “You want to see what I did to get that key?”

“Mmhmm, please, oh fuck please put your tongue on me!”

He acquiesces and gets right to it. Burying his face in your drenched cunt. You gasp when he moans, working an absolute magical skill with his tongue. It’s beyond anything you’d ever dreamed, from this adorable man, though adorable is now the absolute last descriptor you would use for him.

“I should’ve just busted through your door every night and done this with or without your fucking permission,” he’s panting, looking up at you from between your legs.

You run your hands through his hair, “bust in anytime, you’ve got a key.”

He laughs against you for a second before returning to the task at hand - making you come bracing yourself against the kitchen cabinets while he works you with his mouth.

With quick, soft licks he just about brings you to your knees, your thighs shake as your grip in his hair tightens and he groans at the sting of it.

“I’m so close, shit! Keep going…right there, that’s so good,” you whine. He finds the perfect pressure, flicking his tongue against your clit and you hitch your leg just a bit higher so you can feel it better as he brings you to orgasm.

You cry out his name in a shaky moan as you rhythmically spasm around his head.

He stands, his eyes dark and blown out, looking at you like he may devour your very soul.

And you’ll absolutely let him.

“What should we do from your naughty little diary hm? Wax? Cuffs? Whips?” he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into him, you’re still breathless from your orgasm but you muzzle your nose against his flawless chest.

“Come with me,” you grab his hands and practically drag him to your bedroom where you shove him down on your bed.

You assess him, tapping your cheek coyly.

“Whatshould I do to you, hm?” you wonder, biting your lip as he gets comfortable.

“First things first,” you continue, “the jeans have to go, though I love the way you look in them with no shirt,” you say, leaning over to help him with the pants.

You watch as his cock springs up, the length of it swaying with the weight of his thickness. Oh yes, that will do justfine.

“Now what? Please, I need you to fucking touch me in some way, please,” he begs and you like it, love the way the word please sounds out of his mouth. Love the way those warm dangerous eyes plead with yours.

You slowly walk over to your drawer and gently slide it out. You do pick up the ribbons and look at him with a raised brow.

“As pretty as you’d look tied up in these,” you tease the end of a ribbon across one of his nipples and he hisses, so you slide it down his middle and over his throbbing cock too. “It’s just…as big and strong as you are, I think you could ruin them.”

You put them back and drag out two pairs of handcuffs, “No, I think these will work much better.”

He smiles as you crawl up into the bed, straddling his chest - you can feel the lines and ridges of his muscles flexing and relaxing beneath you. You grind yourself down on him, unable to resist, as you loop the cuffs around his wrist, attaching the other end to your bed frame.

“Now I only have two pair,” you say, caressing a finger up his other arm to guide it, “can your legs behave?”

“Mmhmm,” he whimpers, “I’ll be good.”

“Oh I know baby, I know,” you soothe, dipping your head down to kiss him tenderly on the mouth.

You attach the other cuff to his wrist and the bed, then lean back to enjoy your view. Fuck yes, you hadn’t even realized how bad you wanted to see him this way.

“What now?” he asks, desperation dripping.

You look down at his chest heaving, God this chest thing you are really having trouble getting over.

“Mm,” you lean down and kiss and lick the skin around his nipple, occasionally sucking hard, leaving reddish-purple bruises as you go. “Gotta mark you up I think, so you remember who you belong to now.”

He writhes and moans as you continue licking and sucking, “all yours baby, do whatever you want!”

The words have you clenching on nothing, and suddenly you have an ache you desperately want to fill.

You glance over at your drawer, inside contains a diary full of sexual scenarios you want to play out and the toys necessary to do so. They’ll be there, you think, when you have more time to play. When the two of you aren’t so desperate to get off you can give the attention to detail required.

You scoot down further, “Look at your cock baby, you’re hard as a rock. Does it ache?” you ask softly, swirling the tip of your finger up and down and over the tip of it.

God, yes, so fucking bad baby,” he whines and you believe him. His dick is red and angry and throbbing, begging for release.

You spit on it, loudly and obscenely, and he stares with his mouth parted as your fist closes around the shaft tightly. You start pumping him at various paces to tease, and his hips buck up to fuck into your hand.

“I think,” you finally say, “that right now I just want to sink my pussy on your cock and ride you until I come again. We can open my journal later,” you say, rising to your knees to straddle him.

His head bobs up and down, “Yes, fuck…yeah do that.”

You grin as you position yourself above him, taking his cock in your hand and rubbing the head of it against your clit.

“Ohfuckohfuckohfuck,” he sighs, you know you’re being cruel at this point, as you drag him through your slick over and over. Your cunt is still soaked from his oral skills and the sound his dick is making sliding over your slit is loud and sloppy and delightful.

Finally, when his face twists up in absolute want, you sink yourself down on him. It’s a tight fit, and you mildly regret not sinking slower but the stretch quickly dissipates and is replaced with a full sensation that sends you reeling.

“Fuck Jungkook, you feel so fucking good,” you cry. You brace yourself on his torso as you bound harder, faster. His wrists tug against his restraints as his hips buck to meet your movements. It’s a perfect rhythm, between the two of you, the way your bodies are coming together so naturally and you scold yourself for thinking he was too good to corrupt. Fuck, he was his own extraordinary brand of insane and you’re loving every minute.

“You’re so tight baby, so fucking hot, fuck it’s so good,” he’s practically crying.

“I’m getting really close again Jungkook, fuck you look so hot cuffed up like that,” you whine.

“Come for me again baby, I’m right there too, come all over my fucking cock,” he urges, his head lolling back and forth across your pillows.

You slow down a bit, making sure you drag his dick across every spot that makes you go insane, making sure he can thoroughly feel every centimeter of you.

You grind down on him a bit, your clit rubbing against the soft tuft of hair at the base of his cock and you lose it. You come around him, your cunt milking his own intense orgasm out, and you feel him release in heavy spurts deep inside you as you both cry out together.

“I think we just came at the same time,” you pant with a grin.

He looks at you, “Of course we did, we’re meant for each other. We’re perfect for each other,” he huffs.

You scramble up his body and kiss him, pausing only to grab the handcuff keys to release him. When his bonds are loose he wraps his arms around you and pins you to the bed.

“Consume me,” he says between kisses, “obsess over me the way I’m obsessed with you. I want you to, I want you to use me because you’re mine and you’re perfect.”

“Where have you been?” you ask, cupping his face.

“Waiting,” he says, “waiting in the background for someone just as fucked as me.”

You nod, because you understand. You’ve been waiting too.

“Well, here I am.”

