#józef poniatowski

historyman101:Sword and Sashart by @aminoscribbles Consider this my Christmas present to all of you!


Sword and Sash

art by @aminoscribbles 

Consider this my Christmas present to all of you!

While I haven’t been able to do much writing for the Poniatowski saga, I did manage to get in touch with Ami to commission cover art for the stories. I have to say, seeing her work in progress was always a joy and the final result did not disappoint. In fact, it far exceeded the expectations I had.

Some of you may be wondering who the fair lady is side by side with our Polish Bayard. Allow me to introduce to you this saga’s heroine, Sofia Sadowska. Sofia is not really based on any one person (if anything, she’s sort of an amalgam of the different mistresses Poniatowski had throughout his life), but their romance is both a rocky yet passionate one. Spoiling a bit, but a key running plot is Poniatowski trying to decide which is more important to him: the love of his life, or restoring his homeland.

My hope is in 2022 I’ll be able to work on this saga more and share more of it with everyone on here. In that time, expect me to come back to Ami again to realize key scenes (and believe me, I already have a few lined up in my head). 

Big thanks go to @ami46 for all her hard work and talent. You really surprised me with how well this came out, and I’m very excited to seeing you craft more.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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