#jungwoo drabbles


Y/n and Jungwoo were supposed to talk about their feelings for one another once things settled from the holiday season. But it took longer then either of them planned. Finally the two of them are getting some time alone to talk about how they feel about one another. 

Part of the long term couple series

“Soon,” Jungwoo lets out a breathy laugh. “Right now, let’s wrap these presents and then when we have a day that’s just the two of us, we’ll talk.”

As you sat in your car outside the airport you let those words repeat over and over in your head. Jungwoo had said that the two of you would talk soon. You figured that meant the next day. Oh, how wrong you were. Things had gotten busy for the two of you, family holidays, you are being busy at the bakery, Jungwoo having to travel for work. All of it got in the way of you and him sitting down and talking about how you had feelings for one another.

Which is how you found yourself sitting in your car outside the airport. When Jungwoo had called you and asked if you would pick him up you jumped on the opportunity. You were done waiting, done with not talking, and done with sitting in limbo with Jungwoo. Watching as people filed out of the airport you spotted a few of Jungwoo’s members but not him. Leaning forward until your face was almost pushed against the windshield you spot Jungwoo in the back.

He looks around the parking lot. His face lights up the moment he sees your car and gives you a wave as he calls out to someone pointing to your car. Jogging over to your car you step out of the car, opening your arms wide, and prepare for the impact of Jungwoo. When his body collides with yours you take a step back your body making contact with your car. Jungwoo buries his face in your neck, and you feel the slight brush of his lips against your neck, causing you to shiver.

“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you,” he breathes. His arms tighten just a little around you.

“I think I’ve got an idea,” you whisper as your arms tighten around him as well. The two of you just stand there for a moment enjoying being back in one another’s presence.

Pulling back slightly from you Jungwoo cups your face and smiles softly down at you. His hair has grown out and is red now. You like the new look and not thinking about it you reach up to push his bangs to the side revealing his forehead.  Jungwoo closes his eyes, enjoying the feel of your fingers running through his hair. He lets out a satisfied hum, causing a breathy laugh to escape from your mouth. Opening his eyes Jungwoo glances down at you.

“What?” he asked unaware of how adorable he looked and sounded.

“Nothing you’re just being cute, and I like it,” you tell him. “Come on let’s go home.”

Moving back so you can get into the car Jungwoo swipes your keys from you while stating that he’ll drive. Normally you would protest and remind him that it’s your car and not his. But you let it go this time. You rather be back at your place with him then standing in a car garage debating who should be driving your car. Sliding into the passenger seat you buckle your seatbelt then watch as Jungwoo starts the car and pulls out onto the streets of Seoul.

“How did performing and the interview go?” You ask as Jungwoo takes one hand of the wheel in search of your hand. When he finds it he pulls your hand over onto his lap and continues to keep your hands together.

“It went good but I’m glad to be back. I missed seeing you.” Jungwoo admits.

“I missed you too. Although we have been so busy at the bakery, I doubt we would have gotten to see much of each other. Things will start to slow down now that the holiday season is over. I’m looking forward to not having to decorate another Christmas tree cookie.”

Jungwoo gives your hand a squeeze before letting it go so, he can park your car in a spot outside of your apartment complex. Getting out of the car the two of you don’t say anything as you take Jungwoo’s luggage out of your car and head up to your place. It’s like there has been an unspoken agreement between the two of you. That it has just been decided that Jungwoo will be staying at your place. Leaving Jungwoo’s luggage at the door the two of you make your way out onto your balcony. Jungwoo grabs a bottle of wine and glasses for the two of you and you settle in for the evening.

Pouring wine into the glasses Jungwoo hands one over to you, when he settles down next to you, you lean into him and take a sip of the wine. The two of you sit watching as the darkness starts to set over the city. The cold of winter was finally letting go but you knew that soon the two of you would have to move back inside. You were already starting to feel cold as you snuggled in closer to Jungwoo. You were hoping that he would be the one to start the conversation but as the two of you continued to sit in silence you realized that you were going to have to be the one to start the conversation.