Jungkook cards his hand through your hair gently then pulls it hard, “Here you are.”



1. Here you go anon. I’d never even heard of this artist before so hopefully I captured the general feeling of the song? Idk but I really hope you like it darling.

2. Still working on the Victorian piece that Tumblr ate, I’ve got it outlined and am working out the breaks. I hope everyone had a good weekend!!!

Pairing: Jungkook x reader

Theme: Roommates to lovers, friends to lovers, angst, fluff, smut, fuckboy Jungkook x fuckgirl reader.

Summary: He was tired of waiting for her.

Warning: swearing

A/n note: I really need to get the next chapter of run going but enjoy this while I do that

Like and reblog pls <3

“Jesus Yn you’re heavy,” Jungkook huffed as she threw herself on him, his arms automatically wrapping around her waist to stop her from falling and hurting herself, it was like muscle memory.

“Jungkookieee I missed youuuuuu,” she slurred as she locked her hands behind his neck. Yn was a lovey-dovey drunk and she was adamant about showering him with all her love and affection whenever she came home hammered.

“I missed you too,” Jungkook lied as he dragged Yn to the kitchen, her feet barely grazing the floor as they walked.

“Sit down,” Jungkook demanded once they made it to the kitchen counter and Yn followed his command obediently.

“Good girl,” Jungkook praised as he left her side to fill up a glass of water, he didn’t notice the blush that decorated her cheeks.

He went to grab Yn’s makeup bag from the bathroom while she finished the glass of water, hoping that she’d sober up a little by the time he came back.

“Look up,” he instructed, grabbing the makeup wipes from the pouch but Yn was also an extremely stubborn drunk, she kept her head down, refusing to look up.

“Yn….,” Jungkook called, a threat in his voice, “look up,” he said again, firmly gripping her chin to tilt it upwards, if she wasn’t going to do it he’d do it himself.

He got closer to her, wiping down the makeup gently, making sure to use the lightest touch that he could, he started with the smudged lipstick, wiping it away carefully.

“Jungkookie are you angry,” yn asked as she peered at his face, the crinkle of his brow made him look very sexy and intimidating but it wasn’t a good sign.

“No,” Jungkook denied, because it was true, he wasn’t angry, he was jealous, green with envy but not angry, he could never be angry at her.

He was jealous of all the men who had touched her, seen her, or even thought of her, all the men who weren’t good enough for her but still got a chance to be with her. It made him rage and storm but he’d never let her know that.

She didn’t have to know it, he’d just be here, in the back, silent and calm, an anchor to hold her steady while she went wild, he wouldn’t let her go, wouldn’t let any storm faze her, he’d carry the whole world if it meant she was happy.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when Yn tipped his face in her little hands, angling his face to look at her and he could feel his breath being taken away as she grazed her fingers across his jaw.

She stared up at him, for eyes full of concern, and his heart raced at the pretty sight. She brushed his hair back, lovingly stroking his hair while she did so, he closed his eyes, putting this moment away for much later.

He let out a sigh after a moment, a sign full of frustration and longing before gently grabbing her wandering hands, bringing them back to her lap. He put on his strictest face before he opened his eyes, preparing himself for the doe eyes that would bring him to his knees someday.

“Come on Yn, time to go to bed,” he commanded, helping her off the counter. She wasn’t stumbling anymore, quietly walking to her room. She paused at the door, mumbling a quiet “good night Jungkookie,” before heading inside, closing the door behind her.

Jungkook went into his room to bury his face among his many pillows before loudly screaming into them. Calling himself a coward and a spineless fool before falling asleep to the thoughts of pretty yn and her pretty hands and her pretty lips and her pretty eyes and her pretty……..

Yn stared at the ceiling, her grip on the sheets so right it turned her knuckles pale. Her chest hurt as she heard the loud moans coming from the room right opposite hers.

Breathy moans and groans clouded her hearing as she flipped to the other side. No nightmare could be worse than this.

Okay maybe that was an exaggeration but she didn’t know how else to define the pain and sadness she felt. She rolled over again, pulling a pillow over her head to block the noise.

Her headphones were still in Jungkook’s room and she regretted lending them to him but there was nothing she could do about it now, she will have to deal with it.

She didn’t know why she still felt sad after a year of moving in here, she had heard it numerous times but the pain never went away, she never got used to the moans and grunts and the sounds of the squeaky headboard. She didn’t know how that was possible.

She had gotten used to his friends, his routine, his favorite meals, and his shows but she never, NEVER, got used to the girls he brought around every week.

It wasn’t like it was the same girl, it was always a different girl. He never gave them the chance to stop and talk, the chance of a second date but he was still giving them more of a chance than he was giving her.

They were all so pretty, with gorgeous hair and perfect makeup, their jawline sharp enough to cut glass, a striking contrast to her soft face, and finally, the sweet, melodious voice that they all seemed to possess, an overall 10 on 10, she couldn’t compete with them.

Her wishful thoughts that Jungkook would ever give her a chance formed a dark cloud over her mind as she tossed and turned in bed, drifting off to dreamland.

Jungkook grunted as he climbed the last flight of stairs to their apartment when he heard giggling.

Soft, beautiful, honey-like giggles were music to his ears but the deep throaty chuckle that followed was like Santa Clause and Jungkook felt his heart drop to his stomach as he contemplated not going in.

But what would he do? Go upstairs? Go to Namjoon hyung’s house and tell everyone about what a coward he was? Nope. Jungkook wasn’t one to be embarrassed that way.

He stabbed his key into the doorknob, twisting it open to see Yn and a guy with a receding hairline on the couch. Jungkook felt a sense of sadistic pleasure when the conversation halted and all of Yn’s attention shifted to him.

“Welcome back!” Yn greeted before turning back to Mr.Baldy who sat across from her while Jungkook made his way into his room, making sure to take more time than necessary.

He could hear the dude’s hushed “who was that?” Before he entered his room. Jungkook rejoiced knowing that he had made the guy uncomfortable before changing out of his work clothes and into his casuals, pulling on a tight-fitting t-shirt that stretched over his chest and grey joggers for the ultimate boyfriend look before heading out again. He had an appointment to attend to.

Yn stared at Jungkook’s fine ass as he left the house, unable to get her eyes off the thicc cake that he had and her date was clearly not happy with it.

“Are you are he’s just your roommate?” He questioned and Yn nodded frantically, “yea, of course,” she insisted, forcing her focus onto him.

“Why don’t we have a glass of wine,” she offered, getting off the couch. He seemed happy with the offer, slapped her ass as she left him alone to get the alcohol.

