#just some musings


Just a quick reminder, there is no right and wrong way to play Pokemon! Competitive, casual, shiny hunting, breeding, collecting, contests, excessive use of amie/refresh, nuzlockes… there’s so many ways to enjoy the games and no reason to put others down for it.

Pokemon is pretty great in the way that the difficulty can change according to how you play and what Pokemon you pick. While, a natural challenge would be nice, I do like that there’s ways the players can increase their own gameplays difficulty by placing restrictions.

On that same note, I think features that increase accessibility in games are great. An extra difficulty does not ruin my enjoyment of a game, as I just scroll past the options and pick hard anyway. I get the experience I want, while others that may have never played that game before get a chance to! Difficulty is relative and not everyone is on a level playing field at the start, even with a ‘blank slate’.
