


“Coffee might not be the friend of man, but it is the enemy of sleep and sometimes that is enough.” - Kandomere, at some point.

So much badassery going on in one picture .  (Whoever is running the Instagram account for Bright ne

So much badassery going on in one picture . 

 (Whoever is running the Instagram account for Bright needs a pay raise !!!!)

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Steady as the old oak tree through many a storm and fire; oh lover mine,

Let not your bow be bent or broken how’er the winds do howl;

Nor let the flames touch your heart; oh lover mine,

Strong as the rock that sits in the sea; oh lover mine,

Let not the torrent tides wither away all that you are;

No matter how they threaten; oh lover mine,

Gentle as the flower which dances in the breeze; oh lover mine,

Let your touch be soft and kind;

Now open your arms and wrap me in your embrace; oh lover mine,

Warm as the sun shedding it’s light in each new day; oh lover mine,

Let your light be your love,

Allow it to be ever present as is my love for you, even on your darkest of days; oh lover mine.

Can someone read this to me
