

What Research is Being Done to Further Youth

Do you want to be young forever? Of course you do. Growing old is an experience that many of those in life can’t skip, can’t avoid- that is, unless our lives end early. Old age shouldn’t be looked down on the way it is now. It is a success to grow old. By growing old you’ve shown impressive self management and survival skills in all honesty. Unfortunately the side effects of growing old - like complications with our health, deteriating minds and bodies - make growing old a burden rather than the boost it should be.

In this day and age, more is possible to us than it was to previous generations. As science progresses and great minds think alike over time, the world has written more goals in the cards for us. One of those goals is figuring out how to stay young forever… or longer than we can now.

“Juvenescence has now raised $165 million in just 18 months to fund longevity projects with the lofty goal of extending human lifespans to 150 years.”

tissue regeneration, reversing aging in animals by adding new DNA instructions to their bodies, stem cell research for tissue and organ rejuvenation, lymph nodes regrowing functioning organs in a patient’s body, developing small molecules to extend life spans, delaying the onset or preventing Alzheimers, Parkinsons disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, and other human-related diseases—THIS AND MORE, is being done to change the world, change OUR LIVES.

of course, none of this will matter if we can’t get our planet in order. We have to ensure the long and healthy life of our planet first, and don’t you forget it.