Yn tenderly rubbed her butt once she was in the confines of the kitchen, the burn of that smack reminding her why she wasn’t into spanking. Her sensitive little butt wouldn’t be able to handle the violation.

She grabbed the glasses and the bottle of wine before joining him in the living room again, he laid his hand on her thigh as she swirled her drink.

“You look really beautiful tonight,” he said, his hand trailing down Yn’s thigh, reaching the hem of her dress.

“It’s just for you,” Yn lied as he gently pried her legs apart. She placed her glass on the coffee table, trailing her hand up to his torso, leaning in to capture his lips with hers, his hand moving from her knee to the back of her neck when a loud shatter made her jump from her seat.

He had dropped the wine glass and now the mood was gone. “Fuck I’m so sorry!,” he yelled, kneeling to pick up the broken shards when Yn stopped him.

“It’s okay, I’ll clean that up don’t worry about it,” she assured. He moved away and all Yn could think about was how they were one glass short for movie night this month.

Jungkook was in tears from laughing so hard while Yn told him the events of her date after he left, glee taking over him as he heard of the kiss and the glass shattering.

“Serves you right for trying to lower your standards,” he teased, doubling over with laughter as they sat on the terrace, a bottle of cherry vodka between them. It was something they did when the two of them had a shitty day and some extra money to spend.

His day hadn’t been all that great compared to Yn but he wasn’t going to tell her that, she would let him live it down, especially if she found out how he had to jump through the window to get out.

“I wasn’t trying to lower my standards, he was a good guy okay,” Yn defended but even she knew the guy wasn’t worth her time. Jungkook gave her an amused look, “since when was a guy with a bald spot your type,” he snickered, narrowly avoiding her punch, Yn might look tiny but she hit hard.

“Seriously though,” Jungkook continued, avoiding Yn’s eyes as he spoke, “you deserve better Yn, much better.” She stared at Jungkook for a moment before turning to look at the sky, “You deserve better too Jungkook, so much better.”

“Ya Jin, wait for Jungkookie,” Yn demanded as she snuggled deeper into the blanket Jungkook had wrapped her in.

The boys who were scattered across the room in various seats waited patiently as Jungkook made popcorn. Yn opened her blanket wide for him once he came back, letting him into her warm cocoon when Taehyung spoke up.

“You’re both technically married,” he said as Jungkook sank into Yn’s blanket, letting her rest her head on his shoulder.

Thetwo of them stared at each other, months worth of longing and sadness clouding their eyes, but neither of them saw it in the other.

I wish they thought before looking away from eachother. “It’s not like that,” Jungkook denied as he snuggled closed to her and she felt stabbing pain in her chest at the words but she shoved them down. Just like any other time.

Jungkook couldn’t believe he was doing this, he couldn’t believe he was doing this IN PUBLIC.

But he couldn’t stop himself as he clicked on the “fine love %” button on his laptop. He was supposed to be working, coding, doing what he was supposed to but here he was, putting in his and Yn’s names in the Love calculator.

It was the 12th time he had done this and he would try it till he got a perfect one hundred percent because he and yn were perfect for each other and a stupid love calculator couldn’t change that.

“You know, if you’re so desperate you could just confess,.” Namjoon’s deep voice interrupted Jungkook’s thoughts, making him jump out of his chair, hiding his laptop screen from the older guy.

“what do you mean hyung,” Jungkook laughed nervously, trying to play innocent but Namjoon wasn’t one to let him get away with it.

Namjoon was one who was adamant about ‘get your feelings out there’ and 'expressions’but there was no way Jungkook was going to confess.

I’m talking about how you were calculating Yn and your love percentage and let me tell you, the two of you would be a perfect 100 if you both weren’t so fucking dumb,” Namjoon huffed.

“If you aren’t going to confess, maybe you should move on Jungkook,” Namjoon suggested as he looked over the menu, letting his words sink into Jungkook’s mind.

“Look, all you’re doing is hurting by being like this, you see Yn, you don’t t confess, yin keep those feeling bottled up like a pickle and then act surprised when the feelings rot and become stinky. You either need to move on or confess because if you don’t you’ll only end up hating Yn and I don’t think you want to do that, do you?” Namjoon explained, his voice monotonous as he gave Jungkook the facts.

It was true, all he’d feel was a pain if he kept those feelings bottled up, he’d have to let them go before they shriveled up into bitterness.

And Jungkook understood that he did but he didn’t know to bring it up to Yn, but he promised himself he’d do it someday, not today, but someday when he was sure she would love him just as much as he loved her.

On that day he’d put his fate and heart in her tiny hands and let her do as she saw fit.

“You smell different,” She realized as she leaned further into Jungkook’s fluffy hair, inhaling the scent of her shampoo and him.

“Yes, I ran out of shampoo, do I smell nice?” He asked as Yn refused to move her face from his hair, he smelled so fucking good and she couldn’t get herself to move away.

“I see you like it?” He concluded, not bothering to move away as she buried her face in his hair. “Oh God, you smell better than me,” she moaned making him laugh.

“I’ll use it again if that’s what makes you happy,” he replied and Yn felt a red tint take over her face as she pulled away, she didn’t expect him to say that and she wasn’t prepared for him to say stuff like that!

But she couldn’t stop herself from thinking about what he said. Did he really care that much about her? Was this a sign that he liked her? Was she overthinking? Did he say it as a friend or was he actually serious?


Jungkook sat on the arm of the couch waiting for Yn. He had been waiting for an hour now and his patience was wearing thin.

“Yn hurry up or I’m leaving,” Jungkook yelled just as the door clicked open and she came out looking gorgeous as hell and Jungkook swore his dick twitched just from looking at her.

“How do I look?” she asked, giving him a twirl making her skirt flare out. “You look pretty as fuck, lets go,” Jungkook assured as he guided Yn out of the house, grabbing a coat on the way out.

The club was crowded and the party was in full swing by the time they got there and it took a while for the two of them to find their friends.

Yn kept a firm grip on Jungkook’s arm so she wouldn’t get lost in the sea of dancing people, sticking as close to his much larger body as possible.

Jungkook shifted Yn’s grip from his arm to his hand, holding her soft palm in his, feeling his heart swell as he guided her to the V.I.P section.

Yn pretended not to notice Jungkook holding her hand, hoping he wouldn’t notice either and they could stay that way for a while.

Jungkook walked slower as they made their way to their friends, trying to extend the time he could hold Yn’s hand. He even made a few wrong turns here and there on purpose but she didn’t have to know that.

“Are you both finally together?” Jimin asked when they finally made it to the table, staring at their intertwined hands.

