
yukimuraruki-art:Don’t Repost, Trace, Recolor or change this drawing in any way without permission


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Find this card on my gallery on kakaokarten.de

Size: 8,9cm x 6,4 cm (scan at 300 dpi)
Medium: Copic Paper, copics, colour ink and ink brushes
ACEO/KaKAO No.: #1
Status: 5/5 available - contact me per ask for discussions
Series: Digimon (Adventure 02)
Characters: Inoue Miyako (Yolei), Hawkmon

This is one of the request I have got on Tumblr, for “shortening down the time until Digimon Adventure Tri part 3 Kokuhaku is released”, so if you want to request any characters/digimon or a setting for (preferably) Adventure, Adventure 02 or Tri (or even the other spin-offs) don’t hesitate and let me know (until September 24th). I will try to turn requests into Aceos.

So Miyako and Hawkmon was one of the requests. Recently (I guess mostly because of my own fanfic) I came to like Miyako more than I used to like her. She was indeed one of my least favourite ones, but lately I kind of got behind her character and learned to like her a lot more than I used to do. So I was very happy to get the request.
I wanted to make them appear in a cozy homely setting. Miyako tells him an old bed-time story which her eldest brother used to read for her, but as she can’t remember asolutely everything her version became way more adventurous. Hawkmon is fascinated by her tale. 

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