#just a little factorino





People want goodwork.

I’m so happy that that business is able to afford granting people all those bonuses. Really, great for them!

We’ll just say goodbye to small businesses who can’t afford to pay higher than the minimum wage. Massive corporations don’t care, so you probably shouldn’t either.

Yes, we will.

If you can’t afford to pay your employees, your business deserves to fail.

That’s the entire point.

“But. But. Small businesses!!!”

Aren’t fucking special. People can’t afford to live on minimum wage. The end.

People love to trot out the small businesses or whatever but I’ve worked for a variety of small businesses and here’s the difference:

+ Small Business A, where they care about their employees, treat us like family, value our work and the service they and we provide, and know that they are a seasonal labor force that can’t award certain package offers not only because it’s out of the business model budgets but because we’re a weekends-only 3 month work force.  They pay us above minimum wage and in trade, as well as having agreed discounts with other small businesses during the duration of the season.

+ Small Business B, which overworked and underpaid their employees, had no idea how to manage cash flow operations, disregarded employee and customer feedback, overextended capital for “a good opportunity”, refused to hold employees to any sort of training standard, didn’t maintain a standard form of consistency, had huge spoilage costs, and generally made a mess of themselves.  They had previously failed at another store front and thought a LARGER store front was the answer, despite it being 40 minutes away from their kiosk and only primary cash flow store, and when it, unsurprisingly, started to fail, they ended up losing everything.

It is not the employee’s responsibility to maintain a small business’s operability.  Small business owners that don’t know how to run a business don’t deserve to run a business.  That’s ~the invisible hand of the market~ yall capitalists love to jerk it with so much