And despite how much it pained the two of them to pull their hands away, they did it as if they were scorched by each other’s touch, sitting in the last two seats that were left.

They ordered a round of drinks after which Yn demanded Jimin come dance with her. The two of them made their way onto the dance floor followed by Hobi and Taehyung when a pretty girl in an emerald green dress approached the table.



Yn glared at the smudged lipstick on Jungkook’s lips which he didn’t seem to notice as he joined the table two hours later.

Her blood boiled as she downed the shot of vodka, raising her hand for another glass. “You need to slow down Yn,” Jungkook suggested but Yn paid him no attention only giving him a very pissed of “hm!” Before downing the next shot.

Everyone else had gotten a partner to dance with, leaving only the two of them at their table. “Yn calm down or you’re gonna get sick,” Jungkook voiced out, worried about her when Yn turned her dagger-like eyes at him.

“Are you angry with me?” He asked, taking the hint but Yn didn’t answer, ordering another drink for herself but the look on her face was enough to convince Jungkook that something was wrong.

“What did I do? Did I do something wrong?” He asked, clueless and very worried about whatever crime he had committed.

Yn pulled herself off her seat, stomping her way towards him, standing between his legs. “Fuck you Jungkook,” she growled as she stared at his stained lips.

“Why, what did I do?” He asked, placing a palm on her hips to hold her steady.

He didn’t know if it was possible but Yn’s glare intensified. “What diD YOU DO? ARE YOU SERIOUSLY ASKING ME THAT? WHY DO YOU PLAY WITH ME LIKE THIS YOU FUCKING GUMBALL!?!?” She yelled, trying to kill him with her eyes but Jungkook was still clueless, an oblivious little turtle, that boy.

“Is this boy troubling you, darling,” a guy asked approaching the two of but he quickly left when Yn and Jungkook both told his fuck off before turning back to their conversation.

“Look Yn, I have no clue why you’re angry and I don’t know why you’re angry unless you TELL me, so speak up and what the hell do you mean I’m playing you huh, darling it’s YOU who’s been playing me like a ducking harmonica, not the other way around,” Jungkook huffed, he wasn’t someone to take insults lightly.

“YOU have lipstick on your face and it is driving me insane and how dare you accuse me of playing you, it was ME who had to hear you make some other girl cum every week,” Yn countered as she used her sleeve to aggressively scrub the lipstick off of Jungkook’s lips.

“Are you seriously jealous right now?” Jungkook asked, bewildered and mildly amused by Yn’s behavior.

“Nope, why would I be jealous, that’s crazy,” she denied, pulling away from him once the stain was gone and Jungkook missed the feeling of her body against his but he let her go.

“You wouldn’t have to be jealous if you had just kissed me first you know,” Jungkook retorted and it was true. He hadn’t even touched anyone tonight and the one girl he had made out with found someone else to go home with.

“I’m not jealous,” she repeated before excusing herself from the table, making a beeline for the balcony doors and Jungkook followed, maintaining a little distance between them while doing so.

“Yn look at me,” Jungkook gently asked, leaning against the railing of the balcony. Yn was next to him, but she refused to acknowledge him.

“Yn,” he repeated, his voice dropping an octave, sending shivers down her spine. “Yn, look at me,” he repeated and she obliged.

Her obedience rewarded with Jungkook pressing his lips firmly against hers, giving her a moment to respond. He was greeted with Yn’s soft lips molding with his and he swore he heard bells ring and fireworks.

He couldn’t bring himself to pull away from her, the sweetness of her lips addicting and indulging making him crave more and more.

Yn stared at Jungkook once he pulled away, she swore she felt a build of lightning pass through her when he had kissed her, her palms were sweaty and her lios craved more of him.

“Why did you do that?” She asked, staring into his eyes and Jungkook took this as a chance to kiss her nose.

“Because I love you, silly,” he retorted, “and I’ve been wanting to do that for so long, it’s like a dream,” he added, his heart pounding as he waited for her to say something, anything.

Yn didn’t say anything, wordlessly reaching out to hold his face before pressing her lips against his, and Jungkook felt his heart grow light as he pulled her against his chest, deepening the kiss that relieved him of all the longing.

1 year later

Jungkook held Yn’s hand firmly in his as they followed the real estate guide from one room to another.

Their lease on the apartment was coming to an end and they wanted a bigger house that could fit a bigger bed. Jungkook was tired of tightening the screws of the headboard every few days.

“What do you think?” Yn asked, breaking his train of thought, “Nah, I think we should keep looking,” he insisted, brushing his thumb against the ring on Yn’s finger.

Pairing: Agent!Jungkook x scientist!reader

Theme: Assassin au, agent!jungkook, doctor!reader, angst, sci-fi

Summary: Jungkook had one job before he took off to hide, one mission to fulfill so he could leave knowing he did something he could be proud of, but here he was, his hands frozen and his heart pounding.

Warning: swearing and adult language

Part 1||Part 2 || Part 3

Emerald eyes followed the odd pair as they approached the building, entering through the front doors like everyone else. He needed to let the boss know, they couldn’t let them leave just like that, they needed the girl, she was the key to all of this.

“You go up there and I’ll stay here,” Yn said, folding her hands across her chest, she wasn’t going up there and risking her life for a stupid little bag.

Jungkook stared at her, bewildered, was this girl for real??, “ look,” he signed, his patience wearing thin, “I know I said this before and I’ll say it again, we are a fucking team and that means we move together, I’m not leaving you here alone,” he contended.

“It’s a bag Jungkook, we don’t need two people to go get a bag,” Yn countered, Jungkook took a deep breath, he didn’t want to fight, at least not right now.

“If I have to make a run for it from up there, you’ll be left all alone here, if you one with me, we can run together,” Jungkook theorized, hoping that she’d understand, and she did understand, because she followed him upstairs, floor after floor till they reached the metal doors of the terrace.

They pushed the metal door open as quietly as possible, surprised that there was no one there, only the sniper rifle on its stand. The two of them had their guns out, held close to them, ready to shoot if needed as they stepped onto the terrace.

“Stay here,” Jungkook instructed, shoving her back onto the end of the staircase. He didn’t want anyone who might be on this terrace to even get a glance at her.

He strode out towards where his bag was, he could see it quite clearly despite the darkness of night. He was thinking about how loud his footsteps were when he heard the sound of shoes hitting the concrete, he spun around, coming face to face with someone who was dressed quite similarly to him, from the tank top to the chunky boots.

