#jupiter talks


I have some extra time today so send in some asks!

  • <- if you want me to talk about a fic idea
  • <- for a hot take
  • Assumptions about me
  • Ask the author
  • This or That
  • Would You Rather
  • Send me a character you think I’d get along with and why
  • Make me choose (between two characters, two games, two dorms, literally anything!)
  • Ask me anything!!
  • Headcanons you have which I can talk about
  • Even random thoughts!
  • Literally anything!

Even if you think of something not on this list feel free to send it in!

Exciting Upcoming News

For years I have dreamed of making a series of stories that would be able to be read alone, but would have characters who would be seen in multiple stories.

In all honesty I was a coward, I didn’t think anyone would want to read the series. So I just posted the first of the series’ stories and let it be. Not thinking any more about continuing the series.

But after discussing it with my friends, and their support. I am pleased to announce… I will be doing this.

I am so excited to be able to share these with you all.

I hope you enjoy them!

Pls check out Trey’s Fic if you’d like to see


