

It’s been a while since I had time to sit down and draw, so enjoy a quick Peggy Carter doodle!

About 3 years ago I was commissioned to create a couple of paintings for a novel trilogy, who’s first installment has finally been published!

Tris has worked so hard in creating these epic fantasy novels and it’s surreal to see it physically in my hands with my work and my name in it. I can’t wait to get reading!

Check out “Commit to the kick” by Tris Lawrence now!

Available in Ebook format here

Hard copies currently unavailable, but potentially could be released with the upcoming sequels!

Loved working on this commission I did a little while back of Data from Star Trek as “Venus De Milo”

myevilmouse: I commissioned the amazing @k6034 to do a companion biker!Thrawn piece to my biker!Luke


I commissioned the amazing @k6034 to do a companion biker!Thrawn piece to my biker!Luke.  She delivered this awesomeness.

Loved working on this! I may have to start doing more Biker AU pics…

Post link

Outlined commission I did over lockdown of my two favourite boys

Cas caring for Dean is my weakness
