#just leave me alone


I don’t like salmon, I hate salmon. I’ve tried it so many different ways and no just no. But whenever I tell people they always interrogate me, trying to figure out why I don’t like it and wonder if I’ve tried all the different ways of salmon. Yes, yes I have. Just let me hate salmon, thank you.













.,,skekOs, my dear, may I ask you something?

What about?

Oh, I just wanted to ask you how you were doing,.

I am doing rather well, thank you very much.

,,,Why is it you ask?

That is good to know, darling.

I was merely… curious, that is all.

…Ah. I see.

So… how’s your day been,?

…Reasonably acceptably decent,., why?

Can’t a mother ask her daughter basic questions, or have a simple conversation, or something? Must there always be a reason, dear?

,,,Oh please. We hardly ever have “simple conversations” without you having an ulterior motive to do so. What is it this time, Mother? Out with it.

You’re right,. You know me too well… It’s just- I’m worried about you, dear. You haven’t exactly quite been yourself as of late, and- It’s.. Unsettling., to say the least.

Well- I-

Can you blame me? After the breakup, I just- I haven’t quite been myself, no, but-, for good reason..!

And-and now I’m confused as well, because I-

On Instagram there’s no way to beat the bots except for outboting the bots.

I’m just running down the street, having lots of fun
When some smart-butt, thrill seeker yells “run, Forrest, run!”

He giggles to his friends, high fives about the group
And I’m stuck thinking about that stupid piece of poop.

“Run, Forrest, run”? Is it nineteen-ninety-four?
Is that really the best running comment that you have in store?

Our quick, one-sided interaction has me filled with doubt
That anything worth while spills from that person’s spout

This is not just one mere instance of this horrifying sin
But comments such as these are where the crimes truly begin

I’ve been asked “what’s the hurry?”, and “baby, do you need a ride?”
I’ve been hollered at so often I just wish I’d stayed inside

Being yelled at is real scary. Running inside isn’t fun
I’m hoping we can make the world a safer place to run

This little tip I’ll offer you is easy just like pie.
You shouldn’t yell at strangers just because they’re running by

And if you see a runner running, and you think it must be said
Just do the world a favor and please keep it in your head.

#running    #poetry    #harrassment    #cat call    #safety    #fitness    #just leave me alone    #forrest gump    #my work    #tell me what you think    