#just trust me okay im a sexyman expert


You know being a veteran sexyman consumer, there’s certainly one detail about Ingo and Emmet’s sexymanification that is… verrrry interesting.

So for those who don’t know, there’s a trope in certain big-name sexymen known as “fandom splintering”:

If you see fan content of a character interacting with alternate versions of the same character like they’re each individuals… it’s this. Specifically refers to treating different fanon/AU versions like they’re individuals. (from the sexyman wiki)

This is most commonly seen in sexymen like the Onceler(treating pre-greedler onceler and post-greedler onceler as 2 different people… and sometimes shipping them- not to mention the mountains of aus_) and Sans(anyone who was into Sans knows I need not go into detail about all the aus)

But here’s the thing… this already exists with submas

People treat their base-game, anime, masters, etc selves as DIFFERENT PEOPLE. WITH UNIQUE PERSONALITIES AND MANNERISMS(because, well, they do act slightly differently in each media) and yes sometimes even have those different selves interact with each other!!! I mostly see this in the Japanese side of the fandom, but I’ve seen some blend over to more western creators as of late

But like take some examples

I don’t really have much of a point to this other than like… man. Submas could REALLY start getting Onceler/Sans treatment if this 2022 submas resurgence takes the whole “au selves” thing and runs with it