“I think that we are as alone and as settled as we are going to get. Now is probably a good time to have that conversation before we both get busy again,” Quirking an eyebrow at you, you smile up at Jungwoo with no regrets, being subtle was never your strong suit.

“You lasted longer than I thought you would. I thought as soon as we were in the car you would want to talk.” Rolling your eyes you sit up, turning your body to face his. Jungwoo mirrors your position and takes a deep breath.

“Okay, we both know that we have feelings for one another and that we are are…” Jungwoo starts to trail off and a blush start to spread across his face, he’s nervous and you find it adorable.

“Are physically attracted to one another.” You finish for him.

“Yeah, but Y/n you’ve only been out of a serious relationship for a little while. I don’t’ want you to feel like I’m pushing you to get into a relationship with me. I want to give you the space and time that you need to heal.”

Your heart swells at the words Jungwoo are saying to you. You must have done something in a past life to deserve someone as kind and caring as Jungwoo. Because you don’t know a lot of men who would wait months for you to heal and stay by your side while you took the time you needed to heal. But Jungwoo had done that for you. He never pushed you and let you set the pace for your relationship. The only push he made was when he came to the bakery to visit you and told you that he wanted to be friends with you. Even though he was kind and patient with you.

Setting your glass down you grab both of Jungwoo’s hands in yours and scoot in closer to him before speaking, “Thank you for giving me the space and time I needed to heal but I don’t need anymore time. I like you Jungwoo and I want to be with you.”

“Really?” and you almost laugh at his questions because how could you want to be with anyone else?

“Really,” you tell him, “Now are you going to kiss me or still make me wait for it.”

Jungwoo laughs at that before pulling you into him and wrapping his arms around your waist.  Bending your head back to look up at Jungwoo his eyes are dark with want and before you have a chance to think about anything else his lips are on yours. His soft lips press against your gentle at first and then more demanding. Your hands fist his shirt pulling him closer to you. You let out a soft sigh causing Jungwoo to groan low in his throat. Circling his arms tighter around you Jungwoo leans into you lay down on the bench the two of you share. He doesn’t break the kiss until your settled back on the bench. When he pulls away the two of you are breathing heavy and he’s watching you closely for any sign that you aren’t happy.

“Are you good?” Jungwoo whispers.

Smiling up at him you pull his head back down towards yours and say, “Never better,” before connecting your lips with his again.

Y/n is enjoying wrapping presents and when Jungwoo messages to see if he can bring his gifts over as well Y/n is more then happy to help. What is supposed to be just friends getting together to wrap gifts though soon turns into something else. 

Part of the long term couples series. Can be read as a stand alone.

           Christmas music was playing softly in the background, your Christmas tree’s lights were on, along with the million other lights you had strung up throughout your apartment, and a cup of hot chocolate was sitting next to you as you hummed to yourself while wrapping presents. You had about 10 rolls of wrapping paper out. Christmas bags and tissue paper were scattered all over your floor, along with an assortment of ribbons and bows. You personally were having a great time and was a little upset that you were running out of presents to wrap.

           While you were finishing up another present your phone pinged and glancing over you saw that it was a message from Jungwoo. Your heart started to beat a little faster at seeing it was a message from him. Things between the two of you had started to change ever since you moved into your new place. In those three months that you had been living in your new place you noticed that Jungwoo would often be at your place. Not that he didn’t visit you at your old place but now that you were living alone, he seemed to stop by more.

           You had also noticed that the two of you were starting to get more comfortable with one another. It wasn’t uncommon for Jungwoo to put his arm around you but now you found yourself seeking out his touch more. There were times that when he was sitting on the couch that instead of taking the space next to him you would curl up in his lap. And let’s not forget the numerous times that you were certain Jungwoo was going to kiss you. Just thinking about those times made you blush. Pushing those thoughts aside you grab your phone to see what he was messaging you about.

Jungwoo: If I bring you food will you help me wrap everyone’s gifts?

