
artsy-hobbitses: Hey, let’s go! Hey, let’s go! I’m happy as can be Let’s kill Kaiju, you and me Read


Hey, let’s go! Hey, let’s go!
I’m happy as can be
Let’s kill Kaiju, you and me
Ready, set, come on, let’s go!

The army and the Jaegers too
All come out to play
They all want to explore
Blow monsters back to the depths all day!

Look at all my many friends
Ready, set, let’s go!


I regret nothing :B
Blame it on My Neighbor Del Toro Guillermo Del Totoro

Larger version here!

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True love never dies! Okay, so I’m messing around with Zazzlecom to make some mugs and other s

True love never dies!

Okay, so I’m messing around with Zazzlecom to make some mugs and other such silly things.

I’ve added a few images just to try it out, but the store takes FOREVER to show any of the merchandise. (So don’t be surprised if you don’t see anything in my store.)

I do, however, have a few links to some mugs I made this morning, including the Christmas Kaidonovskys:




Again, totally up for suggestions, thoughts, ideas.

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