“It was you,” Jungkook accused, looking at the guy who was looking a little too smug right now. “It was me,” the guy answered, shrugging carelessly.

“You little bitch,” Jungkook swore, punching the guy in the arm, “YOU SHOT AT ME, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT,” He whisper yelled when they both heard the thud of someone falling to the group.

Jungkook swore as he grabbed his bag, pushing past the guy to get to yn when he was stopped by him. “Look, just leave her and go hyung, it’s pointless to take her with you,” he urged, his suggestion sounding absurd to Jungkook.

“I can’t just leave her behind, she’s in danger,” Jungkook argued, trying to push past him, “you can jungkook, don’t you get it, as long as you have the girl with you, you’re on the list, they want the girl, not you,” he hissed.

“Listen Yeonjun, YOU might be able to leave people behind but I can’t, just let me go,” Jungkook fumed when they hear Yn’s voice, “Dude, did you die??” She called out.

“If you’re not going to listen to me, I don’t have a choice Hyung, I’m sorry,” Yeonjun whispered before shoving him away.

He was light on his feet as he made a dash for the scientist girl, Jungkook at his heel. She had her gun raised, but he doubted she could even shoot, much less shoot accurately enough to hurt him.

He grabbed her gun before she could react, putting it to her temple but Yn only seemed a little spooked, “Yeonjun LET HER GO,” Jungkook growled as he stepped forward.

“Hyung you should leave, I can’t believe you’re willing to throw all that preparation for a little nerd like her,” Yeonjun taunted, his grip on Yn firm.

Her face was unusually red and Jungkook worried about her safety but his concerns simmered down when Yeonjun’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell to the ground taking Yn down with him.

Yn pulled herself away from him, grabbing her glock simultaneously before kicking Yeonjun’s side, “stupid asshole,” she snarled before looking up at Jungkook who stared at her, dumbfounded.

“Did you kill him?” He asked, kneeling to check the boy’s breathing, “No, I’m not a monster okay, he’s just unconscious, now can we leave,” she demanded and Jungkook obliged, following her to the staircase when an idea hit him.

He rushed back to Yeonjun’s side before digging into his pockets, pulling out a set is fancy car keys before joining Yn again.

They took the elevator this time, riding all the way down to the basement in which Yeonjun’s car was supposed to be.

Jungkook clicked the button on the keys and a red Honda civic beeped on the end of the parking space, it was a popular car, used by many, one wouldn’t notice a Honda civic among the many other Honda civics.

The two got in immediately, Yn placed her bag by her feet while Jungkook wiggled out of the t-shirt that was now drenched in sweat, tossing the gross smelling cloth into the back seat, he pulled his weapons off one by one.

“Hold this,” he instructed yn, handing her his favorite weapons before shoving the rest into his bag. He pulled his tank top off as well making Yn look at him in horror.

“Stop starting,” Jungkook said as he fished a white t-shirt out of his bag, and yn immediately looked away, staring out of the window instead, Jungkook smiled as he pulled the shirt on before turning the keys in the ignition, reversing out of the parking spot.

“where are we going?” She asked as they waited for the car ahead of them to move. They were close to the edge of the city and Jungkook couldn’t wait to leave the city and go onto the highway.

“Jeju,” he answered simply, not taking his eyes off the wheel. “Jeju? What’s over there?” Yn asked as she got comfortable in her seat, kicking her legs up onto the dash board.

“Friends,” he answered when he heard rustling. He turned his head to see Yn digging into her bag, fishing out the bag of beef jerky she had stuffed into it and he felt grateful for the snack, he was hungry.

“Do you have anyone to call? Let them know you’re leaving or something? You can use my phone,” Jungkook offered as he shifted gears.

“Nope, no one, do you need me to call someone for you?” She asked, bringing a piece of beef jerky close to his mouth. “No one that I can think of,” he answered, biting the beef jerky straight out of her hand.

The car quietened down as they passed through various exits, Busan wasn’t far but it wasn’t too close either, it would take a while for them to get there.

Yn yawned wide as she pulled herself awake, looking around to see the empty car seat next to her. Her eyes flew open at the realization that they had come to a stop and Jungkook wasn’t where he was supposed to be.

She yanked the door open, stepping outside to see Jungkook sitting on the hood looking at the sky.

“Why did we stop? Where are we?” She asked, approaching him.

“Oh, you’re awake,” Jungkook acknowledged, moving aside to make space for her. “We’re out of gas and we’re like only halfway there,” Jungkook answered, looking up at the stars that freckled the night sky.

“OUT OF GAS?” Yn exclaimed eyes wide at the bad news she had just received. “Calm down, it’s not a big deal, we’ll just be a little late,” Jungkook elucidated, offering her his hand.

“Where are we even,” Yn asked, pulling herself onto the hood as well using Jungkook’s hand. “We just entered Cheongnam-do,” he answered.

Yn nodded, staring at the sky as well, all around them was darkness other than a speck of light in the distance.

“I don’t think we’ll get to Busan till tomorrow afternoon so maybe rest up while you can,” he suggested, yn nodded in reply, she had just woken up, she was rested enough.

“Maybe you should get some sleep, I’ll look out for other vehicles,” she offered but he refused, he couldn’t sleep will he reached the warm, cozy bed that was waiting for him in Jeju.

Jungkook checked the time, 2:30 a.m., he didn’t think there would be any vehicle passing by so late, most trucks and vans passed started at 4 a.m. so they had plenty of time.

“At least the sky is clear,” Yn hummed, staring up at the freckled void, not a cloud in sight, it was peaceful, letting her mind wander to everything that had happened today when Jungkook shattered the silence.

“Will Yeonjun be awake by now?” He asked, Yn nodded, “he must be,” she agreed, she hadn’t given the boy a large dose, only a little, to knock him out for that moment.

“What did you even do to him?” He prodded, genuinely concerned about how the young lad had fallen to the ground so easily. “I didn’t do anything, just gave him some narcotics,” she shrugged, pulling the syringe out of her pocket to show him.

His eyes widened when he saw the shiny tip of the needle, “who even are you?” He questioned, bewildered at the equipment this girl had.

“Hwang Yn,” she answered, flicking her hair with a smug look on her face, Jungkook rolled his eyes but then realized that she had just given him her name, “Yn?” He repeated, the name sounding foreign on his tongue and he was sure he had totally messed up the pronunciation.

She hummed in response but Jungkook wasn’t one who got distracted so easily. “I didn’t ask for your name Yn, I asked you why you have a syringe with narcotics in it,” Jungkook fumed, not letting her change the topic.