Y/n: You don’t even have to bring food. I love wrapping gifts!

Jungwoo: Got it just bring food for me.

Y/n: Noooooo I was joking I want food!!

Jungwoo: Alright I’ll get you food as well. I’ll be there in about 15 minutes

You sat your phone back down and did a little happy dance in your chair at the opportunity to wrap more presents and having food brought to you. There were many things that you were good at but sadly cooking was not one of them. How you worked in the bakery always amazed you, but it helped that the only thing you were in charge of was decorating, packing them up, and collecting the money. If you had to actually bake Taeil’s girlfriend would have either fired you or gone out of business by now.

Going back to the presents in front of you, you refocused on wrapping and let your thoughts wondered back to Jungwoo and the most recent time that you thought he was going to kiss you. The two of you had been watching a movie together and had fallen asleep. When you had woken up Jungwoo was on his back, and you were sprawled across him your head resting under his chin. When you had lifted your head Jungwoo had woken up and the two of you had locked eyes. Neither one of you moved and Jungwoo had started to lift his head towards yours and just as your eyes were starting to close you felt your body going sideways and Jungwoo was no longer under you.

When you had opened them, you were now lying on the couch and Jungwoo was sitting on the edge looking down at you with a look on his face that you had never seen before. You weren’t sure what to do but Jungwoo seemed to. He had given you a soft smile, told you to go to bed and pulled you up and out of the couch. Before he left, he gave you a hug and a kiss to the top of your head. That was the closest you figured you were ever going to get to kissing him. And it made you frown as you taped down one side of the present in front of you.

“Y/n,” Jungwoo called causing you to jump. You hadn’t even heard him opening the door. “Do you wan to eat at the table or in the living room.

Jungwoo soon came into your line of sight with two bags containing food hanging from his hands. His eyes scanned the table and floor taking it all in before he stated, “Couch it is then.” And disappeared into your living room. You finished wrapping your one present and then followed after him. Jungwoo had everything out on the coffee table by the time you joined him.

“What did you get?” You ask as you take a seat next to Jungwoo.

“Some Japchae,” Jungwoo replies as he hands you your chopsticks. The two of you start to eat and talk about how your days have been going. Yours was more relaxing then his since you didn’t have to work, and he did. But Jungwoo was in a good mood even with having to work. Once the two of you finished eating you headed back to the table to work on wrapping Jungwoo’s gifts. Jungwoo came in with bags full of gifts and dropped them on the table.

“Alright how do we do this?” Jungwoo questions.

“What do you mean? Like how many are you wrapping and how many am I wrapping?”

“No like how are we wrapping them.” You stared at Jungwoo and then it dawned on you.

“Jungwoo have you ever wrapped a present before?” Jungwoo looks to the side then back at you with a sheepish look on his face.

“Someone has always done it for me.” He admits.

“Come here. I’ll show you how to wrap a present.” You wave your hand in a come here motion and Jungwoo steps up next to you.

“Okay let’s start with an easy gift,” you pull out a gift that is in a box, “First pick out what wrapping paper you want to use and then unroll some of it.”

Jungwoo does as he says and grabs some wrapping paper and rolls some of it out onto the table. You set the box down on the wrapping paper and walk him through how to measure how much paper you’ll need to cover the whole gift. Where to tape it and then the fun part picking out the ribbons and bows to put on the gift to make it extra pretty. Jungwoo listens to everything you say following your instructions exactly.

“How do I make the ribbon curl?” Jungwoo looks to you as he holds the scissors and ribbon.

“Like this,” you step behind him, leaning over you place your hands over his and show him how to run the ribbon over the scissors to make it curl. When you turn to look at Jungwoo, he is already looking at you and freeze. Jungwoo is looking at you so intensely it makes you want to run away but you hold your ground and look right back at him.

“Y/n what would you say if I told you that I wanted to kiss you?” Jungwoo asks. You slowly blink and wonder if you heard him correctly. Did Jungwoo just tell you that he basically wants to kiss you.

