#just reblogging some favorites




There you were reaching down under the hood of some car you were working on,

“Where are all the rest of the guys?”

“No idea, should be back soon though,” Chucky looked up from his clipboard, “Miss your beau already?”

You looked up at him, shock and amusement slapped across your face, 

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Oh nothing,” he chuckled, walking away.

Okay, so obviously everyone now took notice in the constant flirtation that Chibs showered you in at work. What started out as rare and innocent, turned into a constant cycle of flustered blushing. He was your coworker and in the beginning you didn’t succumb to the peer pressure that was the overly handsome Chibs Telford, but now a days it was getting harder and harder to contain your attraction to the wrench welding Scottish biker. 

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