“Oh, would you look at the time!” Yn exclaimed, looking down at her empty wrist, “time to get some sleep, have fun!” She added as she jamp off the hood, skipping to the front seat, leaving Jungkook wondering about what other tricks this girl had up her sleeve.


Pairing: Agent!Jungkook x scientist!reader

Theme: Assassin au, agent!jungkook, doctor!reader, angst, sci-fi

Summary: Jungkook had one job before he took off to hide, one mission to fulfill so he could leave knowing he did something he could be proud of, but here he was, his hands frozen and his heart pounding.

Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3

He could hear his heart pounding, the rhythm which was unnoticed till a few moments ago was too loud now, clouding his senses. He felt cold all of a sudden, chills running up his spine as the world seemed to close in on him.

Yn stared at the man, his chest heaving and his face coated with droplets of sweat, she knew he was panicking but she didn’t know how to calm him down.

“Dude are you okay?” She asked, reaching forward to place a hand on his sweaty shoulder, she resisted the urge to wipe her hand on her coat, focusing on calming the guy down first.

“Calm down, it’s okay, it’s okay,” Yn said slowly although she doubted her words were doing anything and she was right, all it did was make his breathing shallower and his eyes were unfocused, looking around the room but not LOOKING.

“Justin, stop, listen,” Yn said, trying to grab his attention, but he was too stressed to notice her words or actions. She stepped away from him, swiftly heading to the refrigerator at the end of the room and grabbing the ice tray.

She emptied the ice into a bowl, bringing it back to him. Jungkook was breathing through his mouth now, seeming to struggle with each inhale, his fancy hair was now drenched in sweat, sticking to his forehead.

She felt pity for him but she didn’t have a choice but to use the only trick she knew.

The cold felt good against his flushed skin, grounding his mind from drifting further, forcing him to focus on the chill that it gave.

He could feel her draw circles on his neck with the ice, the movement of her hand slow and steady, he focused hard on the feeling, trying to tune his breath to the motion, slowly controlling his breath.

His eyes were shut tight as he struggled to gain control over his body, he could feel his shirt stick to him, it felt gross and annoying but he had to bear with it for now.

She continued pressing the ice cubes against his throat as his chest started to contract more evenly and he felt grateful for it but he still didn’t know if this was a trap or not, he couldn’t appreciate this favor till he knew he was safe.

He opened his eyes to see her hovering right over his face, trying to see if he was okay. “You ok?” She asked when she noticed his opened eyes and he nodded in response, he was alright, for now at least, but he wasn’t sure how long he’d be alright.

“Look,” he said, starting up at her after taking a deep breath, his mind rushing to find a way out of here. The girl was being too nice to him to be someone against him but he couldn’t be too sure about it, he had to play safe and smart.

She stared at him, waiting for him to say whatever he wanted to, she doubted she’d like what he was saying. “Look girl, are you with the government?” Jungkook asked quite bluntly, he didn’t intend to beat around the bush.

She looked at him like he was crazy, her face wrinkling into a frown, she looked like she’d hit him. “I wouldn’t be in this stupid cramped apartment if I was with the government you dumbass, I’d be in a fancy-ass lab and wear gold-rimmed glasses every day.” She hissed, offended by his question.

“Okay, good, why did they want me to kill Mr.Bang then?” Jungkook asked, his wrists were starting to burn from the rope. “I don’t fucking know, okay, YOU tell ME, you’re the one who came to kill him,” she growled, scaring him a little.

“Okay can you let me go, I swear I won’t hurt you, just let me go, my wrists hurt,” he promised, he wouldn’t hurt her for nothing and he needed to get out of here as soon as possible.

Yn stared at the guy with a raised brow, what did this guy want and why was he saying he won’t hurt her?

“You swear you won’t hurt me?” She questioned, hands on her hips, “I swear, look, you’re the one with the gun, not me, you feel threatened by me, you shoot,” Jungkook negotiated, he had calls to make, and for that, he needed to get to his bag.

Yn stared at the guy, it didn’t matter if she had a gun, he was a well-trained guy, even a little leverage for him would put her in immediate danger, and when it came down to brute force, she was a mere bug compared to him, he’d snap her in half.

“I don’t think I can do that but is there any other way I can help you,” she offered, Jungkook thought about it for a moment before nodding towards his weapons, “Could you get my phone for me, and maybe untie me as well, please, the rope is giving me a burn and it hurt,” he replied.

Yn stepped towards the weapons, fishing his phone out from under the pile of death tools, she even found a pair of handcuffs along with it.

She tucked the phone into her pocket before replacing the ropes with the handcuffs, giving him some space to move his sore muscles but she didn’t let him have his phone just yet.

Once he had gotten the chance to snap a few sore bones here and there, Jungkook was handed his phone like a prize. He didn’t have to search for the number, dialing the first number on his contact list, the number without a name or identity much like the rest of his contact list.

It rang once, twice, three times, before the line cleared and a gruff “hello,” was heard, not much enthusiasm on the other side.

“Nasr, WHAT is the meaning of this,” Jungkook growled into the phone, the speaker was on since he couldn’t bring the phone up to his ears.

The tone of his voice terrified her, she didn’t doubt that the person on the other side, whoever they were, was going to have a painful death if this guy got his hands on him.

“Jungkook,” the man greeted making her eyes shoot up, any trust she had in him shattered in that instant but ‘Jungkook’ doesn’t notice her or the deathly glare she pointed at him.

“Did you finish the job?” The man questioned, he sounded like he had no interest in the answer. “What job Nasr? The man you sent me for is dead, has been for a while now,” Jungkook hissed into the phone.

“Oh dear, looks like someone else did the job before you,” Nasr replied, the lack of surprise pissed Jungkook off, he had been lied to, he didn’t take lies well, he didn’t appreciate them and it pissed him off that he had been made a fool of.

“Is there anyone else over there?” He asked, the voice loud and clear on the speaker, Yn immediately raided her gun, preparing to shoot the guy, she didn’t intend to be on the government’s radar, she wouldn’t go off like Mr.Bang, she was better than that.

Jungkook heard the click of the gun, ready to fire at him any second, he looked up from the phone, looking straight into her eyes, “no, nobody here, just some equipment and chemicals,” he lied.

“Did you think I would trust your lies Jungkook, did you think I’d let you go so soon?” The man chuckled, the sound sending a chill down Yn’s spine, she had heard it before, that sadistic laugh, but she couldn’t quite place where it was from.

“I’ll see you two soon,” the man said before the dial tone came on again, leaving both yn and Jungkook staring at the phone.