“I would say that I want to kiss you too.” Jungwoo smiles at that and leans into you. You hold your breath waiting for his lips to touch yours, but they don’t. Instead, his forehead rest on yours.

“I want to kiss you and I’m thrilled that you want me to kiss you,” Jungwoo starts off, “but I’m not going to kiss you right now.”

You start to pull away, but Jungwoo places his hand at the back of your head and holds you gently in place and you don’t try to pull away from him. You look into his eyes and wonder what he is thinking.

“Y/n I think that we need to talk about somethings before we take this any farther. I want to do this right and know what we both want and were we stand with everything. So, I’m not going to kiss you right now but once we talk, I promise you the first thing I’m going to do is kiss you.”

“Let’s talk right now then and then get to the good stuff,” you urge him. You love that Jungwoo wants to do this right and that he is being kind and gentle with you. It’s something that you need especially after your last relationship but in this moment all you can think about are his lips touching yours.

“Soon, Jungwoo let’s out a breathy laugh. “Right now, let’s wrap these presents and then when we have a day that’s just the two of us, we’ll talk.”

“Okay as long as it’s soon,” you agree. Jungwoo gives your neck a squeeze and you know that you’ll talk soon.

“Let’s finish these presents.” Jungwoo says as he let’s you go. You straighten back up and move to sit beside Jungwoo. You watch as he goes about measuring the paper for the next present and smile to yourself. Maybe your Christmas gift from Jungwoo would be himself you were hoping so because right now he is the only thing that you want for Christmas.  

After a bad break up you are finally moving into your new place. As you’re moving into your new place you are reflecting on the past month and mostly on how your friendship with Jungwoo has grown and started to change.

Part of the long term couple series. 

             Looking at all the boxes that filled your new apartment a giant smile spread across your face. You were finally free! Never again would you have to worry about walking into your place and seeing your ex and his new girlfriend sitting on the couch making out. You wouldn’t have to sneak out of your room and cautiously make your way towards the bathroom and pray that she wasn’t in there. And best of all you no longer had to keep all your anger in and pretend to be nice. That had to be the worst part of living the last month with your ex. Acting like it didn’t hurt to have his new relationship flaunted in front of you and that it didn’t make your heart ache at times.

           The only thing that had made the last month even slightly bearable was your new friendship with Jungwoo. You weren’t sure at first if you and Jungwoo were going to work as friends. For starters Jungwoo was a lot touchier than you and he liked to communicate, a lot. When you had called him a day later after seeing him at the bakery, he instantly started in on you and how it had taken you to long to reach out to him. Then when you two had hung out in person he was always touching you in someway be it his foot touching your, his arm around your shoulders, he had somehow managed to make sure there was some form of contact between the two of you.

           This had been nice when the two of you were at your shared apartment. When your ex had come in with his girlfriend you had instantly stiffened and Jungwoo had noticed it right away. The arm the was resting casually around your shoulders wrapped tighter around you and pulled you in closer to him. When you looked up at him Jungwoo’s kind eyes were looking down at you.

           “Don’t give him that power,” he whispered, you nodded your head in agreement and gave him a hesitant smile. “Remember he’s not worth your tears.”

           After that things had started to get easier between you and Jungwoo and he had become an important part of your life. Jungwoo was the person that you texted when you were having a bad day or found a funny meme. He was the one who had come with you to all of your showings and helped you decide on the place you were currently standing in. He was also the person who had helped you move and was staying to help you unpack.

           “I think we gained more boxes somehow. Because I do not remember carrying this many boxes out of your old place,” Jungwoo huffed as he dropped the last of your boxes onto the floor without a care in the world. You would have yelled at him if the box wasn’t clearly labeled clothes.

           “I don’t know what to tell you. The number of boxes has not changed. Maybe you’re just getting weak.” You tease Jungwoo as you start to open boxes.