They stared at each other, Jungkook now on the ground as well, his hands cuffed. “Look I don’t really care if bondage is your thing but I’m not into it so could you please let me go,” Jungkook grumbled as she cuffed his hands as well.

“Shut up JUNGKOOK,” Yn hissed, moving away from him to sit on the floor as well. “Look at least I gave you an alternative name, you didn’t even do that,” he accused, trying to defend himself.

“Didn’t anyone teach you that anything other than the truth is a lie, be glad I didn’t lie to you,” yn scolded, peeking over to look out of the window Jungkook had entered from.

“Look we need to get out of here before they get here if we want to be safe,” Jungkook retorted, he was sure Nasr’s men were outside the door this very moment.

“There is no 'WE’ over here dude, there’s only you and me,” Yn answered, Jungkook was tempted to slap the selfishness out of her.

“Shut the fuck up okay, what do you mean 'you’ and 'me’, you’ll die once you get out of that door and so will I, we’re a team right now so stop trying to be a boss girl and listen,” Jungkook snapped.

“What do you mean I’ll die, I’m just a measly little nerd what do they want from me?” She questioned. “I don’t know okay but you heard Nasr, we’re both dead if you walk out of here,” Jungkook repeated.

“Stop yelling at me and what do you want, can you get me out of here?” Yn asked, pissed off by Jungkook’s pessimistic attitude.

“Look we’re on the same team okay, we need to co-operate with each other, I get that you haven’t left your house or interacted with people in the last decade but you need to be calmer and more of a listener,” Jungkook huffed.

The girl looked like she’d slap him but held back, focusing on his next words instead. “Speak then mister team leader,” she quipped.

“Thank you,” Jungkook answered in the same sarcastic tone. “First you need to get my handcuffs off,” Jungkook instructed earning an eye roll from her as she crawled on her knees towards him, unlocking the metal rings from his wrist when the window shattered.

“FUCK!” Jungkook swore as he pulled yn down into his side, holding her close as glass flew all over the room, he craned his neck to see who it was but the table was in the way, preventing him from seeing anything.

“Look,” Jungkook said, forcing yn’s eyes up to him, “we need to get out of here NOW,” he hissed, hoping she understood the severity of the situation.

“What do we do?” She asked, pushing herself away from him but still keeping her head low, letting the table cover her figure.

“Is there another window?” He asked, scanning the whole room for another way out but found none, Yn nodded toward the door to her right, “that leads to the living room, there are windows out there,” she answered.

The two of them crawled out of the room on their hands and knees and yn had grabbed a bag of beef jerky and a bottle of water while Jungkook gathered his weapons.

Once out of the room, Jungkook assembled all his weapons, sorting them into their right places while Yn hurried around, gathering a small bag full of chemicals, two pairs of clothes, and a toothbrush.

Jungkook contemplated going back to the terrace for his bag but decided against it, he go there later, he couldn’t leave little miss scientist alone.

Once yn was back in the room with her little backpack, she started down at Jungkook’s attire, his stupid black tank top and the stupid arm harness sort of thing and the stupid belt thingy that held his guns and knives, she didn’t want to go out in public with someone who looked like that had just attended the comic con.

“Look we can’t go out with you looking like THAT,” she said, Jungkook gaped at her, highly offended by her comment, “I look hot, okay, don’t judge,” he replied, defensive and taken aback at the rude comment.

“That’s the point, nobody keeps their eyes off a hot dude with nice tits and a ton of guns, maybe wear a shirt over that,” she retorted, leaving the room before he could say anything else.

She came back with a t-shirt that was way too big for Jungkook, shoving it in his hands, “wear that, it’ll cover the guns at least,” she insisted. Jungkook sniffed the shirt, his nose scrunching up at the smell of naphthalene mixed with cobwebs.

“Who’s is this?” He asked as he pulled it over his head, the shirt loosely draping over his shoulders, concealing all the weapons on his body. “It’s Mr.Bang’s, I hope it’s comfortable enough,” Yn answered before heading for the door.

Jungkook pulled her back by her backpack, “are you stupid?” He asked, looking down at her short frame, she raised a brow at the insult.

“Might as well walk yourself to the headquarters and sit yourself down in front of them,” He jabbed before leading her towards the window on the other side of the room.

“We need to get out of this building as discreetly as possible and we can’t do that from the front door okay,” Jungkook explained as he pulled the window open, looking down into an empty alleyway.


“You’re stupid, there’s no way you can climb down there,” Yn complained, she was starting to complain way too much and it was annoying Jungkook.

“I’d like to see YOU have a better idea little miss know it all,” Jungkook hissed, glaring at her. Yn grinned at him as she walked into what Jungkook assumed was a second bedroom, pulling open a window, she climbed out easily before disappearing from sight.

Jungkook rushed to the window as well, sticking his head out, praying that she didn’t hurt herself, only to see Yn a few feet below the window on a metal staircase that winded downwards.

“What is that?” Jungkook asked as he pulled himself onto the window, preparing to do what she had. “A fire escape, much easier isn’t it, hotshot,” Yn sassed, Jungkook rolled his eyes at that before jumping onto the landing, the stairs creaking underneath his weight.

“Look we need to do something else before we get out of here,” Jungkook said as they ran down the stairs approaching the no so busy street.

“And what is that?” yn asked, her short feet struggling to keep up with the giant next to her, “we need to get my bag,” Jungkook answered, pointing to the building from which the sniper had shot at them a few minutes ago.

“Can’t we just leave it behind?” Yn asked, looking anywhere but at the building, “we can if you can arrange a vehicle for us to get out of this city,” Jungkook replied.

“If anything happens to me, I swear you’ll regret it,” Yn threatened before walking towards the building, Jungkook grinned as he followed after her, unaware of the eyes trained on them from above.


Pairing: Agent!Jungkook x scientist!reader

Theme: Assassin au, agent!jungkook, doctor!reader, angst, sci-fi

Summary: Jungkook had one job before he took off to hide, one mission to fulfill so he could leave knowing he did something he could be proud of, but here he was, his hands frozen and his heart pounding.

Part 1 || Part 2||Part 3

‘One last time,’ He reminded himself as he stared down at the laboratory. He had accepted one last job, he’d get this done and leave, he’d never come back.

His backpack sat at his feet, once the job was done he’d vanish, never to be seen again, like a shooting star in the night sky. He didn’t think this job would be much of a problem.

He knew the plan like the back of his hand. Go inside, kill the mad scientist inside and leave, no turning back, no touching anything, no smelling anything, THAT WAS IT. It would be a piece of cake for him.

He took a deep breath, peering into the binoculars, he could see movement behind the translucent windows and curtains, this was going to be easy, almost too easy, Jungkook thought, slinging the backpack over his shoulder.

He needed to get this done quick and simple, there was no time for games and entertainment. He climbed onto the railing of the tall building, the wind whipping around him, before lowering himself onto the air conditioning unit underneath. The metal creaked under his weight.

He prepared himself for the leap, crouching low. He hoped no one from the busy street would look up at him. They’d call the cops for sure and that would cause problems and unnecessary drama.

He focused on the window sill of the laboratory, scanning all the possibilities that could put him and the mission in danger. He leaped forward, using all his body weight to angle himself towards the window, swift and confident.

His skilled fingers grabbed onto the concrete, his feet trying to find a grip against the stone wall. He held his breath when he heard glass breaking inside. He was sure he had heard someone moving around but the traffic below didn’t allow him to hear clearly.

He waited, quite as a mouse, his arms straining to hold him upright. A few more minutes and his limbs would give out and he’d fall to his inevitable death, but that was just him being dramatic. He wasn’t going to die, maybe break a leg or an arm but not DIE.

He strained his ears for any more movement, anything to indicate that someone was inside. When he didn’t pick up any noise other than the honking of vehicles below, he pulled himself onto the window sill.

He examined the pedestrians below, making sure no one was looking at him before turning his attention to the lock that prevented him from entering the mad scientist’s lair. But this wasn’t his first rodeo, he had seen more complex lock than this.

He pulled out his swiss knife, sliding it between the window and the window frame, he could feel the latch. He push and pulled for a few moments before the window gave way. He stepped inside the room, tripping immediately. He looked at the obstacle, a seemingly invisible thread, small and indistinguishable, his eyes widened when he realized what it was but it was too late by the time he covered his nose with his hands, the toxic gas making him dizzy and nauseous. He could feel his head throb and his legs give out as his body succumbed. All he saw was a pair of black boots before darkness enveloped his senses.

She stared at the bulky, heavy as fuck dude who currently occupied her only chair. His arms and legs, firmly tied to the chair.

The floor was cold and uncomfortable but it was the only place she could sit. She never thought her trap would work like this, the gas wasn’t even supposed to be that strong and it must have been expired by now.

She held the Glock firmly, ready to shoot if he posed a threat to her. Doctor Bang had warned her about this but she didn’t think it would happen. At least not till now.

The room was silent other than the squeak of the lab rats and the buff guy’s heavy breathing. She hoped he didn’t die, she didn’t know how to dispose of a body other than Alkaline hydrolysis and that would take too much effort and a lot of time and she didn’t have all that.

She had hooked him up to an iv bag and placed a neck pillow around him after unarming him, his holster and array of knives and daggers lay in a pile on the other side of the room but he was still a threat. She didn’t find any identification on him, no phone or card to indicate who he was and she didn’t have good enough technology to find out who he was just by his face.

Not paying much attention to her growing stomach, she started at the guy, his hair was made up very fancily for someone on a mission and he didn’t seem like the military type, they had buzz cuts and didn’t dress up all emo like this dude. She wondered who he was and who had sent him as she waited for him to stir.

She didn’t think he’d be out for so long but the human body was a strange thing, each different from the other, each person had different limits. She considered splashing him with some water but that would be rude and she didn’t want him to be angry with her.

She was reassembling all the rings on her fingers when Jungkook started to gain consciousness. She leaped to her feet, getting closer to him but not close enough that he could hurt her in any way.

“Are you okay,” the girl asked as soon as Jungkook regained his senses, he focused on her, the white lab coat engulfed her figure and the smell of chemicals clouded his nostrils.

He sneezed loudly and the girl seemed to be frightened out of her wits, jumping a few feet away from him. “ARE YOU OKAY DUDE,” She inquired again, much louder this time, “YES!” Jungkook answered, trying to move his wrist when he noticed the restrains.

“Who are you?” The girl asked, peering down at him, the Glock wasn’t missed by him. “Justin,” he lied, he was a professional at it now, he was sure the girl wouldn’t be able to tell.

And who are you?? Jungkook demanded, he had been told that he’d meet a certain Dr.Bang, a middle-aged, grey-haired mad scientist, not a girl who seemed to be younger than him and the size of a chihuahua.

“Why are you here?” She asked, ignoring his question.

“Will you let me out?”

“Not till you answer me”

“I’m not talking either then”

“Fine then, you can stay over there and I’ll stay over here”

The room sank into silence after that, none of them saying a word but maintaining aggressive eye contact, waiting for the other to crack first.

The girl was the first to crack under the pressure.

“Who sent you?”


“How did you even get near the window, we are on the 7th floor”


“Are you a bad guy?”


“Wow, that must be all the training talking”


“Did you know you drool when you sleep?”

“No, I don’t,” Jungkook bit his tongue as soon a the words left him. It was an involuntary reaction and he should’ve known better.

“You do, see you’ve got drool on the side of your face,” she said, pointing vaguely at his left cheek.


She blatantly stared at him and jungkook couldn’t help but feel a little self-conscious.

“Could you stop staring, it’s uncomfortable,” he said, trying to move himself a little.

“No can do”

Jungkook signed, he didn’t know what to do, he wasn’t prepared for something like this and this girl wasn’t giving anything away.

He looked around the room, taking in the long steel table and the various sizes of test tubes and equipment, there was broken glass near the window he had entered through, he assumed that was where the gas had come from.

“Did you make that thing?” He asked, staring at the broken glass, the girl looked at the broken shards, contemplating her answer before nodding, “yes, it was a long time ago,” she answered, she didn’t seem uncomfortable answering that. He waited for her to add something, anything, any kind of information to that but she didn’t.

“Are you here to hurt me?” She asked, gaining her confidence back.

“Is there any reason I should hurt you?” He countered, he didn’t know how else to answer her, she wasn’t the person he was supposed to end but he wouldn’t hesitate to hurt her if he had to.

“What will make you hurt me?” She voiced out, his silence scared her. She didn’t want to get hurt, she hadn’t done anything wrong, all she had done was follow orders and make what she was told to, she had never broken the rules and never rebelled.

She didn’t know why anyone would want her life, maybe he wasn’t here for her, she thought, trying to convince herself.

“Are you Dr.Bang by any chance?” He asked, breaking the silence. Her eyes widened at the name of her mentor.

“No, he’s dead, has been for a while now,” Yn answered. Jungkook’s heart dropped to his stomach at the new piece of information, sweat forming on his brow, was this a trap, had he been lured here?

Did they find out his plan? Did they want to finish him just like that?