           “No, that is definitely not it,” Jungwoo shook his head as he made his way towards you and peered into the box you had open. Jungwoo didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around your middle and rest his chin on your shoulder. Like you had said Jungwoo was someone who liked contact.

           “Can we please eat first before we continue to unpack. Everyone else got to eat but you and me!” Jungwoo wasn’t wrong when he had brought over his friends to help you unpack you had ordered food for everyone as a thank you, but you hadn’t had a chance to eat. You were to focused on getting everything out of your apartment and Jungwoo had helped you with that. While everyone else waited for you at your new place to unload and carry everything up. Giving them all time to eat. At the mention of food your stomach gave a loud grumbled.

           “Let’s get food.” You laugh as Jungwoo giggles beside you. Before he lets you go, he gives your neck a quick peck and moves away from you to grab his phone. You stare after him as he goes. Jungwoo has never kissed you before and you’re not sure what to make of it.

           “Where do you want to order from?” Jungwoo calls as he scrolls through his phone unfazed but what he just did.

           “Um,” you start causing Jungwoo to look up at you and you feel a blush creep across your face.

           “Why are you blushing?” The question is innocent but there is no way that you are telling Jungwoo that his lips are the reason for your blush.

           “Am I?” You play dumb, “It must just be from all the work we have done. Just ignore it. Order from wherever you’d like you know my order.”

           You go back to the box you were unpacking and listen to Jungwoo as he places your order. He then rejoins you in the living room. Glancing over at him you take in all that his Jungwoo. When you had first met him, you had found him cute but were too heartbroken to really take him in. Then as your friendship started to grow you guess you never really focused on anything but that and mending your broken heart and ego. Now though, as you looked over at Jungwoo you were suddenly very aware of him. And not just in his looks which were suddenly very noticeable to you. Had Jungwoo’s lips always been so soft and plump looking and why did he suddenly seem taller and to move with a gracefulness you hadn’t noticed before.

           “Y/n are you feeling, okay? You’re staring and you look a little flushed?” Jungwoo breaks you out of your trance and your eyes fly to his that are watching you with concern.

           “All good. I think I’m just more tired than I realized, and it’s suddenly hit me,” you tell him.

           “Let’s take a break than. It’s not like you have to get everything unpacked today and I don’t have anything going on tomorrow I can help you then as well.” Jungwoo grabs your hand and pulls you towards the couch. Of course, your tv was set up. The guys had claimed that was something that had to be taken care of right away. Although why it took almost five them to get it set up, you’ll never know.

           Jungwoo pulls you into his side and turns on the tv. He soon finds a mindless show for the two of you to watch. Knowing that right now you are not going to be able to focus on anything new and you like how he knows that without you having to even say it. Halfway through your show your food arrives and it’s exactly what you like. Jungwoo hands you your food with a smile before he returns his attention to the tv.

           “Jungwoo,” you call. He gives you a distracted hm and continues to eat and watch the show.

           “Thank you for all of this.” You tell him as you scoot a little closer to him. Jungwoo looks over at you and studies you for a moment.

           “Why do I feel like you aren’t just thanking me for the food?”

           “Because I’m not.” You admit. “I’m thanking you for everything. For letting me cry at your place the first time we met. For coming to the bakery to check on me and for everything after it. I don’t know what I would have done this past month without you, and I just wanted you to know that I’m thankful for it all.”

           Jungwoo’s face softens at that. He sets down his food and takes yours out of your hands so he can pull you into a hug. You wrap your arms around him and breathe in the scent that is Jungwoo. You don’t know how you had gone on so long without knowing him but you’re glad that you know him now.

           “You don’t have to thank me for being there for you. I’ll always be here for you.” Jungwoo says it with such seriousness that you don’t question it or make a joke. Instead, you just squeeze him a little tighter before pulling away and return to your food and the tv. Jungwoo does the same and for the first time in your friendship you’re the one to initiate contact. You slide closer so you and Jungwoo are touching from hip down. Jungwoo doesn’t say anything, but he does tangle his one leg with yours and you notice the side of his mouth twitch up.
